Tomorrow People Fic: "Jade's Discovery" (Short Ficlet)

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in the Tomorrow People. All rights should go to Roger Price for that. The story is mine, however. Surprisingly - I didn't have to edit at all, really. Nothing stuck out as MUST EDIT. Heh. Enjoy! 

* * = Telepathy
( ) = Private Thoughts
~ ~ = Animal Telepathy

Teaser: Jade discovers something pretty cool while walking her dog. 

Title: Jade's Discovery
Written by: Drew Thiele 

Jade's mother poked her head inside the living room. "It's nearly 11. Jade needs to get to bed  -- she's got school tomorrow."

Jade protested weakly. "But, Mum! I'm not tired yet."

Penny walked into the living room and rested her hand on Jade's shoulder. She shook her head sternly. "No. I'm sorry, but you have school tomorrow. You three can visit when school's out or on the weekend. Now, say good bye to Adam and Megabyte." She ruffled Jade's hair to her daughter's annoyance, then left the room.

Megabyte and Adam stood up from the couch. Jessie had gone to sleep on his pillow nearby moments ago. Jade uncrossed her legs, and climbed off the couch.

Adam grinned, stretching languidly before looking at Jade. "She's right. We should get going."

Megabyte stifled a yawn with the back of his hand. "Oh, man, it's pretty late. Yeah, at least Dad's not gonna yell at me -- he's working late. Again." He rolled his eyes and smiled at Jade. "Night, you two." He sleepily closed his eyes in concentration, then vanished in a static burst of light.

Megabyte shrieked in their minds a second later. *YOW! Damn, that's COLD.*

Jade first started guffawing, holding her stomach, and tears coming out of her eyes.

Adam covered his mouth, chuckling under his breath as they both listened to Megabyte's grumbling as he splashed his way onto the beach.

Adam laughed as he sent a wide-open thought to Megabyte and Jade. *Serves you right for teleporting while half-asleep!*

Megabyte growled back telepathically. *Hmph!* The link was dropped immediately after that.

Adam's smile grew. "Well, welcome to our club. Oh, yeah, don't forget to practice your shielding like I showed you."

Jade crossed her arms, then nodded after a moment's thought. "I think I remember how to do it."

Adam stepped away, and stuck his hands in his pockets. He said, "Great. If you need some help, or need to talk, just 'path me, okay?"

Jade smiled brightly. "No problem!"

Adam chuckled, and took a deep breath, then shut his eyes in concentration. Static engulfed him, then compressed into a burst of light and popped out of existence, leaving Jade alone in the living room.

Jade sighed, then went to get ready for bed.

* * *

A couple days later, Jade was lying on her bed, and staring at the ceiling, feeling a bit bored. (Okay. Time for some practice...) She sat up and glanced around her room looking for something unbreakable. Her gaze focused on a folder of homework, and she grinned. (Let's see, how did Adam explain how to move things...?)

(Ah, yes. Think of a moving hand...) Jade scrunched her face up as she focused on lifting the folder. It visibly wobbled before rising slowly. Excitement buoyed her spirits as she telekinetically pulled the folder toward her. The folder landed in front of her, as she relinquished control. Jade grinned madly. (This is awesome. Oh yeah, where's my pencil?)

Without budging from the spot, she glanced around for a pencil on her dresser, found one and telekinetically pulled it more quickly to her outstretched palm.

She sighed a second later, flipping the folder open. "Might as well get started on my homework..." Jade made a face as she gazed over her papers. (Bleh. Maths.)

About three hours passed as she did her best to finish her homework, with a small break to eat her dinner that her mom brought an hour ago. She finished her meat and potato pasties with a lick of her fingers. (Mmm, those were good!) Setting aside the tray, and her homework which she just finished, Jade slid off the bed, and stretched her legs.

"Jade! Jessie needs a walk!" Penny called loudly from the kitchen.

Jade grinned, and picked up the tray, then called out, "Coming, Mum!"

After returning the tray, and thanking her mum, she grabbed the leash. "Come on, Jessie! Time for a walk." The dog pranced around her as she attached the leash to Jessie, then opened the door, and out they went. They wandered into town, enjoying the fresh crisp night breeze, and gradually ended up at the local cafe.

Jade paused outside the cafe, and idly scratched Jessie's neck in thought. (Hm, I've got a craving for some ice cream - I don't think Mum won't mind if I stop here for a few.)  Tying the leash to the outside wooden beam, Jade crouched down, and spoke. "Stay, Jessie. Stay."

Ducking in the cafe, she bought an ice cream sundae, then made her way back outside. Jade found a spot next to Jessie, and sat down. Jessie sniffed around, and found a perfect spot next to Jade's leg.

Jade smiled, ruffling Jessie's fur, then started digging into her small sundae. (Hmm, I wonder if I shouldn't practice my shielding here...? I mean there's one guy sitting outside with his girlfriend.) She paused, her spoon in mid-air, wondering if she should do it or not. (I mean, I oughtn't pry into people's thoughts, but what's the harm in sensing if people are around? As long as I don't listen in?)

Dropping the spoon in the now empty bowl, she shrugged. (Why not. It's only practice. And Adam did say I had to practice shielding...) Laying both hands on the table, she closed her eyes, and willed her shields to paper-thin consistency. Soft murmuring echoed oddly in her head, as she opened her eyes.

The world seemed more noisier than usual. She found that she could hear snippets of thoughts from the people across from her if she focused on an individual. Once she saw the guy thinking about his girlfriend's best friend, she flushed, and pulled back immediately. Taking a deep breath to steady herself, Jade reached down to scratch Jessie's fur lovingly.

Jade's dog immediately moved her head up against Jade's leg, and whined softly.

Jade was suddenly swamped with overwhelming emotion and words that meant so much more than they were intended. ~Jade. Trust. Love. Happy.~ It brought tears to her eyes, and she bent over, hugging Jessie with one arm. Her thoughts spilled over to Jessie in reply. *I love you too.*

Jessie yipped quietly. ~Jessie know. Home?~

Jade absent-mindedly spoke in her mind again. *In a minute, Jessie.*

Jessie yawned, then rubbing her head against Jade's leg. ~Cold. Sleepy.~

Jade froze as the realization that she was talking to her dog. She whispered in awe. "Whoa. Jessie's talking to me?!" Excitement filled her as she grinned madly. "Oh, wait till I tell the others!"

Jessie spoke again in her mind with a bit more emotionally demanding yet hopeful tone. ~Home! Now?~

Jade chuckled and patted Jessie's side. "Yes, yes, Home. Hold on a minute." Closing her eyes, she thickened her shielding, feeling the voices around her fade to nothing. Jade then left Jessie for a moment as she brought her empty bowl back inside the cafe, along with her glass. Returning back to her dog, she undid the leash from the standing beam, and then walked Jessie home.

On the way home, Jade wondered idly if she could talk to other animals or not now. (Is it just me that can do it, or could the others do it too? There'll be time later to try it. For now, I gotta tell the others.)



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