Surprise!: An Extracurricular Activities Fic: Chapter 4

Author's Note: Sorry this is a pretty long chapter - but I decided to split the story up by the days similar to how DyneWulf does his game. 

Day 2: July

Morning brings another limb-entangled sleep between us. The best kind. I blink sleepily as I yawn. I groan, as I try to wriggle out of Chester's iron-fisted grip around me. It only makes him draw me closer, and tighter. I kiss his snout, making him mumble happily.

I am filled with the sudden, desperate need to go to the bathroom. "Chester? Chester! I gotta pee!… Let go of me, please -" He blinks sleepily, rolls over on his back, releasing me, and promptly letting out a loud snore. I envy him being able to go back to sleep just like that, but I'm glad he let go of me. I hastily make my escape and use the bathroom. I return and glance at his alarm clock. It's about 7 right now. I guess I should pop in the shower, despite staring at Chester's naked, broad frame, covered by a thin sheet.

I feel my underwear tightening, then I adjust myself to no avail. Fuck. We need to do something soon. This is going on way too long. All we've done is jack each other off. I know we're both virgins - but … we have to start somewhere. Chester's driving me insane with his teasing… We need a place of our own - or at least somewhere where we don't have to worry about Andrew or Maria… 

I heave a soft sigh, before deciding to shower. After the last time I decided to try to relieve myself in the shower and Chester poking his head in, I wasn't sure if I wanted it to happen today, besides, I had a lot to do later. I entertain the thought that maybe the bull would be so grateful for the party tonight that he'd finally be willing to do more. But that's not the reason I'm doing this - I want to surprise him, and make him happy. At least… mostly, heh...

I wash up fairly quickly, and wrap a towel around myself, walking back to his room. He's still snoring. I shake my head in amusement, and crawl onto the bed, laying down by him. Chester's fur is matted and ruffled up in areas. I reach over to his chest, and run my fingers through his fur lightly, trying not to wake him up. He looks so adorable right now.

Chester snorts a few more times, then opens his eyes at me. He smiles gently, drawing my face to his, then kissing me gently. "Morning. Showered already?"

I chuckle. "Morning, Ches. Yep. It's about 7:30 or so. We have classes soon."

Chester groans. "Right. At least it's early enough - do you want…" He cranes his head and blinks at the towel still wrapped around me. His eyes widen in shock. "Are…you naked under there?"

I grin. "Of course. I just got out of the shower, like I said. I haven't had time to get dressed…"

THe bull stammers. "O-oh. R-right. Um…" He nervously reaches for the towel, and I raise my brow. "Really? You're in the mood?"

Chester blushes. "Geez, Yes! We've seen each other naked, and did some stuff. Damn right, I'm interested!"

I shy away from his touch, and sit up. "I know we have… but…"

Chester sits up and grips my shoulder softly. "What is it? Are you not interested anymore?" His voice sounds a bit nervous and panicky at the same time.

I growl softly in frustration, looking down at my hands nestled between my legs. "N-no! That's not - it's… y-you drive me insane - I j-just… I'm… not sure… what to do with us. What the next step is."

Chester sidles up behind me, and wraps his arms around my waist. He snorts, as he kisses my neck. "Ah - I see. I-I'm a bit nervous about all that too - and i-it's making me a bit crazy too. I know I said I wasn't interested in 'just' sex before, but we've become boyfriends, and… lately, I feel like I'm about to burst if we don't do something. Something, er, more. I want to..." He pauses, and laughs in a small huff. "E-er, um, you know. That's… why I've been teasing you with those pictures lately."

I melt into his hug. I teasingly grin, looking behind me. "Oh, really? And I thought you were trying to give me a hard time."

Chester grins cheekily. "I am! But - if you're not… ready… Um…" His smile falters into concern. "Um, you, er, could let me know…? I'll do anything to make you comfortable. Even ask Darius for tips - Er. well, maybe not. I can't ask Andrew, after all!"

I nod. "I know. I'm just nervous. I want our first time to be great… And Darius? Really? What kind of tips are you wanting?"

Chester's voice murmured against my shoulder. "He's slept around - he'd know at least the basics - maybe if we ask nicely? Nah - maybe that's a bad idea. I want our first time to be good but - there's never been the right place… What do you… want to do?"

I glance at the alarm clock, and pat the bull's hands around my stomach. I chuckle quietly. "I want you to shower. You smell divine, but others may not appreciate it. We do have classes, and I was… thinking we could have breakfast at the GreenLight Cafe, before we go to class, if we left early enough."

Chester raises his head, pulling away, looking a little concerned. "What? You don't want me to cook?"

I laugh. "I always want you to cook, but - you usually do every morning I stay. I figured it would be nice to do something for you for a change, and you know I can't cook very well, yet. At least not breakfast stuff - my best effort would be cereal, heh."

Chester grins. "True, but you are improving."

I grin, and tweak his nose. "Thanks for lying, Ches."

Chester splutters, then laughs. "No, no, you are."

I blush, and lean into his arms. "Aww… thanks, hon. Now, get your musky self in the shower. I want to get us to the cafe before classes start."

Chester grins, as he nuzzles my shoulder, before pulling away. He walks to the door and turns around, and adjusts his bulge in front of me with absolutely no shame on his face, then leaves.

My face burns as I stare at his retreating form. I growl under my breath. "Fuck. That's it. If nothing else, I'm going to try to get us to the next stage - I don't care what Andrew's conditions are."

It takes me a few minutes for my boner to quieten down, as I start dressing for the day.

* * * * *

After enjoying a nice breakfast at the cafe, we go to our classes. Coach's class is uneventful, along with my math class. The teacher was gone again, leaving us to work on our assignments in class. I wonder if the teacher's ever coming back. He's been absent a lot this semester but at least I'm still keeping up with Math, and Spencer is so good at it. I know I can always ask him for help if needed.

Chester decides to drag me to the school gym for a hour. The bull and I grab a bite to eat in the cafeteria. More like, he grabs a huge plate of food, while I get a sandwich and a potato salad. I poke around my food, and sigh. Mr B should be contacting me pretty soon, but… I dunno. I feel guilty keeping this from Chester. 

Chester pauses in mid-bite. "What's wrong, babe?"

I shrug. "Nothing really." I paste on a smile, and eat some more of my food.

