Grizzly Science #2: Unlikely Friends (Ch. 3)

Warning: Explicit Sexual Situations ahead.

Chapter 3

After Grant started the washer, he went to the kitchen, and started warming up Brent's share of the takeout he had bought before.

Brent waited for Vince to come out of the bedroom, while sitting on a plush chair to the right of the bed-couch. He wanted to hear Vince's story for himself. He only had gotten snippets from Grant and it wasn't enough to convince him... yet.

Vince came walking out of the bedroom, feeling rather timid. He wasn't used to wearing pajamas in front of virtual strangers, and preferred to sleep nude.
He could smell something strange, and familiar -- something he hadn't smelled in a long while. A Cigar. He had a brief liaison with an older bear who smoked cigars with a passion, and was into leather...

Despite the uncertainty of the situation, he still found himself slightly turned on. And that made him uncomfortable -- at least in front of the two bears. He hoped he wasn't showing too much of a bulge...
He really hadn't noticed a cigar burning, even though he had thought he had smelled one earlier but through his stink, he wasn't absolutely certain. Now he was. 

He paused long enough to inhale, then exhale quickly, as he walked toward the couch. The scent he smelled now was tantalizing -- and that wasn't the food he now smelled warming up.
Brent was gazing at him with curiosity, deciding to hold back on judgment before he heard Vince's story.

Vince meekly seated himself in the middle of the couch, adjusting his shirt discreetly, and not looking directly at Brent.

Brent observed how Vince's body moved with the shirt, and felt his loins swell slightly in purely lustful appreciation. He suppressed a flash of irritation, and crossed his legs immediately. There was no need to advertise. He spoke quietly, "What happened?"

Vince's eyes met Brent's, and he nodded with a short sigh. "Well... " He went on to explain about his family, and his friends not being able to help him any longer, and making his meals last. He went on to say, "All I want is a new start... but this town has no jobs that I'm qualified for...Maybe I'll just walk to another town..."

Emotionally, he wasn't fishing for anything -- it was what he really felt.

Brent had softened toward him considerably, shaking his head at all the misfortune. "Damn. That really bites." His heart went out to Vince, but he wasn't sure if he really wanted to take anything further.

Vince shrugged, feeling numb. "It's fine. I'll figure something out."

Grant called out from the kitchen as he carried Brent's takeout on a warmed up plate to his lover. "Yes, I'm sure you will." He had a confident smile on his face, then he handed the plate to Brent.

Brent took the plate and started eating silently.

Grant stood there by the coffee table with smoke wafting upward around his mouth, then glanced at Vince, speaking around the cigar. "...Need anything else? I have plenty of fruit and other stuff in the kitchen."

Vince looked down and shook his head. "No. Thanks... I think I've eaten enough of your food."

Grant snorted, taking his short, stubbed stogie out of his mouth, and waved it at nothing in particular in Vince's direction. "A growing boy like you? I'm sure you'll be hungry later. Help yourself to more fruit if you feel like it." He smiled with relaxed friendliness.

Brent chewed on his burger, thoughtfully. He observed how Grant seemed way too relaxed, and comfortable around this stranger.

It smacked of oddness -- Grant was most reserved when interacting with people he hardly knew.

Grant also tended to stay in the background and usually opened up to those that he considered close, otherwise he would just remain quiet in front of them.

This was just out of the norm that Brent felt a little uneasy. It appeared as if Grant had already considered Vince like a friend already.

Brent knew that Grant had a pretty good sense of judgment about people, and it made the last shred of reservation he held onto melt away. 

He smiled and slid the plate of onion rings over to Vince. "Go ahead. Have some."

Vince started to protest but with Brent's encouraging gestures, he tentatively took one, and bit into it. These men were being so nice to him, and he felt guilty about being a burden on them, even if they didn't show it.

And he was feeling slightly hungry again, so he took several more, and leaned back on the couch, but still sat in a stiff pose -- as a guest.

A resolution formed itself in his mind -- to make it up to them somehow, if he could.

Vince kept quiet and finished off his onion rings, and waved the plate away.

Brent shrugged and took the plate, helping himself to several more.

Grant leaned forward and snatched the last of the onion rings with a devilish grin at Brent. Stamping his now used up stogie in the nearby ashtray on the edge of the coffee table, he looked at his lover, and jerked his head toward the bedroom.

Brent nodded -- he was worn out from working, and thankfully didn't need to go anywhere tomorrow. He carried his plate to the kitchen, and stopped in the entrance to the hallway, then turned.

