Grizzly Science #2: Unlikely Friends (Ch. 5)

Chapter 5

Warning: More Sexual Situations up ahead…

Grant dimly realized he was dreaming. Again.

He crouched on all fours, sniffing the air. He darted his eyes around the clearing he was in, ringed by tall trees. Part of him realized that the place he was in was different. The other part -- the instinctual part sniffed for something familiar.

A familiar scent edged with muskiness caught his nose, and he bounded with excitement toward it. It had a strange flavor to it but it held his nose like a magnet.

After what seemed like endless running, he skidded to a stop when the trees around him thinned in front of a creek.
Shying away from the fast current, he tried to figure out how to get across, since the scent he was tracking showed it to lead unerringly across the water.

He knew he'd have to brave the rapid current. He walked a few feet in the opposite direction and then turned around. He crouched down, and started running. Just before the edge of the creek, he leaped desperately. Luck was with him as he landed on the other side, and scrambled to keep his balance on all fours.

Once steady on his paws, he sniffed around him, looking for the familiar scent. Once it was found, he sped toward it.

The odor was growing in strength, as he patiently stalked toward it. There was suddenly a new scent that seemed to be mingled with the current one -- something he was intimately knowledgeable about -- blood -- sharp and fresh.

He growled in his throat, and sped up his pace toward the scent.

The part that was aware that this was a dream didn't allow Grant any freedom -- he could only be a passive observer this time around. But he could at least share the senses. He was curious as to why the bestial part of himself was hunting this scent.

The beast growled low as his nose sniffed in several directions. In the same general direction as the scent he was tracking, his senses registered another larger smell -- of another predator.

He started stretching his legs to increase his speed toward his target. Grant was surprised to feel fear bundled up in anger. He wondered what he'd find when they arrived at where the beast part of him was going.

Suddenly a loud roar made both of them freeze in their tracks.

Grant and his beast half saw a large sabre-toothed lion rearing back on it's hind paws and about to swipe at a smaller lion who was lying there and trying to defend itself.

His nose zeroed on the small lion as the scent he'd been tracking, and his throat vibrated with a menacing growl. His hackles rose then he suddenly leaped at the massive lion, ramming him aside.

This surprised the lion as it toppled over, and whirled to face Grant with a challenging growl. His earlier prey, now forgotten, the lion sized up Grant, now considering him more of a prey worthy of his strength.

Grant frowned mentally, as he realized that his beast half wasn't much of a match as it was, and wasn't sure how to get out of this.

The beast half snarled at him, suddenly arrogant and prideful. He knew that the lion was twice his size, but he'd defeated others like him.

Grant was suddenly surprised that the beast suddenly somehow communicated with him. The beast ignored him and snapped at the larger lion.

The lion's massive paw was about to swipe at him, then the beast jumped out of the way, and bit at the lion's other foreleg.

The sabre-toothed lion snarled, and backed away. His prey had bite to him -- his foreleg had a deep gash in it, and was growing more and more painful. He growled, turned, and limped away.

The beast didn't relax his hackles until the lion was out of view, and out of his smelling range.

A soft mewling came from the small lion as it struggled to get up. It seemed as if the young lion recognized Grant's beast side, and stopped struggling, then staring at him with wide eyes.
The beast immediately padded over to the lion, and started licking the wounds clean.

Grant suddenly had a strong urge of protectiveness sweep through the beast.

* * *

He awoke with a start, gasping softly. A heavy weight rested on his chest, and for a moment he was confused, then realized that Vince was still asleep on top of him.

Grant craned his head slowly in order to not wake Vince up, and saw the time on the alarm clock -- 4:00 am. He cursed softly under his breath. He hadn't had a dream like that since he had gotten treated...

What did his dream mean? He wondered if it had something to do with Vince... He knew that he wanted to make sure Vince made it through whatever happened to him.

Feeling Vince's body move in counterpoint to his own breathing, he knew he didn't want to let Vince go, but what about Brent? Did it mean that he was throwing Brent over for Vince?