The bull sets his fork down and snorts. "Don't give me that. I know you. Something's bothering you, isn't it? I-it's not something I should be worried about?"

I shake my head, pulling my phone out to glance at it. It's got a picture of Chester on the lock screen, and there's no messages. Time to cover things up again. I set my phone down. "It's… nothing big. I'm… not sure what to do for your birthday, if I had to be honest. I'm not sure what you'd like to do to celebrate." I guess Mr B's not going to call just yet. But I want to get everything ready. The party's in about 2 and half hours… I hope that's enough time to get everything done…

Chester slides his now empty plate forward, and rests his elbows on the table, propping his hands under his chin. He grins at me adorably. "Aww. Really? I don't need a lot. Even if it's just us spending the night together, that'd be the best night ever."

I blush. "Flatterer, but I do want to do something for your birthday. Maybe we should go to Brindle again - or is it too late to reserve things? I mean… I dunno. It's something."

Chester grins wide. "So, you want to do another soak, or …did you want to stay at the hotel together? Maybe recreate that night - without the convention…?"

My ears burn. "Urk… um… I guess. I…I'd like that."

Chester chuckles. "Haha. You should see your face." He sighs regretfully. "It's probably too late, anyway. They're most likely filled up because of the 4th."

I nod, feeling a bit deflated. "Oh. Ah. Probably…" Although - he's got an idea… maybe I can see if I can't book us a hotel for a couple nights when it's not so busy…

Chester leaned back in his chair, waving his finger in the air. "Hey. We can still do that, you know. It… doesn't have to be on my birthday."

"True. I … wish I had thought of that a few days ago." My cheeks redden as I picked at the remains of my food.

Chester's face looks crimson. "H-heh. M-me too. U-um… do you have something going on this afternoon? I was… thinking we could do something at home."

Do - what -? Is he implying what I'm thinking he's saying? I choke in surprise. "Er - like…what?"

Chester's brows waggle flirtatiously at me, as he lifts the hem of his shirt up, and scritches his fur on his belly. "Oh… nothing. I thought we could play more games, or… snuggle?"

I stare at his bare stomach, nearly drooling, before my phone rang, startling both of us. I fumble for the phone as I nearly drop it on the floor.

Chester groans in annoyance as I answer the phone, to hear Mr B's drawl oozing into my ear.

"Hey - get yer ass to work. Everythin's set up fer tha party. Tables an' decoration's are done - jes' need yer food, an' friends."

My brows climb up as I struggle in vain to compose myself. "Oh. That's … very short notice. I'm with Chester -" I see Chester curiously watching me, and smile apologetically, holding the phone to my chest. "Uh, it's our boss - Um, he wants me to come in to take over for him for a few hours, while he hosts a party."

Chester grunts, and throws his hand up. "Oh man. And I was going to … when does he want you? Does he need anyone else to help out?"

I put the phone back to my ear, and ask. "Do you want Chester to help out?"

Mr B. laughs in my ear. I struggle to grimace as he speaks. "Oh, yea, Ah got tha best idea - Here ye go. One of mah workers fell sick, and cannot come in at 5. Tell 'im ta come in then."

Wow. That's rather clever. I relayed the message.  "He said that one of them called in sick a few minutes ago that he can't make it to his 5pm shift. He'd not mind if you came in then."

Chester rolls his eyes, and nods impatiently. "Might as well - that way we can have a couple hours together." He grins.

I chuckle into the phone. "He said okay. I'll be there as soon as I can."

My boss chuckles in my ear. "Won't he b'surprised! See ye inna bit."

I hang up and toss the phone lightly onto the table. I heave a sigh. "Well - I should get going." Inside I was celebrating that I managed to pull it off so far. Now to try to ensure he doesn't come in early… somehow. 

The bull sighed. "So much for trying to get you into my bed. Again." He grins ruefully.

I chuckle, waving my phone. "Yeah. Sorry, I didn't think he'd call me in today. But we can see each other at five, right?"

Chester beams. "Of course! Try to keep me from seeing you at work!"

I laugh, as I stand up, putting my phone away. He does the same, and I squeeze his shoulders affectionately. "I'll see you soon, hon."

Chester nods, his face reddening. "O-of course. See you later, babe."

It is too far of a public place for us to do anything more. Chester just wraps his meaty hands around my arms and squeezes momentarily before dropping his grip. I release his shoulders as well, and step away. "Laters."

* * * * *

I make good time headed to the Shelter. Maria's already prepackaging several coolers, when I walk into the kitchen. Maria looks up at me and grins. "Ready to throw a party?"

I take a deep breath and shake my head. "I don't know. I hope he likes what I've done."

Maria's grin grows broader. "Of course he will! He loves you. You love him."

I blush. "Yeah. So, ah, need help with that? I told Chester I was actually working at the lounge and well, my boss gave him an excuse to come in - at five. So we should hurry and get everything done. I don't know if he will take it in his head to be there exactly on time or if he'll be early. I'm not sure though. He loves working there."

Maria raises her brow. "Indeed? Then we better hurry. You may have to call your friends to get them to try to come a bit earlier - around four instead."

I pull out my phone, and call each one that I've invited - explaining what's going on. Each one responds that they'll be there a little earlier, just in case. I grin at this, because it means we can all hang out a bit more, together. Even Darius. All the while, Maria's been stuffing three or four coolers full of food. I stare at her and she catches my glance. She gives me a knowing smile. "Better to feed an army, than none."

I groan. "I don't think that…"

She tutted me. "Your friends can't go hungry, can they?"

I shake my head. "No, but…I mean - I know I made three batches of that spaghetti but - that was to make sure everyone had enough of a main dish to eat."

Maria walks up to me and pats me on the shoulder. "Don't worry about the food. Worry about getting it all to the lounge, hmm? I've asked Richard to help us - load the truck, and drive us - and here he is."

The overall-wearing rhino walked into the kitchen. "So, is this all the food you're bringing to the party? Looks like there's plenty for everyone - but - why am I going? I only know you, and that bull, er, Chester and his brother."

Maria glides over to the rhino and presses her hand on his arm. "Because it wouldn't hurt to meet his teammates. And I do need your help driving the truck."

Richard wavers for a moment, and smiles tightly at Maria. "Of course. Anything for you. But don't expect me to be buddy-buddy with everyone."

