Surprise!: An Extracurricular Activities Fic: Chapter 1

Author's note: Big Kudos for DyneWulf for creating his Extracurricular Activities game. It's awesome - you can find it at :)  

If you feel like supporting him, it's definitely worth it :) I was inspired by a snippet of information he'd shared about Chester's birthday being the 5th of July - and it was around June 25th when I started. Unfortunately it took me a month or so to actually finish it - so Chester's Gift was a wee bit late. ;) 

Plus - this story is going to be largely PG-13 veering on R. Enjoy! 

Day 25: June

I'm lounging against the headboard on Chester's bed, watching him play another Elder Parchments game.

He grumbles off and on at the dialogue, but I don't mind since I have an excellent view of his backside, and his gently swaying tail. It's so hypnotizing, especially the base of the tail resting over plump cheeks covered skin-tight leopard briefs.

I blush and tear my gaze away when Chester looks back at me and asks, "Hey, wanna play this a bit?"

He grins cheekily at me. "Try not to set everything on fire this time around, eh?"

I groan. "That was my first time! I didn't know what to do!"

Chester laughed. "True." He raises his brows as his gaze travels down my body. His smile widens, as he turns around. "I think I see why you like laying back there… Do you like the view?"

I squirmed under his hungry gaze, realizing I had popped a boner, and grabbed a pillow, covering myself in embarrassment.

Chester pouted, and started crawling onto the bed, and straddled my legs. He leaned down and kissed me, softly, then with more heat behind it. He shoved the pillow aside, and pressed his bulk against mine.

I groan under his kisses, and my hands find myself roaming down his back to his meaty ass. I start kneading it, eliciting a muffled squeak of surprise from the bull.

He breaks off the kiss with a frustrated, and pained moan. "P-please - don't. T-that's a sensitive spot f-for me…"

My eyes widen as I feel Chester's heat pressed against me and it's rock hard. I wrap my arms around his waist and squeeze him to me. I grin up at the bull a bit flirtatiously. "Oh really? I'm not sorry, and you're gorgeous, every bit of you."

Chester reddens, but doesn't move, instead, caresses my face with his hands. "H-heh. Thanks. So are you."

I groan in annoyance, as my phone goes off. I reach for my phone on the bed, and stare at it stupidly. Is it already that time? My eyes widen. "Oh damn! We have to go to work soon. Like in about two hours."

Chester flings himself off me with abnormal grace for someone so clumsy. "Oh! Crap. At least you got that reminder thing going - it helps keep us on time, doesn't it?" He grins crookedly at me, and I'm still staring at his package, which is jutting out almost obscenely, then I tear my gaze up to his face. He shakes his head with a cheerful smile. "Hey! My eyes're up here! Heh." He adjusts himself in front of me, without realizing he should be embarrassed.

I turn red. "I know! I know!"

Chester huffs affectionately. "R-right! We should shower. Did you remember to pack work clothes, or do I gotta take you back to your place?"

I grin. "I packed it in my bag. We're all set. So - um… do you want to shower together?" I climb off the bed, and raise my brows. 

Chester groans. "Dammit. I want to - but - "N-no! I don't feel comfortable with that - especially when he's home."

I sigh with a small nod, and a teasing grin. "Heh, I know. Maybe Andrew should step out for a hour?" I walk up to Chester, and drape my arms around his neck, then kiss him on the nose. "We're boyfriends, you know."

Chester looks really flustered, and presses his forehead against my shoulder. "Argh! You know I can't ask him to do that…" He pulls away, and looks at me silently, then shakes his head with a strained grunt. "I-I'll go first." He heads out of his room with an awkward gait to take his shower, but not before I see his evident interest.

Poor Bull. I probably shouldn't tease him so much. Ever since we had that wet spot incident in the hotel room… and Andrew catching us in mid-grind on this very bed…  But it is fun to tease him a bit. 

* * * * *

We arrive at the Arcade about fifteen minutes early, despite leaving a hour before work was to start. Chester is out the door before he thought about making something for us, so rather than return to the apartment, he suggests a cafe near campus that I'd never heard about. When I mention I'd never heard of it, he grins, and leads me there, while riding our bikes.

We have a nice lunch there - which is quick, and affordable, to my surprise.

With about twenty or so minutes left, Chester hurriedly pays for the bill before I can object, and we are on our way to the Critical Strike Arcade. It takes us about five minutes to get to work.

We both clock in, and go about doing our work for a while, when Mr B. shows up next to me. "Hey, would ye mind coming to the office fer a minute?"