Suddenly, he realized he had to think about it. Momentarily unsure on how to move Vince without waking either Brent or him, he settled on pulling himself out and slowly shifting Vince onto his side, and slipping out of the bed.

Glancing at the bed, he smiled as Vince and Brent hadn't stirred from him getting out of bed. He bent over and scooped his underwear up in his hand. His thoughts rambled on what to do.

First, a piss, then wash up.

In the bathroom, he finished his business, and darted into the shower. Grant started soaping himself all over, giving himself a quick wash -- especially his crotch. He rinsed himself off quickly, and wiped himself dry. It took himself all of ten minutes to do all this.

He put his underwear on even though he didn't need to, but thought he should maintain some form of modesty, especially with their guest.

Walking to the living room, he turned on one of the lamps by the couch to give him some light to see by. 

He saw his cigar case, and frowned. He wasn't sure he wanted to light one up -- the smell might wake the others, but having a stogie would help him think.

Grant grunted softly, and rubbed the fluffy hair on his gut. He smiled, then drew a cigar out, and prepared it. Several minutes later, he was puffing away, and sitting at the couch, with his feet on the coffee table.

His thoughts grew troubled as he slowly drew the smoke into his lungs, and exhaled.

What did his dream mean? He particularly remembered the last emotion he had felt -- protectiveness. Did it mean that he wanted to protect Vince at the expense of Brent?

He scowled and held the cigar in his fingers. No. He wouldn't do that. He loved Brent dearly, but Vince was also damnably attractive. He had a grimace on his face when he had to admit to himself that he was growing to like Vince more than a friend.

Grant didn't want to be unfaithful, but he wasn't sure what to do.

Soft footfalls made Grant glance toward the hallway, noticing Vince, looking half-asleep and still gloriously naked.

Grant smiled, despite his worries. "What's wrong, boy?"

Vince yawned widely, making Grant's crotch stir against his will. "Nothing really. I saw the light after I went to the bathroom. You weren't in bed, so I wondered what was up."

Grant shrugged his expansive shoulders. "Just thinking."

Vince wandered toward the couch, and picked up the red boxer briefs, then pulled them up. He sat himself at the other end of the couch and looked at Grant with a hint of worry in his expression.

"...Did I do something wrong?"

Grant reached over to Vince's knee, and squeezed lightly. He shook his head. "...No. I just had to think about last night."

Vince still looked uncomfortable. "...I hope I didn't strain anything for you two."

Grant smiled, and gestured with his fingers, motioning Vince to come closer. "No. I don't think you did. I just had a strange dream, that's all."

Vince moved closer to Grant, letting the older bear encircle his arm around Vince, drawing him against his skin.

With sudden insight from his dream, Grant suddenly realized that this is what he wanted. To protect Vince -- and to be with him, but he wasn't sure if Brent would want to be in a relationship with a third guy.

Vince laid his head on Grant's shoulder, and felt like he belonged in Grant's arms for some strange reason. Grant seemed to be everything he'd wanted, and he found Brent a great guy as well.

Vince whispered, enjoying the aroma and sight of Grant's smoking, "What was it about?"

Grant took a few puffs, and let the smoke waft out of his mouth before speaking. "...I believe it was about you."

Vince moved his arm around Grant's gut and squeezed. Despite his earlier worry that he was being intrusive, he was still curious. "Oh...?"

Grant's mouth curved upward. "It's hard to explain. Sometimes I have Dreams about things. This one..."

Vince looked upward, watching Grant smoke contemplatively, before continuing. "...I think it was about protecting you."

Vince pushed himself up and stared at him with confusion. "Protect me? Why?"

Grant frowned. "I'm not sure either. I was intending to just send you off today with some money to help you find a job, or to at least find another town, but... "

Vince looked away abruptly. His voice had gone toneless. "Oh. And now?"

Grant sighed softly, taking another drag of his stogie. "I don't know. I want to keep you here. I had a hell of a time last night..." He grinned mischievously, then sobered. "I don't know if Brent would like that idea."

Vince blushed, sitting at the edge of the couch. "He seemed to have a good time though."