Maria smiles slightly. "Of course not."

Richard snorts, and looks at me. "Gonna help me load the truck?"

I nod rapidly, and tuck my phone away, then help start carrying the coolers to the truck.

At Critical Strike, it doesn't take us long to unload the truck with Mr. B's help as well as Richard's. Introductions were made all around.

Mr B grins with an easy wink at Maria. "Ah! Yer the one he spoke 'bout. Yer goin' to help in the kitchen? Shall I show you two where to start?"

Maria titters quietly. "Gladly. Lead the way, sir." Richard looks ill at ease with this charming canine. "Hey - can I come?"

Mr B waved that off. "No, no, none o' that, lady. Call me Mr. B. Yes, Ye both best come with us, since ye need to learn how to use our kitchen as well." He motions for me to follow him as well.

We end up in the kitchen which is bigger than I imagined - since cooking wasn't my forte, and I wasn't expected to be in the kitchen while I was working. I gape around the room, seeing two pizza-style ovens, a deep fryer, and two stoves. Maria gazes around with approval. "My! This is a rather nice kitchen -"

Mr B's ears pink with embarrassment. "Thank ye, kind lady. Ah am rather fond o' food, an' Ah want people ta enjoy it. So, what d'ye need? What is on th' menu?"

Maria ponders. "I believe we just need the oven for the main course which is baked spaghetti. Everything else I prepared simply needs to be boiled, or steamed. I do have rolls that I need to heat up at some point. And a salad to make."

Mr B. raises his brows. "Ah! Sounds delicious, mah dear."

Maria grins at me. "You didn't tell me your boss was so charming!" Richard fidgets by her, and pulls a cooler onto the counter. "So, where does this go?"

My boss reddens, then shrugs with easy grace. "Ah! Ah'm flattered. So, now, we need ta get yer friends here, yes? Oh! Ah have yer gift for 'im. Had tha devil of a time keepin' it hidden." He struts easily to the kitchen door, turning to me. "Comin'?"

I grin. "Great." I glance at the coolers. "The cookies probably should be put in the freezer immediately but everything else? Wait for me - I'll be back in a few minutes. Do you want me back here now to help out?"

Maria shakes her head. "Oh, no, I've got things handled for the moment. But do come back - in case I need some help. I'm certain you could bake all three at once, and they should finish at about the same time. I'll put everything in the fridge for a hour. Richard can help me."

I nod and wave at Maria, as I follow my boss to a back room - filled with prizes. I slow down as we walk in. "Wait? I thought you said you were keeping it hidden?"

My boss cracked a teasing, toothy grin. "Oh, yes. Ah have 'is gift that ye oh so generously sacrificed yer paycheck for, beneath these plushies." He gestures to a few yellow plushies and shifts them over, revealing the Steel Ox figurines. All twenty of them. He plucks one out of the batch, and hands it to me. "There ye go. One Steel Ox."

I grin back at my boss. I hold the box in my hand, and excitement fills me with glee. "He's going to be over the moon with this. He'll love this, I'm sure, since he was drooling over it - and wanted to abscond with one the first day we found them. Thankfully, I talked him out of it, heh."

Mr B laughs. "Sounds like him, awright." He looks around, and finds a Critical Strike brown paper bag. He opens it, and hands it to me. "Put that in 'ere."

I slide the box into the paper bag, and it fit snugly, but there was room to tape the cover shut, so he wouldn't see what was inside. I see and snag some scotch tape, closing it off. Then I take the bag into my hands. "Thanks."

Mr B comes up to me and claps my shoulder. "Pleasure, kiddo. Get out there and put that on a table in tha lounge."

I carry the bag, as my boss follows behind me, to the lounge reserved for the party. I gaze around and whistle. "It looks pretty decent."

My boss slaps me on my back, making me stagger a little. He's similar to Chester's heavy-handedness from time to time. "Thanks. Ah did nothin' - ye did it all. Planning everything, getting everyone together, an' all. Ever consider being a party planner of some sort? Yer good at management.

I chuckle. "I… well, I dunno what I want to do exactly with my life. I'm considering business management as a major, though."

He grins widely. "It suits ye."

"Thanks, boss." I take a quick glance around, and set my gift on the table pushed up against a wall. "I guess that's a good place." My eyes wander over to the mini bar, which looks to be stocked with the standard beers on tap, and some hard liquors. "So you'll be working there with Andrew?"

He walked up to the bar and patted the small portable counter. "Aye. Ah was thinkin' a coupla hours fer each o' us. One hour fer me, then 'im. But I doubt it'll be a busy night for us - since you have about 6 or 8 people comin', yea?"

I look at my boss with a shrug. "Probably not as many drinks served, no, but - I dunno. We probably should have taxis on hand, just in case we need to get people home. I know Coach can drive us, so can Spencer. They might be more the designated drivers, maybe. I'm not sure -"

The older canine shrugs. "Whatever suits ye. Ah don't want them ta not have fun, though. We will serve bevvys and sodas as well."

I sigh in relief. "Good. So, um, was there anything else?" I take a quick look at my phone, and see it's about 3:30. "It's half past three. Um… I feel like I'm forgetting something… Oh! Andrew." Andrew! I forgot to tell him that I arranged for Chester to 'come into work' at 5. Texting Andrew first, I fire off a question.

'Hey, I already arranged for Chester to come at 5. Is he there at home with you?'

A moment later, my phone chimes.

'Yes, he is at home. I am unsure how to get there without bringing Chester. Is my help required before 5?'

I lower my phone. "Does Andrew have to be here at 5?"

My boss shakes his head. "Nah. Why?"

I sigh. "There's the problem of having Andrew come here at 4:30. They're both at home - and I think both take the bus. Or ride their bicycle. … That's it. Hold on."

'Can you make an excuse that will sound believable and still leave early for the party? I'm talking about riding your bicycle here. Is there a reason you could be going out tonight?'

It took a few minutes before Andrew sent me another reply. 'I believe so. I am in my room to avoid suspicion. Wouldn't it be easier to tell him?'

I bit my tongue. It would. But - I want to surprise Chester. 'Probably - but I really want to surprise him. Please, can you be here soon?'

'Yes. I'll contrive an excuse at fifteen past four - will that work? - that way I can arrive early, and help out.'