I pause in cleaning up some random litter another teenager had left behind a machine. I dispose of it, then I smile at the older canine. "Sure thing, Boss." I notice Chester eyeing us for a moment, then with a shrug, returned to his work helping a customer try out a new machine.

He and I go into the office, and he hands me a personnel file. I frown, and look at the name. I hold out the file toward him. "Why are you giving me Chester's file?"

Mr. B chuckles. "Since ye two seem to have hooked up, Ah thought Ah'd show ye somethin'. Have a look. Check his bio."

I groan, pinching the bridge of my nose with my other hand. "I guess we're not that subtle, are we?" 

He shakes his head with a wide grin. "Sorry, but yer not. I don' care tho'. He seems happy wi' ye, so… look at his file, eh?" 

I look down at the file with a frown, and open it to the first page. The first thing that pops out at me is Chester's birthday is … Wait? In a week and a half?! I abruptly look up at him. "Hey! His birthday is coming up on July 5th-"

Mr. B grins. "Bingo."

My frown deepens, as I start thinking rapidly, then setting the folder down on the desk. Damn. I need to do something for Chester - like… a party, with the rest of the tennis club. I'm pretty sure he'd love it. I wonder if I could host a party here…? I know we could, but it is rather short notice. We usually need two or three weeks advance notice… "Hmm. I should throw him a party. Maybe a surprise party. But -"

Mr B chuckles, sitting down behind the desk, then putting the folder away in the filing cabinet. "Ah, that's a smart idea. Which brings me to my suggestion - Have tha party here. Seeing as you didn't know when his birthday was, and a week and a half ain't a lot of time to find a place to do it - Ye could do it here for free, for my two hardest working employees. That's if ye wanted. He does have the day off on the 2nd, and the 5th, if Ah recall…" He checks the computer, and brings up the schedule, and nods in confirmation. "Yep. He does. But if ye wanted, ye could have the party on either day. They're both free either day." 

I stare at my boss, surprised he'd be so generous. "Really?"

Mr B grins. "Sure! The only catch is you guys gotta buy the drinks and food from here. But… if ye have any dishes ye wanna bring…Ah don't see a problem with it. It's not usually done but yer one of mah best people." He chuckles with amusement.

I blink in surprise. He's giving me permission to bring stuff? I nod absently, my mind now racing with ideas. I wonder if he'd like if I recreated the baked spaghetti recipe for him and the guys? I'd have to talk to Andrew and see what he thinks and maybe twist his arm into joining us. It'd take a bit of planning...

I finally look at Mr. B and smile. "Thanks! And I'll need to figure out some things but I think I'll reserve one of the rooms you have. I do have a baked spaghetti dish I wanted to bring. He taught me how to make it. Heh. It was my first cooking lesson." 

Mr B claps his hand together in glee. "Great! Ah'll go ahead and reserve the lounge under my name. It shouldn't raise any suspicions and Ah'll be tha list holder so Ah can admit ye and yer friends in. What time do ye want to have the party?"

I shake my head. "I'm not sure yet - but let's hold the room for the second. I should know more in a couple days - I need to contact the others on the team first."

The older canine chuckles with a nod. "Fine, fine. Consider it done. Let mah know when ye have more concrete details, eh? Ye should get back to work, Ah wager… Chester's prolly wonderin' what's going on. Best go reassure him." He grins widely.

I nod, and make my way out of the office. I'm soon ambushed by Chester as I try to decide where to pick up the slack. He wraps his arms around my waist, startling me with a blush creeping up my cheeks. He hugs me tight, then releases me, turning me around.

"Heeey! What'd the boss want?"

I panic for a moment. Crap, I better think of an excuse - no, better stick to mostly the truth.  I chuckle weakly. "Oh! Um, he wanted my opinion on a party he's thinking of hosting in about two weeks. Asked me if I'd consider managing that day."

Chester grins. "That's cool. I wonder what his party is for?"

I shrug. "Your guess is good as mine -" I grin at him. "I was just trying to figure out where to start again."

Chester gestures to a set of arcade machines. "I think some teenagers left a mess there - "

I groan. "Thanks, Ches. I'll take care of that. I'll see you soon." I glance around seeing that it is relatively empty and no one's looking, then kiss him on the snout, making him blush, before heading over to clean up Yet Another Mess.

He grins and heads off in another direction.

* * * * *

At the end of my shift, I clock out along with Chester. We head out behind the gaming lounge, and unlock our bikes. I watch him fiddling with his lock, then sigh pensively.

I pause, attaching the lock to my bike. "Ches…? What's on your mind?"

