Grizzly Science #2: Unlikely Friends (Ch. 8)

Author's Note: Here I do bring up the question of safer sex… and mainly plot and conversation ;)

Chapter 8

Brent groaned as a beam of sunlight flickered across his eyes. He squinted at the curtain which was partially open, and tried to shift his head out of the sun. He didn't want to wake up yet. In between sleep and awake, Brent floated in a warm and fuzzy feeling while Grant's arms were wrapped around him in a snug hold. His mind drifted to full awareness within moments, as he wished he could spend all day here.

His comfortable surroundings were shattered by the phone ringing, ruining his mood. Brent grunted, reaching for the phone, and feeling pissed. He sat up, and answered with a terse reply. "Yeah?"
Grant had released Brent moments ago, also awakened by the phone. He wondered who could be calling, and rolled onto his back, then scratched his stomach fur lightly. He glanced at the alarm clock, and rubbed his face with slight tiredness. It was practically lunchtime. His stomach roiled in hunger, reminding him that he needed to replenish his reserves as soon as it were feasible.

Brent listened to the phone, and closed his eyes for a second in annoyance.

"I see."

Grant was half listening to Brent's conversation. His mind went back to last night - getting plowed by his lover. He wasn't quite sure what to think; it had been a new experience for him, and immensely enjoyable. He hadn't really considered getting screwed before last night, but he'd be more willing to explore it a bit more now if Brent was still eager for it later on. His butt didn't feel sore, but he suspected it was probably the nanites' fault.

"Are you sure there's no one else who can help?"

Grant glanced at the red-head, feeling his loins stir. Despite Brent's irritation, he was ruggedly handsome in the morning. As he paid more attention to Brent's side of the conversation, his heart began to sink -- it looked like he'd have to leave for work. His rising member began to deflate with his resignation.

"Fine. No. I can do it. The appointment's in a hour and half?"

Brent paused once more and replied. "Yes. I know the place. I'll be there in about a hour or so."
He listened for a minute, then hung up, with a grimace.

Grant rubbed the back of his hand against Brent's lower back. He was disappointed because he was hoping to spend more time with Brent this weekend. "Work call?"

Brent turned his head back at his lover, and scowled. "Yep. One of the techs got the flu -- and no one else is capable of taking over."

Grant sighed, turning on his side, and encircling Brent's waist with his arm. He understood that if Brent had to go, he had to go. It wasn't something he enjoyed when they called him in on his days off. "I see. How long will you be gone?"

Brent rubbed Grant's hand softly, regret on his face. "I have several appointments to take over, and they'll probably take most of the afternoon... I ought to be back home sometime around dinner. I wish I could get out of it."

Grant frowned. "Ah... That bites."

Brent nodded. "I know."

Grant squeezed Brent with his arm. An idea began to formulate in his mind. He snapped his fingers, and looked at his love. "Hey, what if we all go to Grizz's tonight for dinner? I mean, if you want to do that? Or we can stay in."

Brent chuckled. "We can go out if you want to, hon. It might be a bit healthier to get out of the house once in a while." He had a lewd smirk on his face for a moment, then sobered. He didn't have time to talk about Vince if he was to be able to make his commute to the clinic a hour's drive away.

Grant had the grace to look sheepish. "Heh."

Brent leaned down and kissed his lover with gentle passion. "No worries. We'll go out tonight. And, um, about last night -- about Vince, I mean. We will talk about it... just not right now. I've got to get ready."

Grant sighed in mock exasperation. "I guess I have a whole afternoon to kill."

Brent shook his head as he stood up, then walked to the bedroom door, and turned around. "I'd leave Vince alone so he can sleep, plus you can always will yourself relaxed like usual, can't you?"

Grant spoke quietly. "Um... that's not been working very well lately..."

Brent stared at him with speculation. "Hmm, weird. I'll see if I can borrow a scanner - just in case. When did this start happening?"

Grant blushed. "Um, ever since Vince showed up... It still works but I have to try it several times before it does."

Brent chuckled. "Oh! I see. Perhaps your hormones are just overriding the nanites temporarily. I'll get ahold of a scanner anyways, okay? That way we can double-check."

Grant nodded, his face still reddish, as he sat up in bed.

Brent ducked into the hallway and got himself ready for work without another word.

The older bear sat there for several seconds, then got out of bed. He wanted to let Vince sleep, and to keep from waking him, he'd spend time in their bed with the morning paper and a cigar or two. He heard the shower running as he left as quietly as possible to make a quick breakfast.

He stopped at the hallway entrance, and glanced at Vince who was lightly snoring. The blanket was halfway down Vince's stomach, making Grant's dick twitch momentarily. With a sigh of wistfulness, he forced himself to round the corner into the kitchen.

Deciding on simplicity, he sliced up three apples in wedges, peeled two oranges, then found some cheese, and sliced it. Arranging it all on a plate, he set it aside, and went about making a couple of roast beef with cheese sandwiches for Brent's lunch later today. When those were done he wrapped them up in parchment paper, then tucked them into a paper bag, and left the bag in the fridge. He carried the plate of fruit and cheese back to their bedroom.

It wasn't long before Brent walked in the bedroom door, toweling his hair. He grinned as he saw the spread of food lying on the bed. "Oh, wow. You didn't have to... I was going to grab something quick..."

Grant chuckled. "I didn't mind, and it was easy enough to make without waking Vince up."

Brent nodded, and snatched up a piece of apple and cheese, then nibbled at them before searching for an outfit to wear. "Yeah. Makes sense." After rummaging for some underwear and socks, he turned around facing Grant, and wriggled his underwear on. "So, uh, are you sure you'll be okay here alone with him?"