'That's perfect. Our friends should be here around half past four.'

Andrew replied. 'Excellent. I'll see you then.'

I put my phone down, and sigh. "I guess all we have to do is wait." Mr B and I went to his office, and worked on scanning paperwork/transcribing paperwork for a little while to burn some time.

Just a bit before four o'clock, I decide to head into the kitchen, and check on Maria. She is already getting pots and pans ready, and is standing in front of a pot of boiling water with corn already husked on the counter next to her.

I rest my hand on a free spot on the counter. "Do you need any help, Maria?"

Maria turns to me and grins. "Oh, yes. Please pull your baked spaghetti out - they should thaw out a little before putting them in the oven. I've set the temperature for you already."

I nod, and retrieve the baking dishes from the fridge and set them on the empty counter near the ovens. "Right. Thanks for doing that."

I pull my phone out, and check the time. "Ah - it's been around ten minutes. Should I pop them into the oven? It's already a little after four." I retrieve the baking dishes and set them on the empty counter near the ovens.

Maria grins at me, then turns back to the pot, and slowly lowers corn into the heating water. "Yes, you should. Are you excited?"

I feel anxious. "Yes, and no - I mean, I've never done a surprise party, but I… I hope…he loves it."

Maria chuckles. "He will." She continues inserting corn until the pot's full, then turns to me. "Want to help me make the salad?"

I nod, putting all three baking dishes into the oven. "Hey, where's Richard?"

She shrugs. "I believe he decided to check out the Lounge. He said he saw a game he wanted to play."

I raise my brows. "Oh? I see. Well, as long as he's not bored."

* * * * *

I glance at my phone, and squeak. It's 4:30 already! I wonder if anyone's shown up yet? I should really get my ass back into the lounge, to see if I can find my friends, and Andrew. I take a look at Maria questioningly.

She reassures me with a warm grin. "Everything's just about ready. I'll pull the baked spaghetti out in five minutes. Go! See if your friends are here already!"

I go into the main area and look around. I see Darius lounging by the game token counter.

We make small talk, and I show him to the lounge, which he looks around with thinly veiled disdain but it vanishes the next moment. It makes me doubt I even saw it. Spencer, Dozer, and Andrew then show up in short order. I introduce Andrew to everyone, and Darius perks up only to be glared at by Andrew.

They all bring their gifts and set it on the table. Mr B comes by and I introduce Andrew to him, and they go off to talk a few minutes. Coach finally shows up, and he brings his gift. He sets it on the table and makes small talk.

I head off to the kitchen to check whether things are pretty much ready. Maria is pulling the heated up bread rolls out of the oven.

She turns and speaks. "Everything needs to cool for a few minutes, then we'll bring the food out. Is Chester here yet?"

I shake my head, then return to the lounge, to see Chester walking in. I make eye contact with my boss who's lingering around the lounge. He retreats quickly into the party room to let my friends know he's here. I briskly walk up to Chester, and grin. "You're here already! Isn't it a bit early, even for you?"

The bull gives me a cheeky grin. "Ha ha. I wanted to see you for a few minutes before I started working."

A smile forms on my face, as I chuckle. "Hehe. We just saw each other ~"

Chester arches his brow, and draws closer to me. "So? I missed you."

I blush, and grip him on the shoulder. My grip lingers, and squeezes his shoulder, making the bull squirm. It felt like we were the only two in the room, as things faded out around us. Damn, I love touching him. But, yeah, I guess I should let go. I reluctantly drop my hand, and scratched the back of my neck sheepishly. "Same - Have you logged in yet? I'll come with you. Things are lighter than I thought at the moment, so I have a few minutes."

The bull shook his head. "Nah - I just walked in - but I'd like the company."

I walk with him, and my phone goes off while Chester's logging in. With an apologetic look, I answer it. My boss growls impatiently into my ear. "Getcher asses in 'ere! We're waitin'." I pretend to frown as I spoke. "You must have the wrong number. Sorry."

Chester finishes keying in his login information, and presses Enter. "Well, I guess I should go help out with the boss' party. Do you know anything about it?"

I shrug, trying to keep a straight face. "Er, not a whole lot. All I know is that it's for a friend of his, apparently. Want to see the room so far? I was in there earlier helping out - not a lot, but he needed help hanging stuff."

Chester shrugged. "Sure thing. Maybe you'll actually surprise me or something, haha." He grins at me, and walks toward the party room.

I suffer a moment of panic, at Chester's retreating form. Does he already know? No, how could he? I don't think I tipped him off - maybe he just suspects that there may be a party - I haven't been able to spend a lot of time with him lately… No. I don't think so. He's probably just joking. I breathe a silent sigh of relief, as I hurry to catch up to Chester's foot clumps.

I see him at the door, and he calls out, "Hey Boss, You needed help?" He turns the handle, as I catch up, with my breath caught.

The door swings open, as Chester peers into the darkened room with confusion. "Boss?"

I nod behind him, and that seems to be the signal for everything to start. The lights flash on, and everyone says "Surprise!"

Chester stumbles and almost falls over in surprise. "W-what? Me?" I grab him, and steady him. He turns red. "Really?"

I chuckle beside him. "Surprise. It's your party." Everyone from the team is there, and Andrew is hiding behind the boss.

I don't see Maria but she may be in the kitchen. I should check on the food in a minute, but I pat Chester on the back. "Did I do alright?"

Chester is speechless, and then elbows me sharply in the side. "You shit. You told me you couldn't figure out what to do!" He turns around and wraps his arms around me, then kisses me soundly in front of everyone. I widen my eyes, and feel my face burning, as he lets me go.

I splutter, and shake my head. Oh, Chester. Although… judging from everyone's expressions, they don't care, and some approve. I rub my sore side, and chuckle. "W-well, I had to try to keep it a surprise - and, well, I wanted to throw you a party - when I found out it was your birthday in a few days…"

Chester laughs. "Yeah. Sorry, did I nudge you too hard?"

I shrug, rubbing my sore spot. "A bit, but I'll be fine. Oh! The food. Be back soon. Chester, your gifts are over there on that table, but you're not allowed to open them yet."

Chester pouts at me. "Aww. Wait? I have gifts?! Awesome." He looks at everyone and grins. "Thank you for coming - I really appreciate it."

