Flipping Out - Ch 4

"Flipping Out" (A Society of Weres story) 
written by Gryphbear

Chapter 4

Shawn sat at the edge of his bed, with his face buried in his hands. He had no energy today -- from catching nearly no sleep. What rest he could snatch were plagued by erotic dreams of Matt.

It was a wonder he hadn't gone mad...and a slight part of him occasionally wondered if he hadn't already done so. The last three days had passed like an eternity ever since he called in sick, and never went back.

Shawn had started to feel that some of his co-workers were being nosy -- prying where they shouldn't, and more than usual. It had made him feel trapped and uneasy. He had nothing to tell them -- since he hadn't seen Matt since that night.

A fresh wave of aching pain swept through him -- it'd been almost a week since he met Matt...

Anger and frustration exploded against each other in his thoughts.

I should have never interviewed him -- should have turned tail and run! I would've been safe then...

The radio started playing a romantic soundtrack from the film 'Casablanca'. Shawn was too wrapped up in his thoughts to pay much attention. He only registered that they were playing a nice melody.

He stood up, suddenly keyed up and wanting to throttle something, then his ears caught some of the words from the song.

'And man must have his mate, that no one can deny.'

Shawn stared, his face white with shock as the next words echoed out of the radio.

'It's still the same old story, A fight for love and glory, A case of do or die...'

His face twitched as despair nearly overwhelmed him -- he'd never get Matt. He'd be alone forever. Anger mounted and welled up furiously inside his heart as he glared at the offender to remind him of what he didn't have.

Shawn felt his canines dropping rapidly as his eyes went full gold. He yanked the radio off the table and with a snarl of defiance and pain, threw it against the wall. The radio never had a chance as it shattered into multiple pieces.

He stalked out of his apartment, not caring or heeding if it was locked. Once outside, he started running.

* * *

Meribel leaned forward, not keeping the surprise off her face. "Did I hear you right? Elder Holms!?"

Matt looked at her, and shrugged. "Yeah. What about it?"

Meribel counted silently to ten before she spoke. "We have to get you back to the Society -- as soon as possible."

Matt sighed, feeling uneasy, but saw no reason to be. "I guess. Can I shower first?" He really didn't want to go back there, although if they knew how to stop those erotic dreams -- or tone them down...

Meribel chuckled lightly. "You better -- It'll be easier to drive you without holding my nose."

Matt frowned and shook his head, scowling half-heartedly. "Pest."

Meribel laughed as Matt went into the bathroom. She sobered up after a moment.

She was concerned -- everything she saw going on in Matt confirmed that there was only one thing that could be doing this -- the beginnings of a pre-mating between Weres. It was a special time, and usually rare -- where two Weres would find a perfect match in each other. But this was different...

She knew one thing -- it would get worse if it were delayed too long. She was surprised that Matt even showed any signs of it, since he hadn't been Turned yet.

The shower stopped, then Matt got himself ready within several minutes. He came out of the bedroom, with damp hair, a t-shirt, and clean jeans.

Meribel dragged Matt out to her car, and got them on their way.

* * *

Roger stood outside the door, wondering if he should knock for the last ten minutes. On the other side of the door was Elder Holms who had requested a full meditative lockdown. That meant that no one was to disturb him unless in direst emergencies.

The room was also padded -- the walls and floor, to help Weres vent their issues safely.

Roger could hear loud cursing and snarling, and thumping around. He sighed. He ran a hand through his brown hair, and decided that the Elder wouldn't be rational enough. The matter could wait. He left, hurrying his steps away from the room.

The thumping ceased and a heavy thud could be heard only right by the door.

* * *

Meribel was weaving through traffic, watching Matt exhibit further signs of exhaustion, making him doze off. His color looked like it was starting to pale even more. Snapping open her cellphone, she dialed the Society's number, and listened to it ring impatiently.

A deeply masculine voice replied, "Hello, this is the Society of Weres. How may I help?"

Meribel growled out her name. "Meribel Watson -- Is Elder Holms there by any chance?"

The male voice on the other end suddenly sounded perturbed. "Umm, yes. He's kinda indisposed."

Meribel frowned. This guy was being evasive, which bugged her. "What the hell do you mean indisposed? My friend was interviewed last week by him -- and he's in bad shape. He never went through the full induction."

The voice hesitated before speaking. "Bad shape?" He hesitated for a minute longer, then whispered low enough. "...The Elder's going nuts for some reason... I haven't the faintest clue why... but that's what's been going around lately."

Meribel cussed loudly through the phone, and snarled. "Fucking hell! They're both going through pre-mating... but Matt's not feeling the brunt of it. He's looking more pale at the moment. I'm just about to get there."

The male voice stumbled over his words. "Oh..my god. Get here as soon as you can, and I'll take you to the meditation room he's in."

Meribel snapped the phone closed without another word, and focused on getting there.

Matt found himself waking up slightly, but feeling incredibly weak, and unwilling to move.

She parked by the sidewalk in front of the main doors of the Society. She rushed out of the car to open Matt's door, and tried to wake him up to at least force him to walk.