He stands up straight and rests his hand on his bike seat. "U-um… I was - I was wondering if… you'd like to stay with me tonight? Dinner and… well…I thought, er, we'd share the bed, er, watch a movie or something… I mean, we have practice tomorrow in the afternoon."

I raise my brow. Sleeping with Chester in his bed? I was willing and eager. I knew Andrew wouldn't like it a lot, but we'd leave the bedroom door open if we had to… "That'd be great - but wouldn't Andrew be uncomfortable - Maybe I should stay on the couch tonight?"

He grits his teeth. "No. No, I'll let him know you're staying with me. I've been thinking about it today."

"Ches… I don't want to make him hate me - or make him think I'm anything like Vernon…"

The bull snorted. "You're *nothing* like him. I'm so happy you're here. He'll have to accept my decision to keep you in my bed - no matter what. He probably will be fine, since he's warming up to you."

I blush. "Really? You think so?" 

Chester nods with a warm smile. "Yes, he is. But - I want to do more with you than… getting each other off… No more stuff like the hotel room…"  He turns beet red, as he focuses on his lock, trying to unlock it. 

I feel myself blushing fiercely. "Oh. Well - er… I'm not sure you'll fit, and I… like how you make a mess. Although at least now you're not doing it in your sleep…" I grin teasingly at him, and watch him splutter and start getting irate in annoyance.

Chester grits his teeth, and slaps the seat. "H-hey! I thought I said to not mention it!"

I cross my arms with an impish grin. "Well, it just meant that you were so frustrated, you painted my entire backside." I grin widely. "Not that I minded. I just wish I hadn't missed it…"

Chester groaned and shook his horns. "Geeze." He softens into a mischievous grin. "At least now you have seen it a few times." 

I nod, leaning in with a soft whisper. "As always, it's impressive to see, and feel it all over me." I watch the bull's face turn red, as he finally unlocks his bike. I decide it's time to change the subject. "So, you mentioned dinner? What'd you have in mind? Or do you want me to cook again?" 

Chester mock-groaned at the thought of me cooking. "I think it'll be better if I cooked, heh. I still haven't given you that many cooking lessons. But you're somewhat competent at the dishes you know."

I pull my bike out of the stand and grinned at him. "I might surprise you someday." Straddling my bike seat, I started pedaling in a lazy circle, waiting for him. "Coming, Ches? First person to your place cooks!" I watch him panic and hurriedly pull his bike free and get on it. 

We race to his apartment and I lose by a hair mostly because he played dirty by distracting me and power-pedaling further ahead. 

After locking up our bikes, We were both sweaty as we walked up to his door. "No fair distracting me by saying that old man was about to cross the road! But I guess I still win by getting your awesome cooking." I chuckle softly as he pants a little before letting us in. 

He replies shooting me a victorious smile. "Of course. You're not at my level yet." He darts inside and calls out. "Andrew, I'm home."

I trail inside behind him as the older bull emerges from his room and smiles at me. "Hello, how was your day?" I nervously smile at Andrew. He's usually polite, but tonight, he seems even more friendly toward me. I shrug. "It was … fine? Same as usual? Yours?"

Andrew shrugged, and wafted his hand in front of his nose. "Same. Chester, why don't you take a shower? I can smell you from here. I'll keep your boyfriend company."

Chester looked torn, and gave in rather easily. "Alright. I'll grab mine first." He shoots me a look, before heading into the bathroom.

Andrew nodded silently, and waited until the shower started running before turning to me. "So. I'm assuming you are staying for dinner?"

I nod. "If that's okay? I think he wants me to stay the night as well. I mean, I know I've been sort of over here quite a bit lately… I-I'm not sure if you're comfortable with-"

Andrew looks impatient as he waves that away. "It's fine. I did tell you that you were welcome here anytime. Now - I have to ask a question of you - Um… Did you know - Chester… has a birthday coming up…?" He looks a bit hesitant, as he falls into silence.

I nod at him. "Right. I just found out today. Why?"

Andrew looks a bit more relaxed now. "Ah. And, do you have any plans? The reason I ask is because I could use some ideas for celebrating it. I'm not very good at planning these things. It is his 25th…"

I bite my lower lip. "I do have an idea. I was thinking a surprise party. He seems to like surprises. I was thinking the 2nd."

Andrew nods with a pleased smile. "Yes! I think he'd like that but it's very short notice to find a place and we don't have enough room for whoever you have in mind to invite. I will make sure I can have that day off. The 2nd, you said? Ah, that will definitely be a surprise." 

