Grizzly Science #2: Unlikely Friends (Ch. 9)

Chapter 9
Vince was idly fingering Grant's stomach fur, and feeling supremely comfortable. He had listened in amazement to the big bear's story on meeting Brent. No wonder Grant seemed to be insatiable -- it was the nanites that were running around inside his body. "And I wondered how you had so much stamina..., well, your age."

Grant chuckled mischievously, and turned to put his cigar out in the ashtray on the nightstand. "Well, I probably could keep up even without these things inside me, given the shape I'm in..." He turned back then gently rubbed Vince's hand; he then pushed it lower onto his crotch and growled. "Rub it."
Vince had no resistance when it came to the older bear, so he lightly rubbed the prominent erection tucked into Grant's underwear. His hand squeezed the shaft, making Grant grunt, and embrace Vince even closer. He turned to nuzzle Grant's hairy pec and nibbled at the stiff nub.

Grant rolled his head backwards, and rumbled in pleasure as Vince sucked on his nipple gently. He caressed the back of Vince's head and let him nurse to his heart's content. His idle thought, even though slightly bizarre yet a bit of a turn on, was that he wouldn't mind being able to give his cub some sort of milk. He vaguely wondered where that thought had come from, but perhaps it just stemmed from his recent desire to have a family. His thoughts were scattered the moment the cub started to chew slightly, drawing a sharp growl, and a firm hold from him on the back of Vince's neck. "Not so hard!"

Vince pulled off when Grant softened his grip, and had a sheepish grin on his face. "Sorry..."

Grant glanced down at his cub and chuckled. "It's fine. It was just a bit harder than I like." He pulled lightly at the back of Vince's neck. "Come here."

Vince leaned upward and kissed the sexy bear on the lips, and was surprised when he was shifted fully on top of Grant. He pressed against the muscular bear and was encased in strong arms.

Grant rumbled happily in his chest as he kept kissing Vince softly. Yes, he was horny, but there was no reason to enjoy it to the fullest. His hands crept down to Vince's cheeks and rubbed them lovingly.

Vince nuzzled Grant's beard, and could smell cigar smoke clinging everywhere. It was slightly intoxicating for him because it combined with the big bear's own musk to create an alluring scent. He inhaled deeply wherever he could, and felt Grant's big hands cup his butt cheeks. He felt those hands tug at his waistband and pull them down, uncovering his ass.

Grant spread one cheek apart and slipped a finger down his cub's crack. He was rewarded with a low moan, then he gently probed at his cub's warm and moist hole.

Vince winced in slight pain and tightened his grip on Grant's forearms.

Grant stopped his probing, and squeezed Vince's cheeks. "I'm sorry, Vince. I forgot..."

Vince whispered softly, "It's cool.", and relaxed his grip, then moved his hands to stroke Grant's chest. His stomach rumbled in hunger, causing him to blush, and laugh quietly.

Grant chuckled and held Vince's chin in his fingers, then kissed him softly. "Let's get some breakfast, 'k? Should have fed you the moment you woke up but..."

Vince shrugged, and reluctantly pulled himself away. "Yeah. I know." He moved to the edge of the bed, then planted his feet onto the floor. He still felt like he was in a dream -- that tomorrow it'd end, and he'd have to leave. And he didn't know what exactly he was feeling about them, but there was one definite truth that he knew. He wanted to be with them.

But the idea of being with them -- what did it mean to him exactly? A family? Friends with benefits? A triad relationship? Those questions circled around in his brain until Grant squeezed him in his arms from behind, and licked his ear.

Grant rumbled, "You okay, boy? Let's find something to eat."

Vince closed his eyes, feeling safe and content. The embrace felt so natural and it was all he could do to stop himself from melting. "Yeah, okay." He felt Grant's hand rub his back gently, then take his hand to drag him into the kitchen.
* * *

Grant dug around in the fridge and muttered under his breath. He shut the fridge, turned around and sighed. "Want some pizza? I can order some for us."

Vince grinned. "Sure. I like everything 'cept anchovies."

Grant smiled brightly. "Okay. That's settled." Privately, he had no desire to cook right now, and pizza sounded good. There was a particular place he had in mind, that had the best local pizza and delivered. He moved toward Vince and kissed him softly.  "I'll call Jase's Pizzeria. You get yourself cleaned up. I'll throw on some sweats."

Vince nodded, then ambled off to the bathroom. Twenty minutes later, he was toweling himself dry in the bedroom with one foot on the bed. Engrossed in his private thoughts, he still was hovering between uncertainty and hope -- would he have to leave, or stay? No matter how much he liked the two fellows, there was always a chance he'd have to fend for himself sooner or later.

Now wasn't the time to worry about it though.

Grant stepped in and leaned against the door, enjoying the sight for a few seconds. His sweats were tented almost obscenely, and he wasn't by nature an exhibitionist, but he was comfortable enough with Vince around to not bother adjusting himself. He crossed his arms and studied the curves and slopes of the younger bear's legs and cheeks before clearing his throat.

