Flipping Out - Ch 3

"Flipping Out" (A Society of Weres Story)
written by Gryphbear

Chapter 3

The awkward silence drew out, while Matt racked his brain to figure out what to say or do. Once decided, he got to his knees, and crawled closer, touching Shawn's hunched shoulder. "Tell me?"

Shawn gritted his teeth, and pulled away, feeling guilty. I shouldn't let him touch me, or me him. Not yet. As it was, the light touch had sent a shudder of lust to his loins. He had to bite his lip in order to stifle his moan.

He exhaled deeply. "Please. Don't touch me until I'm done explaining."

Matt's hand withdrew sharply, feeling uncertain, and wisely kept his hands to himself.

Shawn's voice had a slight edge of huskiness as he spoke.

His throat was tight as he forced the words out haltingly. "The roommate picking thing I mentioned earlier... well, that was a tiny white lie. Basically, if you had found someone intensely attractive -- and they liked you -- you two would go on a date..."

He continued in a listless tone, his words sounding worse to him now.

"...Then they ...usually sleep together. Heightened emotions help trigger the change, especially if the partner is a Were."

He trailed off into silence.

Matt knelt there, staring at Shawn, with confusion and growing anger.

"Did you just use me to get into my pants?"

Shawn twisted his body to face Matt, vehement denial written on his face. "No! I didn't bring you here just for that."

Matt crossed his arms in scornful disbelief. "...."

Shawn held his hands out in appeal. "This is the way Weres do it nowdays... I promise you on the word of an Elder. I... There are other ways to get Turned, but... this is the most pleasurable."

Matt's anger dwindled enough for him to listen. "...Like what?"

Shawn sighed and let his hands drop. "... Fear... Blood-sharing... As I said, heightened emotions will enhance the Turning."

Matt glanced down and frowned. "So... why did you not just tell me?"

Shawn closed his eyes briefly, then opened them. "I let my Were side take over. You drive me crazy. And I wanted you to have the choice because of that. Most Weres probably would tumble you, and may never speak to you again, or end up only friends... I ... I wanted to make your night ...special."

He smiled weakly, then leaned back slightly. "Plus, I wanted to make sure you were still willing...now that you know."

Matt felt a bit dubious -- yes, this guy seemed to want to do the right thing by him, but a small part inside of him whispered to run away. They clicked on so many levels tonight, but now that he knew the entire truth.

He felt guilty about it, but he knew he had to leave.

Matt unhappily tore his gaze away from Shawn. "...I'm sorry. I need time to think."

Shawn surpressed and forced back the surprise along with the disappointment. He felt curiously numb, and detached at that moment. "Of course. I should take you back to the Society."

* * *

The car ride was taut with awkward sexual tension. Matt nodded slightly in farewell, and left the car without another word. Shawn finally surrendered his iron-fist control over his emotions.

Shawn ground his teeth, feeling his canines grow lengthier and his hands sprout fur. He sped off, not quite mindful of the speed limit, but he managed to get himself under control after getting out of range.

Matt sat at the wheel of his car, feeling more confused.

There was a chance that yes, this guy just wanted to screw him and help him Turn, but it seemed like they had connected quite well today. Shawn had seemed more earnest to make the Turning a more memorable time for both of them...

And the implication was that perhaps Shawn wanted more than a tumble...?

God knows, he was lonely. And the worst thing was Shawn probably hated him now and didn't want to see him again...

He thumped his head on the steering wheel, then slowly drove home.

* * *

Several days passed uneventfully for Matt, still stewing in his apartment alone. He had called in sick today, even though he wasn't ill. He alternated between cursing at himself, and lying on the couch listlessly. His nights were vastly different. Matt's dreams were tormented by slow seductive dreams featuring Shawn.

For Shawn, it was a different story.

As he reached his place, he went into a violent fit and threw several glass trinkets he had lying around on his shelves. His eyes flared into full golden, and his body shifted in bulk, while the rage gave him an added boost of strength. Thoughts of irrationality swept through his Were-induced mind.

How dare Matt deny him?! He should have mated him against his will!

Pain registered in his senses as he found himself pounding on the marble mantle on the fireplace.

Fear shot through him as the realization of what he had just done, then tiredness swamped him.

He slid to the floor, with a low grunt, then slept uneasily.

Over the next few days, he alternated between lethargy and irrationality.

* * *

It was almost a week before Meribel got fed up with not hearing from her friend in so long -- she had dropped by Matt's workplace, to find he'd called in sick for the last 5 days.

She was worried -- even if Matt wasn't her mate -- she cared for him deeply -- and they always at least talked on the phone every other day or so. It'd been too long without any contact, and she was deeply curious about what happened with his interview.

Meribel walked up to the apartment door, and knocked.

She extended her hearing, frowning as she could pick up the volume of the television, and some rustling, and a single heartbeat that reminded her of Matt. Someone was home. Pulling back her Were-senses, she called out at the door. "Open up, It's Meribel."

She heard footsteps thudding near the door, and the lock turning. The door opened without Matt peeking out. "Come in."

The first thing that struck her was that Matt stank, as if he hadn't showered in a week. The second was he had no Were smell. And on top of all that was Matt's strange behavior -- depression.

She frowned. There was no way he could have gotten turned away... She entered the apartment, and closed the door behind her.

Meribel's eyes adjusted to the gloom -- even though it was mid-afternoon and sunny.

Matt had flopped himself back on the couch while dressed in rumpled clothing.

Meribel's worry bled into her voice. "What the hell happened?"

Matt stared dully at Meribel, then shrugged. "Um... I got accepted."

Meribel started to grin. "Congrats... Isn't that what you wanted?"

Another piece of the puzzle slightly slid into place -- something must have happened during the induction...

She cleared some of the clutter off the coffee table and sat down. She had a serious look on her face. "What is it?"

Matt slowly looked at her with an expression that looked heartbroken and deeply confused. "I... I don't know. I mean, yes. It was.'

He glanced at his hands and then let them drop to his knees. A soft exhale left his lips before he spoke again. He focused on Meribel, feeling slightly irrationally angry. His voice hardened into accusation. "...Tell me the truth -- Do all Weres Turn others through sex?"

Meribel paused, feeling distressed. "...Yes. We find it the best way to ease them into Were culture."

Matt appeared to regain part of his spirit, glaring at her. "And you didn't think to tell me at all? What makes it a big secret?!"

Meribel's body language was that it seemed as if her ears had flattened backwards in unease.

"Because if it got out that Weres could Turn anyone during sex -- there might be a panic. We want it to be reserved to those who can become a Were, and are willing..."

Matt rubbed his eyes and grunted reluctantly. "Fine. I'll give you that."

She laid a concerned hand on Matt's knee and furrowed her eyebrows. "So, um, why haven't you Turned by now?"

Matt scowled at her, and glanced at the television again. His words were mumbled, too low to be heard by most people, was easily discerned by her sensitive ears. "I didn't sleep with him. I told him I had to think. Now I can't get him out of my head..."

Meribel leaned closer, and asked quietly. "Get who out?"

Matt looked at her with a blank look, then blinked. "Oh. Shawn... Shawn Holms."

Meribel blinked in stunned surprise.

[To be continued]

Next: Chapter 4


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