Surprise: An Extracurricular Activities Fic: Chapter 2

Day 26: June

The next morning I blink sleepily. Where am I? Oh. Chester. I'm in Chester's bed? Oh. Right. I stayed the night. The first thing that registers to me is something hot and throbbing pushing insistently against my butt.  My face turns crimson as I realize Chester's got morning wood - Damn! It never fails to impress me how big he is.

I am still wrapped tightly in his arms in the same position we went to bed. Oh jeez. I… at least… it doesn't feel wet back there. This time. Oh no - now I'm getting stiff too. I wriggle, trying to move away, and the bull huffs, pulling me even tighter against him. I feel another hard pulse against my ass. Thankfully it's only one. It'd be embarrassing for Chester to have it happen again. One thought pops in my mind. Thank god I wore my underwear last night… Who knows where that thing would go if we were both buck naked…

"Ches? Chester?" I try to nudge his side with my elbow awake, but he's dead to the world, although Chester's tool is very much alive… Changing tactics, I attempt to loosen his grip, and manage to pry one of his arms off me, so I can flip around to face him. He's still snoring.

I stroke his snout and that interrupts his snoring, turning it into half-asleep mumbling.

"Chester? Can you wake up?" He mumbles, falling into a deeper sleep again. I grit my teeth. Damn, he's so hard to wake up.

I blush, and giggle softly to myself, while looking down at the slab between us. It looks like I'm going to have to resort to more stimulating methods.  I look down at Chester's stomach, and rub it teasingly.

I get an immediate reaction of a low moan from his throat. He stirs a bit more, even though his eyes are still tightly shut, I can tell he's registering I'm there.

His mumbling becomes more clear. "Mmmm… do it s'more… Feels good."

My face is beet red, as I keep rubbing his gut in a circular motion, then slowly I move my hand. Lower. To the bulge in his underwear. What the hell am I doing? I'd rather him be awake for this, but this seems to be waking him up quicker… A naughty thought pops into my head… Maybe I should do this more often to wake him up…

I swallow audibly, as I rest my hand on his bulge. Chester lets out a sudden raspy, and guttural moan, as he opens his eyes at me. His eyes look pleadingly at me. My hand caresses his hard bulge, then he squirms for several moments, before he grunts at me, pushing my hand away for a moment.

Chester takes a deep breath, then wraps his arms around my neck, and starts kissing me heatedly. He pulls back and bites his lower lip. "F-fuck. I-I'm sorry. I … I can't do it. Not right now. Dammit. He's in the other room - I want to so fucking bad, but...Fffff..."

I murmur agreement. "I-I know. Me too. But… I… it's my fault too. I… shouldn't tease you so much."

Ches chuckles softly, and hugs me tight against him. "I love your teasing. It's just - I want it to be perfect - I know we've done stuff, but… - I… I don't know. The next step is w-what I m-meant. The…"

I nod, and bury my nose into his neck, becoming lost in his scent. I speak softly. "I know. You are really big - but … I hope we can do that, you… know? I love you. It's just hard to resist teasing you, since I want to do everything with you. I - I'm just not sure - since, you… know."

Chester laughs weakly. "Heh. I know. I love you too. And I love teasing you too. Now - let's, ah, stay in bed." His hand rubs my lower back, and strays even lower, to cup my ass in his hands.

I do love it when he does that, but - it does make me wonder - is it possible for Chester and I do actually have sex? It's… so damn big.  I know that he wants to - badly, but… how would it fit? I should check the Internet soon to see there's anything that might help me be accommodating to the bull.


A few hours later, we get up and shower separately. I have to get back home soon, so I can talk to Maria, and get my plans in gear. I just have to come up with an excuse to not spend all day with Chester. Even though I would like to spend every waking moment with him…

After I finish dressing back into the borrowed clothes from the night before, my phone goes off. I look at the contact image - it's Maria. But she's calling rather early. I answer the call, "Maria?"

Maria's tone is always chirpy, even this early in the morning. "Are you still at Chester's?"

I grin into the phone, feeling embarrassed for no reason. "Yes. I'm at his place, why?"

Maria sounds apologetic. "I am sorry - but I'm afraid we need another hand at the Shelter. Richard just hurt his back, so he'll have to lay down for a little bit."

I raise my brows. "What? Is he okay?"