Vince turned around and blushed, immediately noticing the bulge in Grant's sweats.

Grant grinned broadly. "Pizza's on it's way. About twenty-five minutes or so."

Vince was slow to finish drying himself off, and held the towel against himself. His dick was reviving into a nice chubby erection, and even though they had played, he still retained a sense of shyness around Grant. He felt uncertain on what to do or say, before latching onto a topic. "Ah. Um, do you cook, or eat out a lot?"

Grant shrugged, feeling slightly relieved that Vince was trying to change the subject. He wanted some more action and he hadn't gotten off at all today, but timing was everything. "Most of the time, I usually cook, and sometimes he does. As far as eating out, we tend to go to Grizz's at least once or twice a month, sometimes more.  Know how to cook, or do any house work? I'm not saying I'll put you to work with everything, but..."

Vince chuckled. "Well, I guess I do okay at housework in general. Cooking's okay, as long as it comes out of a box or something..."

Grant nodded. "Better than nothing. Mind you, this is just in case you can stay longer. For now, you need something to wear."

Grant walked over to his dresser, and pulled open the bottom dresser drawer. He took out some sweats and handed it to Vince. "Here. I'd prefer you butt-naked, but we gotta maintain some sense of decorum until the pizza arrives." He continued with a wink. "Plus we can always yank them off afterwards."

Vince shook his head, still clutching the towel with one hand and holding the sweats in the other. "Are you a nudist or something?"

Grant laughed. "God, no. I just feel comfortable wearing as little as possible in the privacy of our home. Always have been." He continued in a sly tone. "Or do you want to be buck naked when they deliver the pizza? Give them an eyeful?"

Vince scrunched his face in mock distaste, then slipped the sweats on. "I'll pass on that, thanks."

Grant grinned. "Aww, and I wanted to see the expression on their face when they saw you naked."

Vince rolled his eyes and threw the towel at the older bear, who caught it in midair with an impish grin.

Grant held the towel in both hands. "I should pop this in the washer and some other things. Why don't you find something to watch in the living room until the delivery person gets here?"

Vince smiled then nodded shortly before heading into the living room.

The muscle-bear glanced at the younger bear's exit, and sighed. He glanced at the towel and frowned, idly curious about what it might smell like. Grant brought the towel to his nose and inhaled briefly. He sniffed again, finding a very faint trace of musk that sent a burst of excitement directly to his loins, making him growl in bliss. Seconds later, his preoccupation was broken by the abrupt sound of the TV turning on. His face grew red, as he gathered extra laundry from the bedroom and hurried to the washer to dump them in.

Grant popped back into the bedroom looking for a baggy t-shirt to wear, then took his wallet, along with his used cigar from earlier. Scratching his stomach, he walked into the living room and saw Vince chuckling at something on the television. He smiled and dropped his wallet on the coffee table. "Oh, good. You found something to watch."

Vince was bundled up in a blanket as he smiled up at his 'Dad'. "Yeah. I wasn't really expecting anything on, but this is one of my favorite shows."

Grant glanced at the TV, and nodded. "Oh yeah. I've seen his show a few times - So Graham Norton's pretty funny."

Vince held the blanket closer to him, as he spoke again. "Yeah. I've missed about a month or two's worth of episodes. This is a repeat though -- It's not usually on till later tonight."

Grant eased himself onto the couch and put his arm around Vince. "Ah. Well, knock yourself out. Perhaps we could rent some DVDs? We rent from Netflix occasionally. I'm sure there's at least one or two seasons."

Vince nestled himself closer into Grant's arm, still watching the episode. "Yeah, that'd be cool..." He wanted to believe that there'd be time to do something like that, but this would be good enough. He sighed softly under his breath, and felt Grant's arm encircle him and squeeze gently.

Grant was comfortable cuddling him, but one couldn't do it forever. Could they?

"So, uh, what kind of TV shows and movies do you like?"

* * *

Fifteen minutes went by while they talked quietly and watched TV. Grant leaned toward the coffee table, putting his cigar away in the ashtray. He didn't really feel up to smoking at the moment, and would rather snuggle Vince. Plus, the pizza would be here any minute and he could always use a stogie for dessert. A mischievous thought ran through his mind, making him smile slightly.

Unless Vince wanted to be dessert...

Vince was floating in a sea of comfort and warmth while nestled into Grant's body. He found it hard to concentrate on the show with Grant's hand gently fondling his chest fur. His eyes glazed over, then a sensation akin to being dropped in an ocean of bridled lust swept through his entire body, causing his dick to become harder than steel. The feeling continued until several seconds later when Grant abruptly kissed him on the head, then stood up.

"Pizza's Here."

Vince clenched his fists; he had the strangest feeling that somehow he'd gone through an edging session for hours without an outlet. He closed his eyes, and panted softly, wishing he could fuck something - anything. He took several deep breaths, trying to relax himself, then managed to force his erection down; The strange sensation passed away almost instantly, filling him with a sudden emptiness. Unsure of what just happened, he rubbed his face with his hand; he decided to believe that it was just a dream from being so close to Grant.