Bleariness swamped Matt's head, as someone was shaking his shoulder rather hard. He mumbled incoherently, then another shake managed to get Matt's head working again.

They were at the Society. Shawn...

The last thought was wrapped up in painful yearning, and fear suddenly held him back.

Matt dimly shook his head slightly, but Meribel wouldn't have it, and dragged him out of the car to his feet. He stumbled slightly, still feeling woozy and exhausted, but Meribel's hand remained on his arm.

His thoughts were jumbled, but one remained about his best friend.

What would he do without her -- she was his strength in his times of need.

Matt felt himself grow slowly steadier the moment they were inside for some odd reason. Meribel didn't let go until they reached the reception desk.

She slapped a hand on the desk, not waiting for the receptionist to look up. "Where's the Elder?"

The swarthy guy's eyes widened in alarm and scrambled to his feet. "Oh, He's in meditation room 114."

Meribel nodded. "Thanks. Let's go, Matt."

Matt followed her obediently, not sure exactly what to expect. He was vaguely surprised to find himself a bit more stronger the closer he seemed to get, but he did still have trouble keeping a straight path.

She led him down a hallway and to the left into another hallway, before stopping at Room 114. Meribel glanced at him with pity as Matt was broadcasting fear through his smell.

Matt shook his head, and whispered. "No... I can't go in...I can't do it."

Meribel had an angry retort on her lips. "It's too damn late for that." She yanked the door open, and shoved Matt inside before he could react.

She closed the door right after, and locked it.

Matt was sent stumbling backwards, as he fell onto his butt. He protested weakly. "Hey!"

* * *

Shawn lay crumbled on the floor, unconscious, and nearly naked. He had a lightly colored tank top and some shorts on him. He had deemed it necessary to strip down to basics, yet maintain some modesty.

Dim awareness of a familiar scent drifted into his dreams.


He was weak as a newborn pup, and struggled inside the blackness in his mind.

The smell was all around him now -- he inhaled deeply, and found strength returning -- a crumb at a time.

With his inner will, he took those morsels of power and gave himself a path to awakefulness.

Matt? Is that really you? Have you really come back to me?

* * *

Matt had turned around, and gasped in worry. Shawn looked very ill. And furry. He hesitated before forcing himself to move. He was about to touch his shoulder to make sure he was alright.

He froze as Shawn suddenly moaned in a low voice, and stirred. His head shifted slightly, as his hands tried to push himself off the floor.

"Matt? Is that you...?"

Matt pushed aside his fear, and nodded. "Yeah."

Shawn gritted his teeth, and managed to get himself off the floor using his arms, but it wouldn't last. "Help me sit up."

Matt did it without thinking -- by lending his support for Shawn to settle into a sitting position. He was about to pull back, when Shawn shook his head. "Please... Let me at least hold your hand."

Matt held his tongue, never mind that it was glued to the top of his mouth, at the fur that splayed out from the tanktop. This made him feel uneasy, but the tired eyes of the Were still held his gaze as he started to get entranced. He broke away, suddenly embarrassed but spoke quietly. "Are you alright now?"

Shawn laughed softly. "...Getting there." He grew serious. "What the hell were you thinking?"

Matt opened and closed his mouth without another word. He wasn't sure exactly what was going through his mind.

Shawn pressed the matter by asking another question. "What are you so afraid of? I can smell it all over you at the moment."  He rubbed the top of Matt's hand softly. "You can tell me. I'm as weak as a newborn wolf. I'm unlikely to attack you at the moment." Shawn grinned toothily, then let the smile fade.

The truth was that Shawn was feeling almost tip-top already, but he had just almost lost Matt, and wanted to move things slowly until Matt was ready.

Matt was half-way distracted by the caressing, and he had just done several days of searching. "I felt a bit overwhelmed... I dunno. I mean, I... I loved our date. But it seemed like it was moving too fast."

Shawn saw tears of shame begin to fall down Matt's face. "A-and I ... I thought you might have hated me and never wanted to talk to me again...after I left. I just figured if I stayed away... it'd be fine."

The Were choked up and tightened his grip around Matt's hand. "God, no. Hon, I could never hate you." He blinked, with a smile of reassurance, hoping Matt wouldn't notice that slip just yet.

He continued gamely. "I want to spend time with you -- fuck you, kiss you, get to know you."

Matt stared at Shawn in disbelief, then blushed in shyness. "...Really?"

Shawn felt exasperation seep in as he rolled his eyes slightly. "Yes! Although I wouldn't mind getting started with the fucking..." He had a cheeky grin on his face.

Matt couldn't help but return the smile, feeling his face redden further.

His grin dimmed, but still stayed. He spoke with formality, despite sitting on the floor. "We still have your induction to finish... It would be a honor to have you as my date for this weekend, if you will accept."

Matt felt warm and soft inside, as Shawn spoke. He wasn't quite sure on the induction business, but... who could resist an invitation like that?

"I accept."

[To be continued]

Next: Chapter 5


  1. Hello Gryphbear! Cool story, and cool blog. :D I should really update my version of WP on my site, and uninstall b2evolution, and install another version of WP that will take over for b2evolution's issues.

  2. Heh :) You could have put that in my Intro post ;)


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