Maria's voice sounds reassuring over the phone. "Oh, yes. He will be okay. He just had a sprain from overextending himself while working with the garden shed project we've been working on recently."

I nod with a faint crease between my brows. "So, what do you need me to do? I'll come back right away, if you need me to."

Maria speaks cryptically. "I'll let you know when you get here. I'll be waiting."

I hang up with a bit of concerned grunt. "Hmm…"

Chester comes out of the hall and looks at me, looking at my phone with confusion. "What's up?"

I wave the phone in the air. "Oh. Um, I'm sorry, but Maria just called. Richard sprained his back doing something, and Maria wanted my help with something - is that okay if I go? I mean, I know we sort of planned on hanging out all day before practice…"

Chester winces. "Is he okay?"

I nod. "He just needs to rest, I think."

Chester steps up to me and pulls me into a soft, quick kiss. "Aww, that's fine. If she needs your help, go home - I'll see you at practice, alright?"

I grin at him, kissing him on the lips. "Right! I'll see you later, Ches." I head out of his apartment, and ride my back quickly to the Shelter. I'm worried about Richard, but niggling doubt keeps picking at me. Is this the excuse Maria said she was going to make up? Is Richard actually alright? The rhino isn't always the most sociable, but he's a decent guy.

As I ride up to the Shelter, I see Maria standing at the back door. She waves me in after I put my bike back into the back yard. I walk inside, and she ushers me into the living room for a moment.

I crane my head around, trying to see if Richard was around. "Is he okay?"

Maria snickers for a moment. "Yes, yes, he is fine. He's at the hardware store for some more supplies. I merely thought that excuse that you asked for would be believable enough for you to get away without raising suspicions. After all, Richard only has to pretend to wince a little if he is around Chester."

I glare at her, partly glad that he's alright, and partly annoyed that she faked someone's injury. "Oh. Well. You're sneaky."

Maria sniggers, covering her mouth daintily. "We cats can be. So. Chester's Birthday, correct? When is it?"

I speak. "The 5th. I'm hosting a party at the Critical Strike Gamer lounge. I'm thinking maybe the 2nd, though, to actually surprise him. Well, technically, my boss is - his name is on the reservation. I can bring my own food, and I think there'll be an open bar."

Maria's ears twitch. "Ah! Sounds like it'll be fun. What are you going to bring?"

I cross my arms, and grin wide, then frown momentarily. "I was thinking of doing that baked spaghetti recipe that he taught me how to make. But I'm not sure what else to bring along with that."

Maria nods decisively. "Good idea! I'll help with that. I believe you told me that it was your first cooking lesson with him, right?"

I blush, covering my face in embarrassment, then I look at Maria. "Yeah. It was. I wanted to make that for the whole team, and Andrew will be going. I'd like you to be there, too. If you want to bring Richard too, you could."

Maria nods brightly. "Yes! We'll be delighted. I don't believe we have anything planned that day, but I'll talk to Richard and see if he'll be interested."

I grin. "Um. If you have any other ideas of what else to bring or make - I could use a little help there - since you know I'm not as good a cook as you are."

Maria chuckles at me. "Of course! I'll be more than happy to help you there. Let's sit down and plan the menu - and all the people you think you'll be inviting. Have you invited them yet?"

I shake my head a bit sheepishly. "Not yet. I've been trying to keep things on the down low - since I want it to be a surprise for Chester. I haven't had much time to myself yet."

Maria zips out of the room, and returns with a pad of paper. "Well, call them! Text them. Something. I'll make a list of people that you call, that way we can determine how much food to make."

I grin at her, pulling out my phone. "Fine, fine - I guess I could start with Coach -" I proceed to text every person on the team, and stress that it's a surprise, giving them details on where and when. After each person I text, I tell Maria their names, and watch her jot them down.

She smiles. "I see. I imagine they all eat quite a bit. That means probably triple the ingredients, but if you need help making it, I will be more than happy to help you."

I exhale softly in relief. "Thank you, Maria. Um… Also - I want to make a dessert. They have those ice cream cookies at the lounge that they sell, but… I want to do something… similar but different."

Maria's brows rise in curious eagerness. "Oh? What do you have in mind?"

I think for a moment. "He really liked your chocolate chip cookies. I was thinking of making it like an ice cream cookie. I… was wondering if we could do that? I don't know how difficult it would be? Maybe dip it in chocolate? Heh."