Grant waved his hand dismissively. "I'll be fine. Don't worry about it. I'll just read a newspaper, and wait for him to wake up."

"Sounds fine. I may have to work late -- I don't know this doctor's appointment list for today." Brent pulled his pants up, and zipped them shut, then sat on the bed to eat more breakfast.

Grant sighed, then smiled wryly. "At least it's not back-breaking work. Heh."

Brent chuckled. "That's true." He wolfed down six more pieces of each before stopping. He slid off the bed to rummage into the closet for a shirt.

Grant had been eating steadily since he'd brought the food in. Taking the last piece of cheese and apple, he popped both in his mouth and savored the flavor combination. He glanced at Brent's back and wished he were rubbing up his front against it. He idly groped himself, and felt himself spring to full attention.

Brent turned around and smirked internally seeing Grant's obvious excitement and his half-lopsided expression of wistfulness. "Now, now, save some of that for later." Mentally, he added, or when Vince's awake...

Grant panted slightly before shutting his eyes tightly. He focused his thoughts toward the nanites to will his erection into slumber. With a slight breath of relief, he watched it soften.

Brent still was impressed at how Grant seemed to be able to will the nanites into doing that. He wriggled his shirt on, and tugged it down, then went to put his watch on. He blinked. "Oh dammit. I need to go in a couple minutes."

Grant got off the bed, and squeezed his arms around Brent momentarily. "Don't forget your lunch bag in the fridge."

Brent melted into his bear's arms and chuckled. "Oh, you even made me lunch too! I love you."

Grant purred and kissed Brent's neck lovingly. "I love you too." He slowly let go of his lover, and stepped backwards.

Brent turned around to give Grant a slow deep kiss before breaking away. "If I didn't have to work...I'll call you later this afternoon after I find out exactly how long I might be."

Grant nodded, and followed behind Brent as far as the hallway exiting into the living room. He watched Brent get his lunch and leave without another word. They had tried to be as quiet as possible as to not awaken Vince who was snoring quietly.

As the front door closed behind Brent, Grant sighed, then turned around to take a quick shower. All he really had planned was to relax, read the newspaper, and perhaps enjoy a stogie in bed. After a quick wash, then putting some underwear on, he went to the kitchen again to fetch some more fruit, and the newspaper from the other day.

Back in the bedroom, he settled himself against several propped up pillows behind him on the headboard of his bed. Grant made short work of the fruit -- he was hungry; after all, he had been through a marathon fucking in the last day.

While the fruit wouldn't last forever, it would last him long enough to wait for Vince to wake up, and perhaps he'd cook them both a hearty breakfast. He wondered if Vince could cook... After a moment of relaxation, Grant reached over to the night-stand drawer then pulled out his cigar case, and his lighter.

He sucked at his cigar, getting the tobacco lit properly, then he started reading the newspaper.

* * *

Vince had awakened when someone had shut the front door behind them. His mind was still groggy from weariness, but he tried to push it aside, and claw his way into full alertness. As he shifted onto his side, he winced at the sudden pleasant ache in his butt. Gritting his teeth, he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, and yawned.

He gingerly sat up and groaned softly. Memories of the last night and morning flashed through his mind, galvanizing him to total wakefulness. He whispered, with a hint of nervousness and fear.

"Oh no. What have I done?"

Without another thought, he searched for the underwear on the floor and yanked them on. He hurried to the bathroom, not looking into the bedroom. After doing his business, he sat on the toilet feeling more anxious and hoping that he hadn't just done a colossal blunder. As far as he could remember, no one had used protection of any sort.

He cursed at himself mentally for not even thinking to ask about condoms. He just had to pray that the other two were negative. Vince knew that he was negative, but it had also been a relatively long time since he had played with a man. There was no other way to do it. He had to ask.

Screwing up his courage, he pulled up his underwear, and walked into the hallway toward the bedroom. Just before the door, he hesitated, then pushed on to stand at the door. He stopped and took in the details: Grant sucking gently on his cigar, and reading the newspaper. Vince almost lost his nerve at that point until Grant glanced up and smiled cheerfully. "Morning!"

Vince flushed, and stammered. "M-morning..."

Grant smiled and folded up the newspaper and set it aside. Taking his half-used cigar out of his mouth, he patted the empty space by him with an inviting expression. "Well, come in, boy. I don't bite."

Vince chuckled weakly and stepped inside. He felt nervous, walking slowly toward the bed and sat down at the foot of the bed facing away from Grant. "Um. I have to ask something."

Grant frowned, and leaned forward. He wondered what was bothering his cub. "What's wrong?"

Vince felt suddenly more uncomfortable. He didn't want to accuse anyone, or piss anyone off, but he had to know. "Uh, I, um, I was wondering if, uh, you were..." His voice dropped even softer that Grant had to lean closer to hear him. ", positive?"

Grant didn't think about it at all before he replied with absolute certainty. "No. We're both negative."

He felt a sudden twinge of nervousness before he asked. "Are you? Negative, I mean." 

Vince let out the deep breath he'd been holding, and felt enormous relief. "Thank god. Yes. I'm negative. But -- do you make a habit of um, doing this?"

Grant shook his head firmly. "No. Uh, you're the first guy we've even considered to let play with us. It's impossible for me to get infected, and Brent's only been with me since you came here."

Vince turned around to stare at Grant with confusion. "What do you mean, impossible?"

Grant smiled, and beckoned with his finger. "Get your ass over here, and I'll tell you."

Vince chuckled, then crawled onto the bed and settled down by the big bear's side, then was promptly squeezed closer by Grant's arm.

Grant smiled, and leaned down to kiss his cub gently, then hungrily. He pulled back and took another draw of his cigar, then let the smoke waft out of his mouth as he spoke.

"Well, it's like this..."


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