The Talk

Author's Note: I decided to write a short one-shot again, breaking the 4th Wall this time. Sort of having a 'talk' with Grant. It had been written ages ago but I never really finished it, and recently I re-read it, and finished it pretty quickly. 
Warnings?: Not really. It's pretty G-rated, but I'll slap a 'more' link anyway so it doesn't take up the whole page in the list of posts. 

An older, grizzled man in his late sixties gazes around in puzzlement. All he could see was fog for miles around him. He glances up above him, voice raspy from disuse, and speaks. "So, where am I anyway? I haven't seen you write anything about me in a long, long time."

Your voice echoes out from everywhere, as you feel sheepish. "Yeah. I'm sorry about that - it's been a long while, hasn't it, Grant?"

Grant stares up at you with his blue-golden eyes, and frowns. "You… haven't forgotten about me, have you?"

You blush. "No! Never - I… I've been trying to figure out how to write a better story for you - how to make more adventures. But… you, er, became almost the ultimate fantasy. Well, mine, among others, I suspect…"

Grant laughs, as his brows rise in surprise. "Really? Ah, thanks, bud."

You clear your throat out of embarrassment. "Err, don't mention it. And, frankly, I don't know if I will or can write you another story. You were in another for a Nano event but I still haven't edited it - and you became more of a focus than Marc should have been. He was supposed to be for Vince, but you … well… I wrote you into it. You should remember the story.  The story itself is pretty solid, I think. I just need to figure out the finer points of it..."

Grant blinks and nods silently. He lights a cigar, and takes a large draw, then sighs, smoke wafting out of his mouth and nose. He gazes around with a frown. "Well -- it's... kinda lonely here. I only exist, when you think of me."

You pause a moment. "Oh. I may have a solution for that."

Grant looks curiously up at you. "What?"

A new, and familiar voice calls out as an older bespectacled man walks in from the mists.

Grant's face transforms into joy as he hears the voice. "Vince?"

Vince grins, and strides up to Grant, looking into his eyes. "Hey, Dad. Long time no see. How have you been?"

Grant reaches for Vince and hugs him tightly, kissing him on the lips before pulling back. "Ehh. I'm alright. A tad bored. What have you been up to, boy?"

He grins and squeezes Grant, before letting go. "Oh, just this and that - I don't know if you remember - but I opened up a Nano clinic. I took the next step of nano-modification - to help people change their looks."

Grant grins, and takes another puff, and exhales. "Oh, right, yes, I remember you did that - how did it work out?"

Vince shrugs, and looks up at me. "Ask the author - he's not actually completed my story, but from what I gathered, I have a successful clinic."

You sigh. "Sorry, Vince."

Vince chuckles. "Heh. I know you'll get to us, eventually."

Grant puts a hand on Vince's shoulder. "So, have you found anyone? I mean, from what I vaguely remember, you and Marc were supposed to get together?"

Vince sighs, and rests his cheek on his Dad's hand. "Nah… not since Marc died ten years ago."

Grant's eyes soften in grief. "Oh, I'm so sorry, boy…" He pulls Vince in a tight hug, and holds him there.

Vince sniffles as he buries his face into Grant's neck. He murmurs softly. "I miss you, Dad. And Brent."

Grant exhales shakily. "Same here, kiddo. Mind staying here for a while with me?"

Vince composes himself, and speaks softly. "Sure, I can for a while - at least until he starts working on my next story with the clinic. Oh, did I tell you? I got a new patient, named Jonas." He pulls back and looks up at his Dad. He continues talking. "He surprised me with his commission. He wants to change to a Wolf. On two feet. Paws? I dunno. I haven't fleshed out all the details on it, but he apparently wants the whole shebang - Brent would have been over the moon at that." He chuckles. "Over the moon."

Grant chuckles. "Oh, I remember. He liked furry stuff. He showed me a website he liked to frequent - I thought it was weird, but if he liked it, then … who was I to say anything?" He frowns. "But - you can do all that?"

Vince chuckles, "Technology has improved enough that we can. The programming I do - is based on Brent's observation on your link with the nanites and desires." He grins, staring into Grant's eyes. "And, well, you know I can't stand the sight of blood - which is why I never went into medicine, but Med School did offer a few programs for Nano-medical Studies. It seemed to be the next logical step - using nanites to reform people from the inside out. Kinda like Plastic Surgery, but… DNA."

Grant smiles and kisses Vince's forehead, then takes another puff. "I somewhat followed that, but - why a wolf?"

Vince grins. "Don't ask me. Maybe he wants to show who he is on the outside? Like one of those anthro furry humans. I've had requests lately for cat ears, or cat-like eyes - I think it's becoming more of a craze lately…"

Grant takes another puff, and exhales smoke upward silently, then speaks thoughtfully. "Ah. I could probably see the appeal - Think I'd look good as a Lion?"

Vince giggles. "Yeah, the day we found his 'Furry porn' was kinda fun. He was so embarrassed. But it wasn't really bad. Just different. Besides, I sort of like it as well."

Grant slings an arm around Vince's shoulders. "Heh. I know. I wonder if I could get a makeover?" He looks up at me meaningfully.

You roll your eyes. "If I did, you'd probably break everyone's computer with your sexiness. It's already off the charts…"

Vince looks up at him and laughs. "Not up to me - it's up to the author. Last I read of it, it only implied that you weren't around or someone wasn't around. It never specifically claimed who. What do you think, O, Author?"

You blush. "Umm, who me? Uhh, we'll see. I was vaguely thinking at the time that Grant was 'written' to have died of old age due to the nanites stopping at a 'natural age' of 100, or so. But with the wave of my mighty pen - or backspace, as it were, I could change all that? But - what kind of adventures would you like?"

You pause, thinking out loud. "Now I'm wondering. Do you actually want to live that long? You were in your 60s when I wrote you into existence, and in the latest one I started - Vince is now in his, ahem, 40's or so. I believe? I hate assigning exact ages, if you haven't noticed."

Grant grins widely and gestures with his cigar at you. "Are these nanites supposed to keep me the same age? If I'm supposed to 'die' at 100, why am I here, then? Why can't I be around at that time?"

You flush. "Err… well… Let me check my schedule…"

Vince rolls his eyes and jabs his thumb at the author. "That's code speak for 'I'll think about it'."

You growl, unhappily. "Hey! I can't help it if details aren't always… finalized. But I was thinking the natural age of around 100 would be better to have your nanites gradually cease. I don't want you to live forever - and feel alone."

Grant smiles, and blows an smoke ring at me with sparkling eyes. "You do care about us. I will wait. If necessary. Can Vince stay here with me?"

You chuckle. "Of course. Here - " You quickly type the house into being, and the town. "Now you can live in your houses, or whatever, until I do manage to write more of your stories."

Vince looks around and laughs. "The house looks the same as ever - it hasn't changed… since I met you."

Grant squeezes Vince to him. "Familiarity. It feels … like home." He flicks his eyes to the ceiling and blows you a kiss. "Thank you, boy. I think we'll be good."

You redden. "Sure thing… Now you actually have a place to exist without waiting for me to write a story."

Vince darts a look up at the ceiling. "Oh, yeah, get cracking on my next story, huh? Don't get bogged down in details - just write, and see where it goes, eh? Jonas is a pretty good looking guy - and well…" He turns crimson, and buries his face into Grant's chest.

You grumble. "Yeah, yeah… I'll leave you guys alone." You shut the document after saving, then sigh, feeling a pang of sadness.

(Grizzly Science: Piercings) [End?]


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