Maria lowers her pad to her lap, and clasps her hands together in excitement. "Oh? That does sound delicious! And we can make more than enough for everyone. That's easily done. I can teach you how to make them."

I stare at her. "Really? Thanks!"

Maria nods, patting me on the arm. "It's my pleasure. So, Andrew will be serving at the open bar?"

I shrug. "I think so. I haven't heard a reply from him about that yet." I fire off a quick text to him.

'Hey, it's me. Are you still helping out with the open bar? I'm at the Shelter with Maria.'

A few minutes pass before my phone chimes.

'Yes. I am. Sorry I hadn't replied. Just let me know what time to bring Chester to the Critical Strike. Are gifts expected?'

I text back. 'Thanks! I'll look forward to it. Oh. Um. I wasn't sure if we should, but we can. I'll consult Maria.'

I look up at Maria, tapping my phone against my leg. "What about gifts? I … I wasn't sure if I should mention that a gift would be nice. I'm not sure how to even suggest it."

Maria looks thoughtful. "I'd say … if they wish to bring a gift, let them. Do let them know where Chester's interests lie. You say he loves anime, and games, but - does he like fantasy and science fiction books?"

I grin broadly. "Oh yes, he does. So… tell them what he might like?" My smile dips a little in worry, as I continued, "I was thinking of trying to get a figurine he'd love from this favorite game of his, 'Dragon Era', from the lounge, but I don't know for sure if he already bought one by now, or not. People who work there can buy the prizes if they've been released. It's actually this one." I angle my shirt and show her.

Maria raises her brows. "My, that's impressive. Is that his?"

I blush. "Yeah. I forgot to bring extra clothes - since he asked me to stay the night."

Maria sets down the paper, and crosses her legs, looking at me saucily. "Oh? Really?"

I stutter quietly, "Y-yes… Well. I know I'm spending a lot of time over there - but, I don't want you to think… I don't want them to think I'm moving in - at least not without asking them. And… they haven't actually asked me to move in either. I'm not sure Andrew would like that."

Maria rests a hand on my shoulder, her eyes filled with compassion. "You do know you need to move out - eventually. But only when you are ready. It is a big move. And… well, no one said it had to be with Chester. You could still look for an apartment, once you save up enough money."

I look down at my lap. "Yeah. I know. I appreciate everything you've done for me."

Maria smiles, and squeezes my shoulder. "It's time for your next cooking lesson!"

I frown. "What? Now?"

Maria gets to her feet, and claps her hands. "Yes! Now. No time like the present. And none of your friends have texted back yet? You might as well get some practice before the main event, as it were. Meet me in the kitchen."

I watch her zip to the kitchen, and shake my head in bemusement. I stand up. I take a deep sigh in contemplation. She's right. It doesn't have to be with Chester. I could try looking for an apartment, but… I… don't want to live in an apartment without Chester. I miss him already.

My phone chimes again, signaling that I have a text. I look at my phone, and suddenly choke in surprise. It's a picture of Chester posing on the bed, with a prominent tower under covers. My pants tighten painfully as I stare at the picture. That damned tease. Gah! But - I couldn't have it any other way.

I quickly send a text back. 'Urk - what the hell are you doing!? What if Maria'd been around?? Heh. I miss you.'

He fired back almost immediately. 'Hehe. Sorry. Oh, yes. I'm also wearing nothing under this blanket. Miss you too. Talk to you at practice. Hey! How's Richard?'

I pause for a few seconds, debating whether to lie or tell the truth. The lie won out, since I wanted to keep him in the dark for now. 'Oh, he has a sore back - but I think he's probably just making it sound worse than it is. He's taking a few days to rest.'

Another chime later. 'Ohh. Glad he's alright. So… are you gonna show me yours? Later? I know we've seen each other's but this is fun -'

I turn beet red, staring at that text. Gah. It's like he's desperate for…

Maria pops her head out of the kitchen. "Coming?"

I jump, almost dropping my phone in the process. "Ahh! Uhh. Yes. I'll be there in a second!" I stare at the phone one more time, and groan, replying to Chester.

'Damn you. Not now! I have a project I have to do - stop distracting me! Talk later.'