Darius sidles up to us, and grins. "Happy birthday, Chester." He claps Chester on the shoulder, and whispers something into his ear, making him turn unusually red.

Darius laughs as he pulls back, and gives me a sly look. What the hell did Darius say? I glare at him disapprovingly, before backing out of the room. "Sorry guys, I'll be right back with the food - it should be ready by now. The open bar is over there, if you want something to drink."

Dozer is contemplatively silent again, but he walks up to Chester, and grins slightly. "Happy Birthday. I… hope you like my gift." He looks a bit shy, and steps backwards.

Spencer steps forward, and grins at Chester. "Happy Birthday, Ches." He looks at me, his tail flicking a bit left and right. "Want some help?"

Coach's booming voice echoes into the room. "Oh, can't wait! Whatever's in that kitchen smells good."

Chester frowns, sniffing the air, and looks at me suspiciously. "What … are you making? I haven't taught you many dishes…"

My mouth curves in a mischievous smile. "Who says you're the only one I learned stuff from? Be right back. Thanks, Spence, come on." I turn and hightail it out of the room but not without Chester's aggravated yell. "Hey! Wait?"

I head toward the kitchen quickly with Spencer in tow, and Maria is busily getting the side dishes plated and prepared when she sees us come in. "Ah, good! Spencer as well? Good! You're just in time, it should be done."

I quickly pick up the hot pads, pull each dish out, setting each dish on the wooden counter behind me. Once I pull the last one, Spencer smoothly interjects and shuts the oven doors. "Whew. Thanks, Spence. Chester's here."

Maria grins. "Early, like you thought?" I nod, and notice the Husky reaching for the food.

Spencer is studying the baked dish, and trying to peek under the foil.

I growl, and slap his hand away. "Hey!"

Spencer whines. "Sorry, but I'm famished. This smells delicious. You made this? I thought you couldn't cook?"

I chuckle. "Well - it's …ah, my surprise. Chester - he gave me a cooking lesson, a while ago, and, well… that's it. I also made the sauce as well - with Maria's help of course."

Spencer nods. "Ah! I see. I'm glad things are going well for you and him." He grins. "Gives me a chance to play protective brother, this time around."

I groan. "You're not going to threaten him are you? I get enough of that from his older brother, although… I think he IS warming up to me…"

Spencer laughs. "No promises, but … I'm sure he'll be fine, as long as he doesn't hurt you."

I groan. "Yeah, yeah. Maria, think they're cool enough to transfer to the other room?"

Maria nods. "I believe so. Just be careful. Let's carry all the side orders out, then we three can bring that over."

Spencer looks at Maria, and grins. "That'll be easier. Save the best for last?"

I blush. "Well, I don't know if it'll be the best - but I followed his recipe, so…"

Maria snickers. "You are far too modest, dear. Take some of these out there -" She hands me a bowl of green beans tossed in oil and butter, along with another with salad greens and vegetables. She unloads a huge dish of mac and cheese and a bowl of rolls covered with a cloth onto Spencer. "Please take those in there."

We take the food into the lounge, and find the group's already gotten a drink, and chatting. Once we walk in, Chester makes a beeline for me, and takes my salad, and sets it on the center table. I smile at him in thanks, and place the green beans down toward the edges.

Spencer follows my cues, and sets his down on the edges, leaving room for the baked spaghetti.

We start back toward the kitchen, and Chester catches up to me, grabbing my arm. "Is it what I think it is?"

I raise my brows in confusion. "What?" I have an inkling of what he's asking, but I try to feign confusion.

Chester snorts. "What did you make?"

I lean toward him and kiss him, making him flustered. I grin devilishly. "I'm about to bring it out. Then you'll find out."

Chester pulls back a bit annoyed, "C'mon!" He huffs. I rest my hands on his shoulders. "Relax, big boy. I'll be right back, then we can dig in, 'kay?"

Chester groans. "Alright, alright." He glances at the food put out. "I guess Maria helped you a bit… Everything looks good. Hurry up." He grins widely. "There may not be anything left if you don't hurry."

I shake my head, and start leaving with Spencer in tow.

We return to the party room with Spencer, Maria, and I. We descend on the table and set the baked spaghetti down, and peel the foil off every dish. I hear exclamations of oohs, and ahhs, as I stand there.

Chester pops up by me and grins. "Oh." He blushes, as it sinks in. "You… did this?"

I wrap my arm around his shoulders. "Yep I wanted to recreate the dish you first taught me to cook. I hope it's better than my last one."

He chuckles, and leans against my shoulder. "Hehe, it's sweet."

I beam, and squeeze his shoulder with my hand, and let go. I look at all my team-mates and everyone else. They all look hungrily at the food, so I grin. "Alright, let's eat!" Maria starts by serving everyone a plate. Once everyone has a plate, and some, they disperse to a table set up for eating.

I hear murmurs of approval and all of them are wolfing down the food. I blush, as I dig into my food. I raise my brows in surprise. The baked spaghetti had turned out much better than the first time I'd made it. Even Chester had inhaled it.

Once everyone stopped eating, I helped pick up the plates, and cleared the tables. I told everyone to grab their gifts, and return to their seats, with the exception of Chester, who I made sit by me. I kissed him on the forehead, once everyone returned, and I grabbed my bag, then returned to the table.

Chester beams and wriggles in his seat. I lay my hand on his arm to relax him. I feel him forcibly still his legs. "Yeah, yeah. Okay, let's go in a circle - Dozer?"

He blinks, pausing, as if he didn't expect to go first. His face tinges with red, as he slides a birthday gift baggie toward Chester. "Happy Birthday, Ches. I hope you like it." His smile appears and disappears within seconds.

The bull takes the bag, and grins. "Thanks, man." He opens the bag, and rummages into it, past the tissue paper. He frowns and pulls the tissue paper out, and upends the bag onto the table. His eyes widen, as ten packs of Masters of Magic cards tumble out. "Oh my god, Dozer. You didn't- Damn. Wow. Thanks…This is awesome!" He takes each pack and stacks them up, and I can see the itch to open them in his eyes, and am surprised that he doesn't just do it. He does stand up and hug Dozer in a half hug, embarrassing him with the attention, but he does smile.

Spencer grins. "I guess it's my turn. Here you go." He hands over a gift box wrapped in green. "I heard you liked my shirt, so I thought I'd get you something similar."