Grant nodded with a smile. "I'll be right there. I just have to lock the door."

Brent nodded, knowing Grant was up to something, but restrained himself from saying anything.

He called out to Vince, "Good night. Sleep well."

Vince smiled briefly. "Thanks. You too."

Brent disappeared down the hallway into the bedroom.

Grant circled around one end of the coffee table then sat at the couch, facing Vince. He had an apologetic expression on his face. "I'm sorry about that."

Vince laughed, waving it off. "No worries... it was tense, but... it seems to have passed." He still felt slightly relaxed, around Grant, but his attraction was making him edgy being in such close proximity. He kept his hands in front of his legs, in an attempt to shield himself from the older bear.

Grant laid a meaty hand on Vince's shoulder lightly, then moved it behind Vince's neck, and squeezed gently. He was silent, but Vince saw indefinable emotions flicker on his face for a moment. His hand hadn't left Vince's neck, and was caressing the back of his hair slightly.

Grant leaned closer, studying the boy's face.

Vince's breath caught several times as Grant's eyes seemed to brighten in a golden glow.

His voice seemed distant, and preoccupied. "Have we met before somewhere? You seem familiar to me."

Vince forced himself to breathe again, and chuckled weakly. "Um, no... I think I'd remember..."

Grant grinned widely, as his other hand held Vince's chin for a moment. "If you say so."

Grant sensed the sexual tension between them -- he could hear Vince's breathing become erratic the longer he stared into the younger one's eyes. He felt himself longing to respond, but knew it wasn't proper...

Perhaps he could get away with something at least... He drew Vince's face closer by the neck and gently kissed him fully on the lips. Vince didn't resist at all, captivated by Grant's eyes.
Vince's eyes widened as his lips met Grant's own, and felt his body respond and melt. His hand had ended up on Grant's forearm in surprise.

Grant pulled back letting go completely, similarly surprised -- he hadn't expected anything except the stirring of his loins, but he sensed that Vince needed him, and perhaps he needed Vince as well.
He growled the next words out in a gruff voice. "Good night, kid. We'll talk in the morning..."

The truth was that Grant was finding it harder to resist pushing Vince down on the couch and getting on top of him. And his dwindling common sense told him that he better quit while he was ahead.
He playfully pushed Vince down on his side by his neck and stood up, thanking the heavens that he was able to invoke that nanite trick of his to conceal his raging lust.

"Get some sleep, boy." His voice held a certain husky edginess to it when he spoke the last word.

Vince nodded at him, feeling strange himself. Grant had so much sensuality about him, that his words made a shiver run up his spine.

Boy. He kinda liked that -- even if Grant wasn't his...

Vince slipped under the covers and closed his eyes, to try to sleep.

Grant stopped at the entrance into the hall, staring at him with regret? for a moment. Shaking his head, he ducked into the hallway, threw the laundry into the dryer, and started it. He then slipped into their bedroom, closing the door most of the way, leaving it open about an inch. Brent was already undressed and lying in bed.

He smiled when Grant entered, putting his hands behind his head, and stretching himself out. He wasn't sure he wanted to know exactly what happened, so opted for a safer avenue of questioning for now. He spoke quietly.

"Vince okay?"

Grant nodded, and had an intense look on his face, as he peeled his clothes off without another word.
Brent felt a stirring in his underwear, despite his weariness. Watching Grant undress was erotic, even if he didn't know that. Muscles bunched and flexed as he pulled articles of clothing off one by one.
It didn't take very long for Grant to shed his clothes, and stood there in his muscular glory. He had also pulled off his underwear, and released the control over his erection. It sprang to life -- glistening with precum at the tip and engorged with blood.

Grant was beginning to breathe huskily, as he climbed -- no, stalked onto the bed toward Brent with a predatory smile on his face. Once he got close enough, he started nibbling on Brent's stomach, then upward to his neck and then captured his lover's lips and hungrily moaned. 

Brent groaned as his lover's lips trailed up his front and shuddered with a delicious ache beginning to fill his loins into full hardness. His hands pulled on Grant's sides, urging him closer.

Grant responded by kissing harder, and pressing into Brent's body with his own. He grunted as his erection pressed against his lover's leg, and in frustration, he pulled the sheet further off.

Brent was not complaining, but a vague niggling thought was at the back of his mind -- was this because of Vince, or was he just horny? Taking his sexual frustration out at him?