Chester's text popped up a second later. 'Hahaha. Fine, fine. But I'm going to pull the covers off next time.'

I stare at that, and gulp nervously, replying again. I desperately want to see what's under that blanket, but on the other hand, I'm not sure how far to go with him. 'Gah! Laters!' I quickly turned my phone off and jammed it in my back pocket. Damn him. I don't get him. Why is he so flirtatious one moment, and the other so damned shy? Never mind. I gotta focus on setting up this party.

I quickly walk to the kitchen and find Maria already getting ingredients out and she's got a recipe page opened up on the counter. I approach her, and she turns around, then claps her hands together.

"Great! I thought we'd start with the cookies - that way you can learn how to make them - then we'll move on to assembly. How many hours do you have until practice?"

I shrug. "I think three or four?"

Maria nods. "That's more than enough time. Here, I'll show you what to do…"

She instructs me to do everything from sifting flour to mixing eggs and folding in the chocolate chips, all the way to baking them. She even suggests watching the cookies and checking them around ten minutes or so, and my first batch turns out pretty decently. Encouraged by this, she has me practice making two or three more batches.

She does put two batches away in the fridge for later.

I reach for a freshly baked cookie, and she slaps my hand lightly.

Maria admonishes me. "No, no! We're not quite done. Fortunately, I have some white and milk chocolate ice cream in the freezer. Get the white chocolate one out first for me, why don't you?"

I pull the tub of white chocolate ice cream out, and set it on the counter.

She muses as she studies the ice cream. "It should take about five to ten minutes before it's softened up. Then we can assemble. Oh, yes. Get another clean cookie tray out for me, dear."

I rummage for a few minutes until I find one, and set it on the counter.

She grins. "Fantastic. In that drawer over there is wax paper. Tear off a sheet the same size as the cookie sheet, and place it on there."

I do that, and she nods in satisfaction.

She nods. "Excellent. Okay. What we are going to do - since we have two batches of cookies here… take one cookie, and put a large scoop of ice cream on the bottom side. Take another cookie, and press it on top of the ice cream - both bottoms together."

I see what she means after she demonstrates with the first one when the ice cream is ready. She speaks after she sets the ice cream cookie on the sheet. "Now, we need to work quickly."

I steadily and quickly assemble them then set them on the cookie sheet. Once there's around six or eight cookies on the sheet, she thrusts the whole sheet into the freezer again. She goes into the freezer, and pulls the chocolate ice cream out. I look at her in puzzlement.

I speak. "Why are you getting that out? Don't we have enough cookies?"

Maria cheekily grins at me. "With you boys, one cookie is never enough. I figured that some of you might like milk chocolate ice cream rather than just white."

I shake my head. She's probably right… "Oh. Right."

We wait for the ice cream to soften up, and when Maria tests it, she proclaims it ready.

I assemble the next batch by myself, while she watches with pride in her eyes. As soon as we put the twelfth ice cream cookie on the sheet, she hauls it into the freezer immediately.

She looks at me. "Now… for the next step. Melting chocolate. Now, for something like this - you want something crispy, but not too thick. So…" She goes to the pantry and peers inside. "Hmm. Oh, yes!" She pulls two bags out of chocolate chips. "I was hoping I had white chocolate as well."

I gaze at the two bags of chocolate in puzzlement. "Um… Why both?"

Maria chuckles slyly. "You want a way to tell which ice cream is which, don't you? White chocolate is for either white chocolate ice cream, to keep it the same theme, or chocolate ice cream for opposites. I personally would do white chocolate ice cream with a milk chocolate crust, and the milk chocolate ice cream with the white chocolate."

I shrug, trusting in Maria's cooking skills. "Oh. That sounds pretty good - and makes sense. So - what are we doing with it?"

Maria held them in midair with a blink of surprise. "Melting it, of course! We're dipping the frozen cookies in them, and letting them harden. So, we'll melt one chocolate, dip one batch of cookies in them, then do the other type with the opposite flavor of ice cream cookies."

I nod sharply. "Great. So, how do you melt chocolate?"

Maria taps her chin. "There are two ways - a double boiler, and a microwave… Both are perfectly acceptable ways. Let's see which one is easier for you…"

* * * * *

I make it to practice fifteen minutes early, and see the field's empty. So, I check my phone again to see three texts so far from Dozer, Spencer, and Darius. I open each one, and each already replied they'd be there, but all three asked if they should bring anything. Great! That means Coach's the only one left that has to get back to me. I replied back to each one each with more or less the same message.