Chester takes the gift from Spencer, and frowns. "It's a bit heavy for a shirt, isn't it?" He sets it down in front of him and rips the wrapping off to reveal a cardboard box. He jimmies one of the openings off, with his tongue sticking out. It's very adorable to watch him. As he finally pries open the box, his mouth falls open. "Whoa."

I grin at Spencer, giving him a discreet thumbs up.

He pulls two manga novels out. He reads the title, and squeaks in surprise. "Oh man. I haven't had a chance to get those! IDEKA Vol 1 and 2?"  He looks at me with a grin. "Remember we got that sample one to take home at the Con?"

I nod. "Yep. That's awesome, Spencer. How did you know where to find them?"

Spencer shrugs. "I have my sources." He chuckles. "Anyway, I hope you like the CD I included."

The bull frowns. "CD? What CD?" He looks into the box again, and a brow raises. "Oh wow. The full IDEKA Visual Novel… And Soundtracks? Wow. That's awesome! I'll check this later. Thank you so much Spencer!" He sets the box aside and puts the manga back inside it.

Darius gets up, and carries a rather big rectangular box over to my boyfriend, and sets it down. "Here. I thought you'd like this."

I lean forward to look at it, as Chester inspects the gift, and lifts it, and is surprised at how light it is.

Chester lays the box back on the table. "This better not be a prank, or… something perverted."

Darius chuckles and meets my eyes. "It's made for poking, but …"

Chester groans, and just tears off the wrapping, and lifts the lid cautiously. He pauses, then quickly pulls off the cover. "What? A sword?" He focuses on the sword, as we all lean in to look at it.

The Coach remarks. "Pretty nice design - but - why did you give him a sword? He's clumsy enough as it is…"

Chester frowns, with a huff. "I'll have you know I'm pretty damned good with a sword - I've been to a few renaissance fairs."

The Coach becomes flustered. "Oh. I see. Well, sorry - I mean, you seem to be a bit clumsy, so… I…"

Chester exhales sharply, and shrugs with an easy smile. "Yeah, I know. So, where is this from? It seems familiar - somehow… I can't …"

He blinks, as his hand wraps around the handle. "That's it! Oh….! Karagern's Sword?!" He raises the sword, and his excitement reached  peak levels.

Chester becomes all fan-boy over Darius' gift, as I wince at the high pitched squeal coming from his throat as his words all slur together. "Ohwow,reallyisthisreallyhissword? How?" He finally takes a deep breath, and stares at Darius.

Darius leans over the table, and props his chin up, looking amused. "So, you like it? It's from the Lord's Rings movies. The actual prop. It's got a trick blade -" He reaches out to push the tip of the blade inward, then leans back to lounge on his chair. That brings a general hubbub among most of the group, asking how the hell he got that.

Darius straightens up, and looks at me with an arched brow, as if to say - Want to tell 'em, or should I? 

I gesture to the feline, Go ahead. Not my story to tell. 

The lion takes a small breath, and then looks around the group. He then looks at me with a half-grin. "He already knows that I work at Razor Studios - that I'm a stunt bike driver. I have a few connections there, so a few props from different movies have ended up in my private room." He shrugs. "It's really not that big of a deal. At least for some." His eyes flick over at Spencer quickly, then focuses back on Chester. If I hadn't been watching him, I'd have missed it.

The group shows a few various reactions such as surprise, awe, and boredom. I note that Spencer was the only one who appeared disinterested. I frown internally. There seems to be some sort of history there, but… did Darius and Spencer…? 

Chester set the sword back into the box, and grins at Darius. "Sorry for jumping to conclusions - Thank you!"

Darius' ears flatten back as he nods, appearing embarrassed. "I told you it's not a big deal." He smiles crookedly at Chester.

Coach slides up off his chair. "Suppose it's my turn." He walks around the table, and sets a baggie down in front of the bull. "Happy Birthday. I hope you like it." He grins. "If not, don't tell me, haha."

Chester grins up at the Coach. "Heh - I'm sure I'll like it." He opens the bag, peeks in, and frowns, as he pulls out a hardcover book. "Cool! A book… oh… 'The Stone?' Oh wait. I've heard reviews of this book - it's supposed to be really good… wait…" He whips his eyes up to the Coach, looking embarrassed. He thumbed at me. "This is your book! He told me you wrote one but - I… Wow."

The Coach blushes. "Yeah. I wrote that, and well, when I heard that you liked science fiction and fantasy books and stuff, I thought you'd enjoy this book - but I had to ask him -" He gestures at me, then continues speaking. "if you actually had my book yet."

I chuckle. "Yeah. I was surprised as well, when you told me you wrote a book. But I've been reading it when I have time, and I have to say, it's a damn good book so far."

Coach stammers, as he fumbles for his chair, and thumps down. "Heheh. Really? That's great! I'm so happy to hear that."

Darius, Dozer and Spencer all look at him with awe, and respect. I nod. "Yeah, really. That's why I think Chester'll like the book."

Chester was reading the blurb, and mumbling to himself, and turned the page. "Oh my god. It's autographed!" I lean over to read over the bull's shoulder.

Chester - Aim big, and have faith in yourself. 

- Harold Grifter

Chester's face reddens and as he looks up at Coach. "Thanks…" He shuts the book gently, and sets it next to him. "I'll try."

Coach beams. "You'll do great, whatever you decide to do."

Chester nods, and looks at me with admiration. "You sneak. You had this book already? Is it good?"

I grin. "It's a great read so far - you'll like it. Oh, by the way, in chapter seven, where the wolf morph starts to figure out what to do…"

Chester smacks me lightly with a backhand into my chest. "Hey! No spoilers. …" He pauses in mid-thought. "Oh. I know how you feel now, haha. What's next?"

I glance around, and realize I'm the last one. "Mine. Here you go." I hand him the bag with baited breath. At least Dragon Era II hasn't come out just yet. He should be happy with what I picked for him… 

The bull grins wider. "Can't wait to see what you got me." He peels the lid apart, and peers in. There is silence for a whole minute, as he stares into the bag in dumbfounded shock. He stands up and reaches in, pulls out the box gingerly, and squeals. "Oh… My… God. You did not! Steel Ox! Damn it! Thank you, thank you!"