Grant growled as the sheet fought his attempts to be pulled down, until he moved his legs so Brent's furry legs were exposed. He lightly trailed his hand down one leg, then moved it over his lover's groin and rubbed the straining member.

With a husky grunt, he pulled the underwear down and off, resulting in Brent's legs halfway up. He took the chance, letting his fingers rub Brent's balls. Grant wasted no time taking his lover's dick inside his mouth, and started slurping noisily.

Brent moaned loudly, unable to help himself.

* * *

Vince wasn't asleep -- not by a long shot. He felt comfortable inside the couch, but countless questions still ran through his mind -- What was he to do tomorrow? Where would he go?

His runaround track of thoughts was interrupted by low groaning coming from down the hallway.

Vince felt an irrational surge of envy. The noises grew slightly in volume along with a new one -- one that he recognized as a blowjob.

His dick stirred and filled the boxer briefs he was wearing to full capacity, straining upward.

Vince wriggled around on the couch, vexed by listening to the two men enjoy themselves, and snuck his hand under the blankets to tug at himself a bit.

He bit his lip, trying to stifle his moans of pleasure at fondling himself.

* * *

Grant grinned and lapped at Brent's balls, hungrily. He inhaled his lover's scent deeply and moaned in bliss. Grant darted lower, and shifted his lover's legs back then started lapping at  Brent's crack.

Sensations of sparks exploded in Brent's mind as Grant's tongue went to work at his hole. His hands suddenly clenched the sheets as Brent grunted, desperately wanting more.

* * *

Vince had had enough, and finally pulled his underwear below his balls so he could masturbate. The noises he could catch were turning him on beyond what he believed possible.

He bit his lower lip as he started jerking slowly, fantasizing about the two hot bears.

* * *
Grant couldn't hold his impending climax much longer, and he hadn't even touched himself yet. He growled, flipped Brent onto his stomach, then pulled him to a half-triangle position with his butt high in the air, and head onto the mattress.

He gazed avidly at Brent's glistening crack, wet with his saliva. Lining up his dick, he growled deeply, and slid it in one thrust.

Brent gasped momentarily in a sudden spark of pain, then bliss came soon after, as Grant started fucking slowly.

Grant's muscles tightened and flexed as he forced his dick in and out of his lover with increasing tempo and roughness.

He was starting to sweat with the exertion.

Brent could do nothing but stay where he was. He had tried to push himself to a doggy style position, but Grant wouldn't have it, and snarled to keep his head down. His butt loved the abusing, and thoughts of Grant's erratic behavior were lost as Grant let out what sounded like a howl of ecstasy.
Grant's body shuddered and stiffened up as he kept forcing his dick into his lover's ass. His dick red-hot with lust exploded in seven successive blasts of cream inside Brent. His mind was incoherent with waves of blissful emotion crashing through him.

* * *

Vince heard the increasing vigor in the noises, and was damnably curious. He had discarded the boxer briefs on the floor near his bed, and was making his way toward the bedroom. He knew he shouldn't peek, but his curiosity won out in the end.

What he saw through the small crack of the open door, made his eyes widen, and his dick fully erect. These bears were muscular with firm bellies, and Grant was a sight to behold while fucking his lover. This was nothing, compared to the fantasy he had earlier in the shower...

Guilt and unease swamped him, making him feel like an interloper. It was THEIR special 'time', not his... for all he knew, they didn't want to share their sex lives with others. Grant had kissed him as well, which still confused and excited him. Grant had seemed interested.

But the irresistible lure kept him there as Grant howled in pleasure, fucking Brent like it was their last night on earth.

His hand strayed to his dick and stroked it through the nightshirt. Vince's hard on, now approaching painful, throbbed in his hand. He bit his lip, trying to muffle his groans.

* * *

The older muscle bear's hearing picked up a faint groan and instantly knew it hadn't been his lover. He smiled inwardly, hoping his lover would go for what he was about to suggest...

Grant bent over his lover and whispered huskily. "He's watching. Invite him in?"

Brent blinked and took a long moment to think about it, while Grant stroked his back, still embedded inside his ass, fully hard, and slowly thrusting in and out.

Did he really want Vince to join them? He had to admit that Vince was hot. The gentle thrusting let him think a little more. Before tonight, he'd have had said no immediately, but now --

Grant bent over and humped a bit urgently, awaiting an answer.

Brent groaned deeply, hanging his head, and panting. He spoke quietly. "...Yes."

He just hoped he wouldn't regret saying it.


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