'Great! It'll be on the 2nd. I'll get back to you with an exact time when I talk to my boss after practice today. And as for gifts - well, anything science fiction and fantasy, same kind of books, Master of Magic cards, that sort of thing. Let me know if you do pick up something - then we can make sure he doesn't have it. I want to keep it a surprise for him.'

I look up to see Coach walking up to me with a grin. "Here a bit early, huh?"

I nod. "Yeah. I thought I'd try to be on time, but I ended up being early - Oh, did you get my text?"

Coach chuckles. "Yeah. I haven't had a chance to reply yet. I'm pretty sure I can go. Just let me know when exactly. Even if Chester and I butt heads, he's still a good guy. Don't think I haven't noticed your calming effect on him. How did you do that?" He grows a bit quieter. "Are you two… together? Well, um, you two seem pretty close lately..." He's growing flustered. "Er, Not that there's anything wrong with that! Um…"

I chuckle softly. "It's fine. Er… if you've noticed that - I … yeah. We are dating. I hope that's not going to be a problem? We've been trying to keep it subtle, but…"

Coach shakes his head, wearing a blush on his face. "O-of course not! It's fine. Great! Um… so. I was thinking of bringing something, but… I'm not sure what. Do you need us to bring food?"

Odd. He's acting a bit strange. Maybe I shouldn't have told him about Chester and I? "Oh, no, I think I have the food and drinks covered and he likes science fiction and fantasy books, gaming, anime, Masters of Magic, etc etc."

Coach blinks, a grin growing wider on his face. "Oh? Really. Hmm. I think I know something I can get for him. Did I ever tell you that I wrote a book?"

I stare at him in surprise. "You did? I don't think you - No, you didn't."

Coach chuckles half-heartedly. "Ah. Sorry. I should probably advertise more. It's also right up Chester's alley. I've been doing some book signings and trying to promote my book, but I haven't sold a lot yet. It's a fantasy book, about a wolf morph who gets involved with magic. It's a bit complicated to explain, but..."

I grin, crossing my arms. "Yeah, I think Chester might enjoy that a lot. I might too - I should try to buy your book."

Coach stammers in wide-eyed surprise, "O-oh, there's no… really? You would like to?" His ears are deep pink which is a bit unusual to see of his type.

Wow. I've never seen him that embarrassed. "Yeah! Why not? Chester would love it. I've been getting into gaming and anime, and a few of his fantasy books from his collection, so yeah, I'll give it a shot."

Coach beams, and claps my shoulder awfully solidly, making me wince a bit. "Great! Come to my office after practice then, and I'll show you my book."

I nod eagerly. "Cool. I'm looking forward to it." At that moment Chester strides up to me, along with Spencer, Darius and Dozer.

I wave at them, and tuck my phone away.

Coach claps his hands once we're all here. "Okay, here's the plan today - I'll have Chester and you do doubles with Darius and Dozer. I'll work with Spencer. Go do your stretching."

Practice was uneventful other than Chester narrowly smacking a ball into Darius' crotch, after the lion's continued taunting. I manage to settle Chester down and help him keep his cool. My annoyance with the lion still persists though.

Darius deserves it - maybe if a ball scores on his precious jewels, he'll stop pestering us. Unfortunately, he's still trying to get more juicy details about us, but I refuse to reveal anything. After all, I'm not Darius' boyfriend. I'm Chester's. Why should I tell him anything?
After practice, after washing up and changing into my work clothes, I lean on the locker next to Chester. "Hey, the coach wanted to talk to me for a few minutes before I head to work. Can you go ahead without me? Maybe cover a couple minutes? If Mr. B's there, just tell him that I had to talk to Coach."

Chester frowns, shrugging. "Sure. Why does he want to talk to you?"

I raise my brows. "I have no idea. But I better make it quick. I don't like being late."

The bull grins. "Okay. I'll see you soon." He finishes dressing, and glances around quickly before giving me a quick peck on the lips. "Laters."

He leaves the locker room. Waiting a couple minutes, I start heading back toward Coach's office.

Coach is in his office, gathering up papers, and putting them in leather bag. When I enter, he looks up with a grin. "Ah! Come in, come in. I won't keep you too long. I believe you are supposed to be at work soon?"