He held the box out at arm's length, and squealed again, set it down on the table, and flings himself at me. I'm wrapped in tight, muscular arms, as he squeezes almost the life out of me.

"U-urk…I c-can't breathe." I wriggle, and wrap my arms around him, hugging him, and trying to pat him to let me go.

He lets go a moment later with a short laugh. "Eh. You'll live. Thank you so much - this party's been awesome!"

I squeeze his arm fondly. "You're welcome. I'm happy that you're having a great time -"

Maria walks up behind us, and grins. "Chester, I'm so glad you're having a good time. I'd give you something, but it's not quite ready - it won't be ready until your birthday. Do you think you can wait until then? I think you'll get a lot of use out of it."

I frown, looking behind at her. I wonder what her gift is supposed to be? But Maria's always been so thoughtful, so it should be a great gift anyway. 

Chester looks up at the cat behind us, and grins. "S-sure? That's fine."

Maria pats Chester's shoulder, and speaks warmly. "Ah, good! Since all the gifts seem to have been given out - do you mind if I borrow your boyfriend for a few minutes? We need to bring dessert out."

Chester grins cheekily. "That's fine - don't steal him though. He's mine."

Maria titters. "Oh, I know that! Be back in a minute or two." She starts walking away, making me hurriedly stand up.

I glance at everyone in the room, and wave. "Right - I'll be right back, guys. If you need another drink or whatever, go for it. I think you'll like what I made."

Chester stares at me in surprise as I start leaving. "Y-you made it? The spaghetti was one thing - since I taught you how to make it…" He starts looking somewhat panicked.

I turn back to Chester, with a smirk. "Yep." Then I exit the room, but not before I hear him call out. "Hey! No fair!" It is so much fun to make him worry like that - but he shouldn't need to - I already sampled the first batch, and they were delicious.

It takes us a few minutes to arrange the dessert on two platter-styled plates, one with white, and one with milk chocolate crusted cookies. Maria carries one, while I the other, back into the party room.

There's a collective murmur of interest, and gasping going on, as we set the platters down.

Chester leans forward. "What are those? Hockey pucks?" He cracks an uncertain grin, making me laugh out loud.

I snicker, and pat his back. "No. Actually… ah, they're ice cream cookies. Dipped in Milk Chocolate, and White."

Chester stares at me, agape. "R-really?"

I nod, and reach under his chin, and shut his mouth. "Really. Homemade - sort of. The ice cream wasn't." I notice him reaching for both versions and chuckle.

I turn back to the table, and I rest my hand on his shoulder. Looking down at my bull, I speak fondly. "Happy Birthday, Chester." I look at the rest of the group, and raise my hands toward the plates. "Okay - Dig in, everyone. I hope you like them."

Chester grins. "Thanks, babe."

There's almost a flurry, as each one picks up a 'hockey puck' as it were, and they bite into them. Emotions flicker across every face, as I watch with trepidation. Everyone chews it down and then inhales them. Well. That seems like that was a success - I knew that they were good - the people at the shelter raved about it, but it's different - it's my friends.  I grin, and reach for a white chocolate one, and bite into it. Mmm…

I look down at my boyfriend fondly. The only noise is everyone's chewing or the crunchy noises. Chester looks happy. I'm so glad. I sit down with a thump, feeling the day's length crash onto me, as I bite off some more off my own puck.

It's not long before Darius speaks up. "Huh. Those are good… Maybe you should cook for me." I glance at him, and he's wearing a smirk on his face.

I grin. "Not on your life, Darius."

Chester grins. "Besides, I'm the one who cooks better - it'll be me cooking for him."

Darius waves a half-eaten cookie in midair. "I see. Well, he's got potential, then. Better teach him more. This stuff tastes better than what I've found in classy restaurants. I'd not mind if he fed me this again…" He takes another bite and moans softly, almost seductively. Everyone there becomes a bit uncomfortable and Spencer starts to bristle behind him. I can see his hand raising up behind Darius.

Chester growls under his breath. "Maybe I will. And knock it off, Darius. He's mine."

Darius snickers and resumes eating like usual. Spencer's hand drops back to his side.

I reach over to Chester's arm, and squeeze softly. It makes him look at me apologetically. I shrug as if to say. It's Darius. What do you expect? That seems to mollify him, as he returns to eating his second cookie. I grin, happy that he likes them this much.  To my surprise, he grabs a couple more.

After dessert is inhaled, and there were only a few cookies left, I decided to offer them to anyone who wanted to wrap them up, and take them home. I noticed the Coach picking up four for himself, and smother a grin.

The party winds to an end. Everyone then pitches in to clean up the party room as much as possible before leaving. Once everyone has left, I'm now alone with Chester in the party room. Everyone has their own way of getting home, be it walking, getting a ride from another, or driving themselves. Richard and Maria retreat to the kitchen, helping with cleaning up all the dishes and the like. Mr. B went off to do something, and disappeared after a while. Andrew tells us that there was a work event he had to be at, and that he would not be home until early morning.

After Andrew had left, one thought popped in my mind. That's a tad suspicious and rather convenient. Although - I won't complain…That means we can have enough alone time - if we want. I hope Chester does.  

Chester squirms in his chair as he stares at the Steel Ox figurine with gleefulness.

I nudge him with my shoulder. "So. You had fun?"

He blinks, and chuckles, setting down the box. He slings his arm around my shoulder, and squeezes me to him. "So. much. fucking. fun! Thank you, baby." He stares into my eyes, then brings my face to his for another warm steamy kiss. When he pulls back, you see tears in his eyes. "You have no idea. I am so happy. You… I… I… Damn. I love you."

I blush at his words. "I love you too, Ches. I'm glad you had a great time today. Did you really like the cookies?"

The Bull moans weakly at the reminder. "Urk. I ate too many - but - damn. Yes. I loved them. How the hell did you do this? Maria helped you, didn't she?"

I chuckle softly at the compliment. "Hehe. She helped me through the process, yes, but I managed to do this batch with only her supervising… I made a few batches before that - but the cookies are her recipe… the chocolate dipped and ice cream parts - well, that was me. I remembered that they sold ice cream cookies here but I didn't want to make a dessert out of those - you know, take the easy way out."

Chester grins. "I thought those tasted like Maria's cookies. But your idea put it over the top. I want to make them sometime."

