Flipping Out - Ch 5

"Flipping Out" (A Society of Weres Story)
written by Gryphbear

Chapter 5

Shawn's heart lightened with glee as Matt accepted. His smile broadened into a dazzling display of teeth.

"Really? You'll still be willing, even though...?"

Matt felt his heart constrict in painful lust at the sudden allure he felt emanating from the older guy. He nodded dumbly, his eyes never leaving Shawn's face. In fact, confusing emotions were beginning to surface in him -- lust for the older guy, and genuine affection was starting to grow.

Even though he didn't know the Were that well...there was just something about him Matt liked.

Shawn kissed Matt's hand, with a certain impish charm, then let it drop.

"I guess we should free up the room -- and I have to make some plans for our weekend date..."

Matt's throat choked up out of shyness, and then nodded.

Both got to their feet, then Shawn stepped closer to Matt.

His hands held onto Matt's shoulders, then he pulled him into a tight embrace. "I really missed you."

Matt was suddenly uncertain, but being enveloped by a large furry man had its benefits, so he returned the hug feeling the heat and warmth of the older guy seep into him. He wasn't sure if he had missed Shawn, or if it had been a weird byproduct of whatever happened with them last Monday night.

Slowly, Shawn realized that he'd been hanging onto Matt for a good solid five minutes, and reluctantly loosened his grip. He was happy that Matt seemed as resistant to pulling apart.

Shawn smiled gently, then gave Matt a small peck on the lips, and groaned in spite of his promise to wait. He ached to make sweet love to Matt at that moment, but several hours would make it all the much sweeter for both of them.

Matt felt Shawn's lips touch his, and it felt like he had tasted nectar. He suddenly felt like melting into Shawn's arms, but this wasn't the time or place for that.

Matt pulled back some more, averting his gaze, feeling a bit hot and bothered.

Shawn chuckled, a bit amused and feeling the same effects himself as well. "...Why don't you stay on the grounds... I'll get someone to show you around the place for a while, then we can meet up in my office, then we can have dinner." He was employing a delaying tactic -- primarily so he could perform some meditation to help with his self-control later tonight. Plus his clothes were stashed in his office as well.

Matt couldn't do much to deny Shawn this, and didn't really want to leave either. "...Okay." A thrill of excitement shot through him despite being nervous about tonight.

Shawn smiled, then caressed Matt's cheek affectionately. "Alright. Let's go."

He walked over to the door, and rapped on the window several times.

Meribel had hung around, feeling nervy. When she heard the rapping, she strode to the door, and called out anxiously. "Everything okay?"

Shawn rumbled in laughter. "Just fine. Open up, will you?"

Both of them heard the door unlock and swing open. Shawn walked right outside, and gazed at the young Were female.

He smiled slowly. "You're the one who brought him back to me. I thank you."

Meribel lowered her gaze in respect. "It was nothing. I was concerned about Matt."

Shawn shrugged, as an idea began to formulate in his head. "Nevertheless... Listen. Would you show Matt around the Society? We never managed to do it."

Matt felt a little out of place when they were conversing about him as if he weren't there, but he didn't really mind. Meribel nodded, too happy to show him around.

Shawn turned to Matt, and inclined his head slightly, with a ghost of a smile on his face, then left for his office.

Matt stood there, suddenly noticing and watching Shawn's butt move inside the tight shorts, spacing out for a moment. It took Meribel's chortle before Matt blushed hotly, and look away.

Matt growled softly. "Oh shut up."

Meribel chuckled, and proceeded to show him every sight in the Society there was to see.

* * *

Shawn made it to his office without getting stopped by other Weres needing his attention, and he was thankful.

He didn't want anything to get in the way of their date tonight, and wanted to take some time to center himself again.

Despite his outward control of himself, he barely had any, which is why he wanted to at least spend some time in meditation in his office, in addition to putting the rest of his clothes on.

He had locked the door, and sat at his desk.

Closing his eyes, he deepened his breathing into regular slow inhales and exhales.

He then focused his mind on keeping his wild primal urges under his control.

* * *

Matt stopped Meribel outside the common room to ask her a question. He was starting to doubt the idea of doing the induction. "Am I doing the right thing?"

Meribel frowned. Now wasn't the time for Matt to back out of this -- not when their lives were hanging on the line. The induction had to happen, at least. "I can't tell you that. Lemme ask you something. You're hot for him, right?"

Matt had to take a deep breath before replying with a nod. "Yes."

Meribel smiled briefly. "My nose tells me that he's practically dripping in heat for you. So, I'd suggest to at least get both your brains fucked out, and see what happens."

Matt choked and his cheeks flamed in embarrassment. Meribel was nothing if not blunt.

Meribel smacked him on the back to help him breathe, and grinned madly. It was so much fun to tease Matt...

* * *

Shawn took another deep breath, and stood up from his chair. He thought he was confident enough to control his wild impulses -- until Matt was ready.