At my nod, he pulls out the bottom drawer of the desk, and pulls out a hardcover book. "-This- is the book." He hands it to me. He looks almost worried. "Do you think Chester would like it?"

There's a wolf on the front with a red cloak, and a shining orb in his taloned paw. The title "The Stone" is emblazoned across the top, with the coach's name on the bottom right. I open the cover, and read the story blurb. A wolf morph, magic classes, powerful demon, magic… It sounds like something he'd definitely enjoy. And me as well. Maybe I should finish the book so I'm one up on Chester when he starts to read it… He's always ahead of me when it comes to anime or manga or gaming. I grin up at him. "Sounds pretty cool. How much for the book? I wouldn't mind a copy myself to read."

Coach blinks, looking surprised. "You… really want a copy? Sure! Um… that'd be a twenty."

I dug into my wallet, and gave him a twenty, which made him beam.

He gushed as he tucked the twenty in his pocket. "Great! Thank you so much."

I chuckle. "Anything to support my Coach. I'm going to hide my book at my place - I don't want Chester to see it until you give him a copy."

The coach nods at me, his face still pink. "T-thanks. A-alright - See you tomorrow in class."

I raise my brows, looking at Coach for a moment. It's too bad that I'm already spoken for, since Coach is a pretty attractive guy. Ah well. Better get to work. I wave at him, as I leave his office and go pick up my bike. I pedal pretty hard to try to minimize my lateness.

As I reach the Critical Strike Lounge, I note the clock, and am surprised I'm only five minutes late. Better report to Mr. B to make sure he's okay with this. I clock in quickly, and head over to the office. Chester snags me for a moment on the way.

He speaks. "Mr B's fine with you being a bit late, but I think he wanted to talk to you."

I exhale softly. "Ah. That's good." I notice that Chester's still holding onto my arm. "What's up?"

Chester looks worried. "Is everything okay with you? Are you having trouble with something?"

Oh. Maybe I'm not as subtle as I thought? I better come up with something…

I shrug. "No, not really. Coach just wanted to tell me that I did a good job on my last paper on Shakespeare Structure. He just wanted to go over a few minor points that I missed." I don't quite meet his eyes, though.

Chester snorted. "Right. You do so much better in English than me. Are you sure that's why?"

I nod. "Yep. That's it." I wish I were better at lying. He doesn't look convinced. Maybe I should tell him about the book? "Well… actually - he told me about a book that he wrote. He wanted to show it to me."

Chester blinks, letting me go, as his mouth gapes in shock. "He… wrote a book?"

I grin. "Yes. Maybe I'll let you borrow it sometime… after your birthday."

Chester freezes. "H-how did you…?" His ears fold back and down, as he blushes sheepishly. "...Oh. I guess I forgot to tell you about it, didn't I?"

I shrug. "Well, it might have come up eventually, heh." I grin at the bull. "Don't worry about it. I believe the boss wants to talk to me?" I gesture to the office door with Mr B, leaning against the door frame. His expression is expectant, but to my relief, not annoyed.

Chester nods hastily. "R-right. I'll get back to work. Good luck!"

I watch him disappear into the crowd, then approach the office. Mr. B smiles at me, and retreats into the office as I walk in. Dropping my tennis bag on the floor near the door. I rub my temples for a moment, before looking at him.

The older canine is reclining in his chair. "Well? Ah hope yer reason fer bein' late is cause of Chester's party..." His expression is more laid-back and not annoyed as I was dreading.

I turn to close the door behind me, and nod silently. "Mostly. I was trying to confirm whether everyone could come, and my coach wanted to show me the book he'd written. After I mentioned what Chester liked, he wanted to give Chester one."

Mr B. grins in awe. "Oh? Yer coach is an writer? That's impressive! Mebbe Ah'll check out his book. If he's comin', then Ah'll hit 'im up 'bout tha book. Speakin' of gifts, what are ye gonna get 'im?"

I approach the desk, and tap my chin pensively. "Well, I remember when I started cleaning your office out - we found a Steel Ox Figurine in the prizes. Um… As far as I know, he wants one, and doesn't have it yet. It'd make his day if he got one. When is the street date launch for those prizes? I remember news on the game being delayed about six months a while ago."