I laugh. "That means I get to give you a cooking lesson~"

The bull snorts. "It's not really cooking when I know how to make half of the stuff you're teaching me."

I roll my eyes. "Fine, fine. Just slap two cookies with a scoop of ice cream, and dip it in chocolate - although with these, the ice cream - and the chocolate covering - they're the opposite type of chocolate."

Chester blinks. "Ah! I see. That's pretty good. It sort of plays on the different flavors." He glances around, and squeezes me closer to him. He speaks huskily into my ear, in a whisper. "S-so, uh, we have the apartment to ourselves tonight? We… could fool around… all the way. Finally."

I nod nervously. "R-right. Urk. Um… I hope it'll be okay? I mean - we haven't…ah, actually done that part - I… "

Maria chose that time to pop her head into the room, and speak. "Done what?"

I swivel to look at Maria who's wearing a mischievous smile. "Er - "

Chester groans, and thumps his head against my shoulder. "She did it again."

I laugh and caress his chin. "Don't worry about it. Maria - what's up?"

Maria sidled into the room with a slight titter. "Heh! You two are so adorable. Oh, we've packed up everything on the truck, except you two and your bikes. I was curious if you needed a ride home? Or wherever you two are headed? Richard's already got it running."

Chester perks up, raising a finger. "Wait - You could drop us off at my place - he can ride his bike back to the Shelter tomorrow. I was hoping he'd stay over - unless you needed him for something? Like that project he said he had to work on?"

Maria shakes her head, wearing an innocent smile. "That project is already completed, but thank you for your thoughtfulness. And, no, I don't believe there's anything I need you for around the Shelter tonight or tomorrow."

Yes! I nod with a blush on my face. "Thanks - I really appreciate your help with this party, Maria. You have no idea."

Maria waved it away with a huge grin. "It's no trouble and it was worth it. He loved it, didn't you?"

Chester beamed. "Of course! It was awesome! Thanks for coming!"

A horn beeped loudly three times making Maria roll her eyes. She looks down at Chester fondly.

She grinned wider. "Ah! That's Richard - Happy Birthday. Let's gather up everything, and head out to the truck, yes?"

I shot up from the chair. "I'll help." Chester and I gather up his gifts, and start packing the truck. Chester blinks. "Wait for a moment - I forgot something inside!" I frown, mystified, as we go back inside. He makes a beeline to a computer, and begins to logs out. Smiling ruefully, he glances at me with an amused look. "I guess I didn't really have to work -"

Mr B. chooses that moment to descend on us. "Ah! Glad I caught ye two! Before ye go, here." He hands an envelope to Chester. "For one o' my best employees. Happy Birthday!" He grins, and pats Chester's back, before leaving toward the office.

Chester frowns at his boss then rips the envelope open. He withdraws a piece of paper, and gasps. "Oh my god. It's a bonus -!" He shows it to me, and it's a hundred fifty dollar bonus.

I whistle. "That's pretty nice of him."

Chester laughs, and pulls his wallet out, then tucks his check away. "We better get going, don't want to keep them waiting, eh?"

* * * * *

We are at Chester's apartment in no time, as I help him carry his gifts to the table in the living room.

Chester impulsively drags me into a tight hold. He squeezes me tight to him, and murmurs into my neck. "Thank you."

I bury my face into his neck and inhale his scent. "Mm. You're welcome. I… I'm glad you had a good time." I pull back and stare into Chester's eyes. I kiss his lips softly, then sigh. "I think Andrew said we had the whole place to ourselves for the night, right?"

He grins at me. "Yeah! Finally. Wanna go into the bedroom and watch a movie - unwind a little? U-um, see where things go?"

I chuckle. "Sure. It has been a busy day."

We head into the bedroom, while he searches for a movie we haven't seen yet. Although - I don't think either one of us is actually interested in the movie - since Chester's been browsing his collection at least three times, and he hasn't picked one out. The moment we come in here, we strip down to our underwear. It's starting to feel more natural to me.


The bull exhales sharply, and turns around. His expression is nervous. "Y-yes?"

I sit up on the bed, with crossed legs, and hands resting on my lap. "Are… you okay?"

Chester grins nervously. "Y-yeah! F-fine." He tries to maintain a bravado then groans, as he walks over to the bed and slumps on it. "No. I… I want us to go further. Anything. I… I just don't know what to do. I've got lube and condoms, but I…"

I chuckle. "Me either. I… what do you want to do? What have… you, ah, thought about?"

Chester blushes, and wraps his arm around me, pushing me down onto the bed. He lays aside me, and kisses me again. His face is beet red. "Um… I… I really, ah, wish I could fit… inside. I've…been fantasizing about that. Or…er, you in… me. Something… that brings us closer."

I let out a short chuckle. "Er… I see. That explains your grabby hands on my ass the other day…" I grin and kiss his snout.

He huffs in amusement, and part apology. "Sorry - but you do have a great ass. I just want to feel more of it…"

I blush. "So do you. I noticed yours at the Onsen. So damn meaty, I wanted to grab it myself… I've… also… imagined you in a leather harness… too."

Chester raises his brows in surprise. "R-really? Me, huh?"

I shrug. "I think it could be hot … but now that I think about it - I dunno if it's a good idea - considering where leather can, er, come from…"

Chester laughs, and pats my chest. "Don't worry about it - there's always faux leather."

I cover his hand with mine, and stare into his eyes. Chester smiles softly, and kisses me gently at first, then I shut my eyes as our liplock become more heated. I wrap my arms around his waist, and hold him tight against me.

He breaks off the kiss. His face is unusually eager as he strokes my face. He stutters in a soft, hesitant voice. "U-um. D-do you… Do you want to… keep going? We do..have the p-place to ourselves."

I chuckle nervously. "Y-yeah. Um… let's… keep kissing first? We have all night?"

My bull huffs softly with a growing smile. "You're right! We have lots of time." He presses his lips against mine again, with renewed vigor, and we keep doing that for a while, and it leads to things, and discoveries.

The screen goes black.

"Well. Hope you enjoyed the story - there probably won't be any more after this - I just wanted to do a birthday surprise party. Maybe if I'm persuaded enough, or the owner of this world and game wants it - I might consider writing the next part."

(Previous Chapter) [End]


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