He checked the clock -- about fifteen minutes were left to the hour he said he'd need. He really didn't want to go out, but he had to stop at home and clean up -- remembering to his chagrin that he had left his front door open.

Thankfully his apartment was part of a duplex full of Were residents -- who probably closed it for him. Hrmm... Perhaps he could have one of the neighbors pick up some stuff for him?

That decided, he made several calls to his neighbors, and was glad to find out that they had already tidied up his apartment. He requested for one of them to pick up some italian foodstuffs that he could cook. He merely dropped a hint about having a date, but they were already at the Society, and he didn't want to drag him to the store.

They said they'd be happy to run to the nearest grocery store a few minutes away to stock his fridge with italian ingredients. He conveyed his profuse thanks to them, and hung up.

With that taken care of, Shawn sat down and sighed. Now all he had to do was bring Matt to his apartment again ... with better luck, something would happen tonight.

Shawn had unconsciously preened himself at the same time -- leaving his button down shirt unbuttoned down to mid-chest, and his sleeves rolled up past the elbows.

He was aiming for casual-work attire -- and half hoped it'd drive Matt's lust further up, even though it seemed that his presence was all that was necessary.

He gazed in the mirror, and puffed out his chest, with a low chuckle. It looked a tad comical, but he was bursting with excitement and wanted to preen for a moment anyways.

* * *

Shawn greeted them with a cordial smile, as the two young people returned to the front desk.

"How was the tour?"

Matt smiled with a slight shrug. "It was nice. Kinda like an University though..."

Shawn chuckled. "That's about right. Well, ready to eat?"

Matt's stomach rumbled, as he nodded sheepishly. "I guess so."

Shawn did a half-bow, and gestured toward the main doors. "After you."

Matt stammered, and blushed. "Stop that..."

The older Were had a twinkle in his eye. "Oh, you love it."

Matt shook his head, and started walking toward the main doors.

Meribel chuckled. "Have fun, Matt!" She waved at him when he turned around, then he waved back.

Shawn led him to his car, and stopped after opening the car door. Matt got in the car without another word, feeling a bit nervous again, and a tad giddy, even if he didn't know why exactly.

The older Were drove them to his apartment, and sighed at the front door. "...I'll try to take it easy until you feel comfortable."

Matt nodded, still a bit nervous. "Okay. Um... I thought we were having dinner?"

Shawn nodded. "Yeah. I'm making dinner. Truth to say, I didn't feel like going out tonight."

Matt ran a hand through his hair in a nervous gesture. "I see."

Shawn smiled reassuringly with a gleam in his eye. "Don't worry. I haven't poisoned anyone with my food yet!"

Matt chuckled weakly, before replying. "Oh. That's good. Heh."

Shawn still had a smile on his face while he unlocked the door and led them both inside.

"Have a seat. I'll check and see what I can make tonight."

He left Matt in the living room, and went into the kitchen.

Matt could hear Shawn mucking around in the kitchen, and muttering, as he sat down on a plush chair.

He moaned softly as the plush chair seemed to mold to his body, and he suddenly felt comfortable, sinking into it.

Shawn huffed and growled a little in the kitchen. The italian food he had asked for, he had gotten but not quite what he was expecting. Spaghetti noodles, ground beef, and onions, along with canned spaghetti sauce.

There wasn't much he could do with those. He'd have to have a talk with his Were neighbors. He was half-way hoping he could have made something a bit more fancier, like veal parmigiana or something.

He searched his cabinets, and grunted in annoyance. It did seem like there wasn't anything he could really make with an extravagance other than spaghetti. He just hoped that Matt wouldn't mind simple fare tonight.

Shawn walked back to the kitchen with a regretful expression. He noticed Matt melting into one of the plush chairs he had in the living room and chuckled.

He leaned over Matt's head, and put his hands on top of the chair. "Comfy?"

Matt blinked, and gazed upward into amused green-grey eyes. "Uhm. Yeah."

Shawn caressed Matt's goatee with his hand before letting go. "About dinner -- is spaghetti alright with you? I thought I had enough for a more fancier dinner, but..."

Matt couldn't stop staring into Shawn's eyes, and the caress had sent a bolt of electricity into his dick. He gathered his wits after a long moment. "Oh. Sure. If it's not that much trouble..."

Shawn smiled, showing his teeth. "Nah. No trouble at all. I was hoping to impress you though..."

Matt swallowed against a suddenly dry throat. "O-oh. Um... That's no problem. I like spaghetti."

Shawn's mouth curved up on one side. "Alright. Stay. Relax. I'll go make dinner then. Do you want something to drink?"

Matt swallowed again, before speaking. "Uh... No. I'm fine..."

Shawn nodded, and caressed Matt's cheek lightly before returning to the kitchen.

Matt held his breath until Shawn disappeared into the kitchen, then exhaled sharply. If he was capable of gouging into the arms of the chair, he probably would have.

At least with Shawn in the other room, he was able to breathe and think normally.

[To be continued]

Next: Chapter 6


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