I chuckle. His brother really cares about Chester… "Ah! Don't worry about the place. My boss already reserved the room for that day. I just have to decide on what time. Let's exchange numbers. That way we can keep each other updated." We enter each other's personal numbers into our own phones. I look up at him with a nod. "Thanks. I was thinking of inviting the tennis team and our Coach. If you know anyone else he'd like to see there, let me know and I'll try to get them to come."

Andrew looks at me doubtfully. "Have you planned a party before?" 

I shake my head, but speak quickly. "Not really, but I'm not planning something for two hundred people." I grin at Andrew's worried look.

The shower stops running, then we exchange glances. 

Andrew nods at me. "True. Keep me updated." 

Chester pops out into the living room with just a shirt and zebra-styled underwear. 

He grins at both of us. "What's up? It's your turn."

Andrew's phone had disappeared as he shrugs. "Nothing. I decided to ask him to put me in his contacts so if he can't reach you for some reason or something happens then he can contact me."

Smooth. He looks so composed I would have believed him if we hadn't just been talking. 

Chester shrugs with a wide grin. "Oh really? That's cool. I should get started on dinner. Did you eat, Andrew?" He glances at me and all but pushes me toward the bathroom. "You go ahead and take your shower."

I head into the hall leading to the bathroom. I pop into the shower and wash up hastily. I didn't think Andrew would spill the beans that quickly but I didn't know him as well as I did Chester. I pushed that doubt out of my mind. No. He should be okay keeping a secret. He loves his brother. 

After I finish, there's a set of clothes laid out on the counter. It puzzles me for a moment before I smack myself in the head. It looks like more of Chester's smaller shirts and shorts. Crap. That's right - I should have gone home to get some clothes. I should remind myself to bring some clothes here, and leave them, but… I don't want them to think I'm trying to move in. I'm not sure I'm ready to leave the Shelter yet, although work's going great… Maria's been kinda nudging me to move out though, ever since I got the managerial position. 

I look at the over-sized shirt and underwear. I pick it up with a sigh. I guess he checked on me and realized I didn't have any extra clothing. I was in a hurry, and I forgot. That was sweet of him. But - he's so … big. Although - it's more comfortable… Maybe because it has his smell on it? I bring his underwear to my nose, and inhale deeply. It smells almost like Chester, and soap. 

His undies are roomy, but I slip them on, then my pants over that, since I'm not that comfortable with showing anything off right now. His t-shirt is pretty cute, and it has the Steel Ox warrior print on it. I'm suddenly reminded of the day I had to clean the office. I wonder if he's bought one of those already? I should check the street date launch on those figures and maybe block them or hide them until I give him one. I should check his closet tonight. I think it'd be an awesome gift. 

I run into Andrew in the living room. Delicious smells waft into the room. Chester must be cooking. 

Andrew stares at me with a hint of warning. "Chester's told me what he plans tonight. I can't really protect him and he seems to adore you so…" He sighs after a moment. "As I said before. Don't hurt him." This time his voice sounded resigned, as he smiles softly at me.

Andrew must be definitely warming up to me if he's not acting as ominous regarding me and Chester. I stare at him in surprise, then shake my head as my cheeks redden a little. "I've told you before that I have no intention of hurting him. He said something about a movie..." At least for now. 

Andrew nods in acceptance, and he lowers his voice, leaning toward me, keeping an eye out toward the kitchen. "Alright. So, what are some of your plans for his surprise?" 

I speak softly. "Er, I was going to, ah, recreate my first cooking lesson by making him baked spaghetti - and stuff. I still have to ask Maria for help with some of it, but I do have his recipe. I can have an open bar but I'm not sure if I want to." 

Andrew grins. "That's… sort of romantic. Let me know if you need anything. And having a open bar is fine. I used to bartend in my younger days. Maybe I could help out?"

My brows raise in shock at the reserved bull doing any bar tending. I'm about to say something when Chester calls out, "Food's ready. Come and sit down!"

We sit down at the dining room without another word. As usual Chester impresses us with another delicious meal of roasted vegetable stir-fry, and tofu. I dig in with gusto, and the conversation is muted, while we eat. 

After that Andrew excuses himself. I glance at him, restraining myself from going after him. Better not - I need to keep this under wraps as much as I can, but I think he could help out by bartending. I'll text him later. I should really call Maria and let her know what's up. 

Chester was nearly bouncing from foot to foot which was a feat given he was sitting down. He looked at me with a huge grin. "You're staying with me tonight. And, well, from now on, if you come over. He's promised not to try to force you onto the couch anymore." 