Grant's rumbly voice, layered with concern and slight alarm, broke into his distraction. "Vince? You okay?"

Vince blinked, and shook the cobwebs from his mind. "Oh. Sorry. Must still be tired."

Grant nodded then placed the two boxes of pizza on a cleared space onto the coffee table. "You haven't eaten today, so help yourself to as much as you want. I'll get some plates."

Vince focused on the food, and smiled. The aroma was appealing and his stomach suddenly roiled in hunger, then he opened one of them.

Figuring that it'd probably be easier to entice the cub into playing later, he'd stripped to his birthday suit, then went into the kitchen for a couple of plates and drinks. The cub hadn't noticed him because he'd started stuffing his face without looking up.

The moment Grant handed Vince his plate and drink, he was treated with the adorable sight of his cub squirming, stammering and blushing for several long seconds before focusing back on eating. Grant smirked and ruffled Vince's hair, before tucking away some pizza himself.

* * *

After wolfing down a sizeable portion of the pizza, Vince felt more content than he had ever been in a long while. Never having gone to Jase's, he was happily surprised at how delicious it was, and he made a vow to himself to get some more from there someday. He settled back onto the couch and exhaled deeply, flopping his arms at his sides, then closed his eyes. A minute later, he smelled cigar smoke and felt the couch sag as the bulky bear made himself comfortable.

Grant took a drag and let the smoke waft out of his mouth, then glanced at his cub with a warm smile. He reached out and caressed Vince's cheek with the back of his finger, then trailed it lightly down Vince's arm. He couldn't wait much longer, so he quickly extinguished his cigar in the ashtray then placed it on the table. Grant rested his hand on Vince's, then spoke as he got to his feet, and held his hand out. "C'mon, boy. Let's go to the bedroom."  

Vince swallowed, feeling heat rush to his cheeks, then nodded. Grant's eyes were aflame with hunger, which Vince noticed were more blue-golden than he'd remembered. He filed it away as an oddity  then held out his hand, and was pulled up to his feet. Moments later, he was dragged into the bedroom hurriedly.

Grant drew Vince tightly to him and slipped his hands inside Vince's sweats, then squeezing his cheeks. Grant growled with need in his throat, as he kissed his cub on the lips with a frenzied urgency. His hands roamed all over Vince then pushed the sweatpants down, and they slid to the cub's ankles. He pulled back only enough so his forehead was touching Vince's own, and breaking the kiss to pant softly.

Vince's eyes were closed, and his hands were lightly resting on the sides, then one slid down his hip to Grant's raging erection and enclosed it inside his hand. Vince felt slightly naughty and squeezed the older bear's erection slowly.

Grant shuddered, and growled quietly. "Oh yeah..." He resisted the impulse to fuck his cub's hand for all it was worth, and he was already very close to shooting, but he wanted his cub to milk it out of him. Grant nipped lightly at Vince's ear and held his hand on Vince's arm. In a husky whisper, he spoke into his cub's ear. "Go on, squeeze some more."

Vince felt like he was a lust-induced daze, as he obeyed Grant by doing a slow milking motion. He was incredibly turned on, and hard as steel. He didn't find it strange to want to please this older muscled man, nor that he found a place here to belong. He felt as if he was riding a cresting wave of hunger and need upward a steep hill, and it wouldn't stop. And he didn't want it to stop. 

Grant's eyes were glazed over as his body responded eagerly to Vince's ministrations. His balls were drawing tighter and tighter, then he suddenly groaned, feeling himself vault over the edge. He convulsively tightened his grip on Vince's arm, and his other hand tightened on Vince's butt when his dick splattered heavy amounts of cum at his cub's stomach.

Vince, carried along on an emotional high as Grant had held onto him, could sense that the big man was approaching his critical point, and somehow his body was reacting the same way. Vince shuddered, as his body responded immediately to the spray of Grant's cum by unloading onto the older bear's leg.

Both held each other tightly as their climaxes shuddered and subsided.

Grant started kissing Vince on the lips wildly and squeezing Vince's body to his, not minding the wet mess between them. Slightly breathless, he broke the kiss and grinned. "Damn, I needed that. I've been itching to get off all day."

Vince panted slightly, as something occurred to him. "Why didn't you just jack off or something?"

Grant chuckled, and shook his head. "And miss out on playing with you? I'm only sorry it was so quick, but it definitely takes the edge off, and lets me relax more." At seeing Vince's confusion, he continued talking. "It's the nanites' way of ensuring 'fertility', I suppose. In the mornings, I usually need to blow a load before I can do anything else, but we've had more sex than I usually have in a weekend. I just wanted to wait until you were up for it, so to speak." He grinned, and winked before squeezing Vince to him some more.

Vince blushed. "Oh. Right. So that makes you an insatiable brute?"

Grant shrugged, but there was a sparkle in his eye as he moved backwards, letting go of Vince. He idly ran a hand through his sodden fur on his stomach. "Insatiable, yes, although I could be a brute in bed if you want... long, hard fucks..." A second later, his mouth split open in a wild and lusty grin.


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