Grant idly trailed a finger down Vince's back and snapped his underwear lightly. Vince was so attractive that his dick throbbed again. He vaguely cursed the nanites at the moment for he seemed to be perpetually horny.

He slowly came to the conclusion that he wanted to be Vince's father -- in bed, and in life. He also wanted a family. His lust washed out the rest of his thoughts as his hand swept upward Vince's back. He basked in the softness of Vince's skin, and his erection became too painful to be inside his shorts.
Grant's voice thickened a little as he spoke again. "C'mere." He fished his erection out of his pants, and freeing his balls as well.

Vince blinked, turned around and demurred slightly. Grant stuck the cigar in his mouth and reached for Vince's head and led it toward his crotch. "Please. Suck it for Dad."

The younger cub initially resisted until Grant asked, and he felt his dick go full-mast in his underwear. Vince's lips brushed against his "dad's" glans, and started licking around the tip.

Grant sucked at his cigar deeply as he shuddered. His dick ached to be inside Vince. A stab of guilt shot through him as he let the cub start servicing him. He knew at the back of his mind that he really shouldn't, but it was difficult to stop. It felt heavenly.

He strangled back a moan as Vince suckled at his bulbous head in his mouth.

Vince inhaled Grant's fresh scent growing intoxicated over it. It smelled like it'd been freshly washed. Vince opened his mouth wider, as he tried to take more of Grant's thick shaft in his mouth without much success.

But it didn't mean he didn't try his best. It seemed his efforts were appreciated since Vince heard Grant's soft murmurs of encouragement and his hand stroking Vince's hair.

Grant felt his balls drawing upward, and gritted his teeth around his cigar, as he growled huskily.
"Dad's gonna cum...Keep sucking." He held Vince's head in a position that his mouth was on his swelling head, and let out a low moan.

Vince, despite the unrealness of this situation, was turned on by this. He kept his mouth encased over Grant's head, and kept sucking once he realized that he was tasting saltiness inside his mouth.

Vince squeezed his hand around Grant's stiff dick several times. He was rewarded by Grant's sudden swearing, and warm, thick salty cum splattered inside his mouth. It tasted vaguely like salty cigar smoke. He couldn't have enough of it.

He had to swallow in order not to spill, and managed to take all of Grant's load.

Grant's eyes rolled back and his body shuddered. His hand gripped Vince's shoulder tightly. He took the cigar out, and panted heavily.

Vince slowly pulled off when no more cum was forthcoming. To his slight amazement, the dick still towered in front of him, showing no signs of softening. He looked up at Grant in slight confusion and awe.

Grant looked at his "son", and smiled. "Damn kid, that was fantastic."

Vince blushed in embarrassment.

Grant smiled in afterglow and ran a thumb over Vince's lower lip. He let his hand drop and caress Vince's chest fur. "Let me take care of you, my boy. Sit on my lap."

Vince blinked, wondering how Grant had so much stamina, and virtually no rest time. "Uh... are you sure?"

Grant tweaked one of Vince's nipples, making Vince arch his back toward Grant. He had a lascivious grin on his face, as he spoke. "Hell yes. Slide my dick up your ass."

Vince nodded with faint embarrassment as he stood up, with a prominent tent in his underwear.

At Grant's nod, Vince slid them off, and his dick bounced up and down at being freed.

Grant sat up and lightly rubbed his thumb around the cub's bulbous head, then took it in his hand, tugging at it slowly.

Vince closed his eyes in blissful emotion. His Dad was making his dick feel wonderful, and he ached to explode right into the older bear's grip.

Grant got to his feet, after letting go for a second. He dabbed his cigar out in the ashtray. He pushed his underwear off and kicked it to the side. Grant then held Vince in his arms, and cupped his hands around his cub... yes, his cub's butt with a slight squeeze.

He spoke in a husky whisper into Vince's ear. "Still want me to take care of you?"

Vince buried his face into Grant's chest, rubbing it in the fur. His reply was soft, but still heard. "Yes."

Grant held his cub's body tightly, burying his nose into his cub's neck, inhaling his scent affectionately. "Good."


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