My boss contemplates you for a moment, then navigates to a spreadsheet document on the computer while I watch. "Hmm, Ah. Steel Ox, eh? Hm. Ah see. Ah see. Looks like we can start stockin' it in tha prize room in about two months. Hmmm, If one were missing, I doubt it'll be a big loss." He grins up at me toothily.

I widen my eyes. "Really? You'd be willing to do that? But isn't that against the rules?"

He laughs merrily. "Aye. But Ah trust ye. O'course. It'll come out of yer paycheck one way or 'nother, haha."

I groan, but nod. "Haha. That's more than fair, heh. So, um… when is a good time, though? I know it's the second, and Chester now knows I know about his birthday. I'm sure he's thinking I'm trying to plan something… So doing the party that day will throw him off."

The older canine shrugs his broad shoulders. "Up to ye. Tha second's onna Tuesday."

I blink. "Oh, right. I have classes that day - so… sometime in the afternoon or around evening… Let's say… 4 or 5?"

I pull my phone out immediately, and start texting the people that might be going. 'Okay. The party is around 4-5 on the 2nd. Let me know if that works for you.' I get four confirmations immediately, and grin. "Awesome. There'll be four at least already." The only one left was Spencer - but as far as I knew, he was working. Maria didn't really text all that much, so I'll give her a call when I'm alone. Or back at the shelter. I didn't know if Chester wanted me to stay again tonight.

I look at my boss, remembering my conversation with Andrew. "Oh, right! I wanted to ask - Um. Is it okay - er, if I found someone who would help with the open bar? Chester's older brother said he'd help out - I think he'll be a good one to keep the guys in check so things don't get too rowdy."

My boss shrugged. "As long as he doesn't mind me helping out as well. Any tips or earnings we get I can split with him."

I nodded. "Great. I'll let him know."

I sent a quick text over to Andrew to let him know what Mr B had just told me, then tuck my phone away. I look at my boss, and smile softly. "Thanks."

He grins. "Pleasure. Now get to work!"

I laugh, and head out of the office. I begin my usual shift, and the day was uneventful aside from Chester looking at me thoughtfully from time to time. I tried not to pay attention to it, though.

Chester finally cornered me, and pushed me against a wall, hidden behind some machines. He grunted in frustration. "A-Are you planning something? For me?" He looked annoyed, and hopeful at the same time.

I lay my hands onto Chester's tense shoulders, and squeezed them. I better try to evade the question. "Why do you ask?"

Chester released me, letting me breathe a little. His shoulders slump. "Oh… I dunno. You've been a bit - distracted. And talking with Mr. B a lot lately. Was he annoyed at you for being late?"

I shake my head. "No. The boss wasn't mad or anything -"

Chester pointed a finger at me accusingly, "Then… you are planning something?"

I shake my head mutely.

He inhales deeply, trying to shove his annoyance aside, then exhales sharply. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry - You caught me off guard when you mentioned my birthday - they're… not always that special. Andrew and I… well, we don't really celebrate much. We tend to go out to eat, and stuff… I mean… I… I'd like a party or something, but -" He looks pleadingly at me. "I…It would be awesome."

I nod at him, but inside I was jumping up and down in glee. He wants a party! I hope I can live up to his expectations… "Yeah. If I were planning something, I'd throw you a party. But, I don't really know how to throw one. We could do something that night - if you… want?" I grin at him.

Chester chuckles softly and approaches me, pushing me against the wall again, but with his entire body. "Yeeeeah… we could… Mm… I wish we didn't have to work today, but - " He gives me a soft, intense kiss, then when he breaks off, a puff of warm air escapes his nose. "Hrff. Damn. I never get tired of that."

I sigh, wrapping my arms around Chester's neck. "Me either. But… if you still want to have a job… we probably should get back to work."

Chester groans aggravatingly. "Yeah, I know, I know. Okay. I'll take care of the bathrooms, and you take care of the mess by the DDR machine." He smiles at me anyway, and pats my face, before heading off to the restrooms.

Silly bull… But I think I managed to convince him that I'm not planning anything. That definitely was a close call. At least everything is about done. I think. Wait. What about decorations? Hmm. Maybe I should ask Maria for ideas. Or Mr. B. That'll be after my shift tonight.