I chuckle. "Ahh, cool. So, he said it was actually okay?" I know that Andrew said something similar already to me, but I don't want to spoil his mood…

Chester nods rapidly. "Yep! As long as we aren't too noisy." He grins nervously. "Um. So, wanna go in the bedroom?" He taps at the table in a drumming motion. 

I blush. "You mean for a movie, right?" I speak dryly. 

Chester snorts. "R-right. Movie. Yes. I said that, didn't I?" He mumbles something under his breath, as he nearly runs to his bedroom. I take my time, and make a phone call.


We end up in his room again, while I'm sitting on the bed as he fiddles with the DVD player. 

The bull speaks excitedly. "This is another movie I think you'd like - it's one of those Dragon's Lance animated movies - but there are a ton of books out. It probably isn't the same as the books, but movies tend to not be. If you like the movie, you can borrow my copy of the book." 

I nod. "Sure. That sounds good. I'm sure I'll like it. You haven't really steered me wrong yet." I'm glad I took a moment to call Maria before coming in here. She was grateful to hear that I was staying with Chester again, and subtly wondered if I were coming back. 

I chuckled, and told her that I wasn't falling for that trick - and that I needed to talk to her about something when I came back in the morning. I softly whispered into the phone, while keeping an eye out for Chester. "Listen - I may need help with Chester's birthday soon. Can you come up with an excuse for me to be at the Shelter for a few hours tomorrow morning?" She readily agreed. 

We spoke for a few minutes after that, then I ended the call, and sent a quick text to Andrew. 

'Your offer to help? Yes! Thanks so much. I'll let you know if you can help out. Will let you know details soon.' 

I put my phone away, and hurry into the bedroom as he was checking his DVDs. He looked away from the DVDs, holding out one in triumph. "Found it! I've seen it already, but I thought you might like it." 

I shrug. "I'll probably enjoy whatever you gotta show me…" I wink at him, making him flustered, and almost drop the DVD. He catches the case and busies himself with putting the movie in, muttering something under his breath again. He seems to be muttering a lot lately around me… Heh.  

I flop on the bed, and watch him work. 

After he gets everything set up, he climbs onto the bed, and frowns at me. "Are you sure you're comfy?" He gestures to my jeans, making me blush. 

I stammer softly, "H-heh. Sorry. I forgot - I didn't feel like wearing just your underwear in front of your brother." 

Chester huffs softly in laughter. "Right. I forgot to give you a pair of shorts, didn't I? Do you really need to keep them on?" He has a wicked gleam as he crawls over to my side. "After all, you're sleeping with me tonight - might as well get comfy now." 

My face is red, as I mumble something, as I feel pinned to the bed by Chester's gaze. "Er...I… You're… right." 

Chester straightens up on his knees, and yanks his shirt off. He's just clad in his briefs. 

I swallow nervously, and tear my gaze away, getting off the bed. I flush as the bull stares at me openly when my hands move to unbutton my jeans. It is embarrassing to have his eyes focused on me. "Ches, please - turn around, at least. For a minute. It's unnerving having you stare at me like that." 

He snorts and turns around, treating me to his delicious, meaty-looking cheeks. 

I groan, and turn around hurriedly, trying to relax. I hastily unbutton my pants after struggling with the button, then finally tossing them aside. "Okay, they're off." 

Chester gets off the bed and turns, "Great!" He pulls the sheets off and lays down on the bed, then pats his side. 

I climb onto the bed again, and sidle up to the bull as his arm encircles around my shoulder.

He reaches down and pulls the sheet over the both of you. "Alright? Are you comfortable enough?" 

I nod with a faint dizzying sensation. It's hard to think with Chester's musk wafting into my nose, but he breaks into the mood by speaking. 

"So, about this movie - it's about Gods walking the land, and wreaking havoc, and nine people have to band together somehow - eventually to help save the world. I'd tell you more, but you'd have to read the books to really appreciate the story." 

I nod, snuggling closer to him. "Cool. Sounds epic, I guess you'd say." 

Chester laughs, and presses a button on the remote. "That's funny. Wait until you see how many books are written…" We start watching the movie. It is pretty good at first, but it's been a busy day, so I almost feel myself dozing off a little. 

I find myself nodding off a little after a while, and absently nuzzle the fur on Chester's shoulder. I feel the bull's grip pull me tighter against him. I dimly hear the TV being shut off, as he shifts us so I'm being spooned by him. 

He nuzzles my neck and kisses it. "Good night." I sleepily mumble the same back to him, and he presses his body against me, then starts snoring. 


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