I went about finishing my shift, and told Chester that I needed to go back to the Shelter tonight. He wasn't very happy about that, but I told him I'd see him before class in the morning. We exchanged a quick, tight hug before I left work.

Riding into the back yard of the Shelter, I locked up my bike, and heard Maria call out. "Hey! You're back. How was work?"

My eyes swivel toward the back door, and see her standing there. I wave, as I approach her. "Not bad. Chester's kinda suspicious but - I think I managed to convince him that there's no party."

Maria's brow raises. "How did that happen?"

I sigh softly, as we head into the Shelter. "I think because I told him I found out about his birthday, and I'd been talking to the boss for a bit longer than I would have been expected to…"

Maria nods sagely. "Ah. I see. That makes sense. But there IS a party?"

I chuckle. "Yes. The 2nd, still. Around 5. I'll be there about 4, I think, to help set up if you want to help me bake the stuff before people start showing up. I have just about everyone's confirmation except yours."

Maria claps her hands together in midair. "Of course, I'm coming! However, Richard might not be able to go, but I'm still trying to convince him."

I chuckle. "Well, the more the merrier. And you can see the rest of the team again."

Maria nods. "Of course! Have you eaten?"

I shake my head. "I only had a snack so far, so…"

Maria tsks at me, and speaks. "I have leftover roasted chicken and veggies being kept warm, and well, I was wondering, after you finish eating… Would you want to help prepare baked spaghetti for dinner tomorrow?"

My stomach rumbles. "That sounds great. And… sure. I could help - it didn't take that long to make the last time I did it."

Maria grins. "Great! I was thinking you could practice making it for the people at the Shelter? I've already got enough ingredients, and this way, we can make enough for more than a few people. By the time you finish preparing dinner, you'll know what to do without looking at the recipe every step of the way. We'll also have those dipped cookies from yesterday - we could pass some of those out for dessert as well."

I chuckle softly. "I guess that'll work. Heh. I do want to impress Chester - that I can make it just as good as he does."

Maria's expression softens. "I know. That's why I'm going to help you - to make sure you are doing everything right."

I blush in embarrassed gratitude. "Errr. Thanks."

Maria grins. "Be right back. Sit at the table." She darts off to the kitchen, while I do that. She returns shortly with a plate of steaming hot chicken and vegetables, and a fork. "Here. Enjoy!"

"It all looks so good. How do you do this so easily?"

Maria grins, leaning toward me. "Practice!"

I groan. "Right." She's right though… practice, and making sure it doesn't burn! I dig in with gusto, demolishing the food.

* * * * *

The days went by fairly quickly, and tormentingly slow at the same time. But at least my friends were able to tell me what they were thinking of bringing, and I approved of the suggestions. Darius, however, was a bit of a different story. He kept showing me pictures of sexual toys, and asking if it would work. After the fifth time, I called him and told him to knock it the fuck off. Something in my tone must have made Darius pause, since he started apologizing.

Darius spoke again, a bit hesitantly. "Listen - I… sorry, for giving you two such a hard time. Um… Seriously, um, I've got a prop from, well, a fantasy movie - that I think Chester might like."

I frown into the phone. "Prop? What do you mean?"

He exhales quietly. "I work at a movie studio. I'm… a stunt driver. On my bike."

I am silent for a moment, trying to process that. "Oh. That's… cool. It - It sounds dangerous."

Darius sounds dismissive. "It can be, but it's also lots of fun… usually. Would that be okay if I gave it to him? It's from one of the Lord's Rings movies… A sword prop."

I blink. "Wait? A replica, you mean? I think he'd go nuts for it."

Darius suddenly relaxes as his voice sounds smug. "No. The real thing. It's Karagern's Sword."

I suddenly visualize Chester brandishing the sword, and jabbing someone with it. I nervously speak. "Uhh… is it actually…ah, sharp?"

Darius snorts, speaking with a bit of snark in his voice. "No. It's like a trick sword. So, if you don't think Chester can handle this sword, maybe he shouldn't be handling yours." He snickers at my sudden silence.

I groan. "Jeez. Okay. I think he'll love it. Thanks, Darius."

The lion and I talk for a few more minutes before he has to go. I stare thoughtfully at my phone after he hangs up. I guess Darius could be somewhat decent - even if he comes across as a big pervert. I do wonder if there's more to him than meets the eye?
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