Flipping Out - Ch 6

"Flipping Out" (A Society of Weres Story)
written by Gryphbear

Chapter 6

Matt could smell dinner, especially meat cooking. He was tempted to wander into the kitchen, but refrained from actually doing so. He decided that it might be safer to wait in the living room.

He touched his chin, feeling his face flush hotly. Matt had never felt a guy's touch inflame him as much as Shawn's had. His stomach was in knots, and wasn't sure if he was doing the right thing, but the older guy's touch had felt so right. Matt felt a little confused. Part of him wanted to run, but another part wanted to stay so badly.

He closed his eyes, and tried to relax.

* * *

Shawn busied himself with browning the ground hamburger and onions. He whistled tunelessly as he threw the pasta on to boil. He was excited, and looking forward to spending the night together, but wanted to make sure it went at Matt's pace.

Shawn laid both hands on the counter, and with closed eyes, grimaced as he fought against another savage impulse. He hadn't realized how agonizing it could be to simply wait.

Gritting his teeth, he tried to breathe deeply, and that was the wrong thing to do. His nose inhaled Matt's unique scent, making him growl softly, and his eyes glimmer golden for a second.

His canines grew out, and with a snarl, he shut his eyes tightly, and willed his Were self away again.

Don't think about it. Don't think about it. Focus on dinner. Yes. Dinner.

He forced himself to pay attention to the browning meat, and to stir the pasta.

Dinner was halfway finished.

* * *

He was reluctant to go into the living room, but dinner was ready, and Matt didn't seem to want to come into the kitchen.

He snuck a peek into the refrigerator to see what kind of beverages were inside, and was pleased to see he had some soda and some teas in bottles. He really ought to see what Matt might want to drink for dinner.

Screwing up his self-control, He walked into the living room, then lightly touched Matt's shoulder.

Matt suddenly jerked, then blushed at his reactions. He tried to formulate a thought -- even to say something, but couldn't in the Were's presence.

Shawn smiled in apology. "Sorry about that. Please forgive my manners. Dinner's ready, but I wanted to ask what kind of drink you wanted -- soda, tea?"

Matt blinked, getting to his feet and turning to face the older Were. "Uh... soda  -- if you have any diet?"

Shawn nodded, leading him past the dining room into the kitchen. "Yeah, there's some in the fridge. You can look inside and pick what you want to drink. We can help ourselves to dinner at the counter and eat at the table."

Matt nodded, still feeling tongue-tied. He ducked his head, looking at the choices in the refrigerator and grabbed a Diet Coke.

Shawn handed him a plate, and let him help himself, deciding to go second.

* * *

Both ate quietly at the table. Occasionally, one of them would sneak a glance at the other and look away quickly if their eyes did meet by chance.

For Matt, he had no trouble eating -- he hadn't really eaten much all day. His appetite was reduced though from feeling self-conscious about his own attraction to Shawn, and a growing awareness of Shawn's own burning desire.

The dinner was thankfully cut short by Matt, who slid his plate away from him, and stared at Shawn with a bit of a glare. He felt a bit of a headache coming on.

"Stop that, Shawn. Whatever you're doing, it's making me crazy."

The overpoweringly strong aura that had clung to Shawn somehow vanished in a blink.

Shawn was beet-red, and muttered an anguished apology. He hadn't realized he was putting out mating pheromones, although he should have known.

"I-I'm sorry. I...I'm making you on edge, aren't I? I... I'm trying so hard to make you comfortable."

His hands began fidgeting with his silverware, and in a deliberate motion, he laid his hands on the table, stilling them. He took a deep breath, and glanced at Matt, feeling worry.

"...Do you want to go?"

Matt, suddenly free of the intense presence that Shawn had been exuding, exhaled, then shook his head. He had to get some of his feelings out before they got further muddled. "...No. I don't know why, but I .. I don't want to leave. I want to stay with you, but I...feel like running... sometimes."

Shawn gazed at his mostly empty plate, and then looked at Matt. "...Oh. I see. I certainly want you to stay, but..."

He glanced away, and frowned. "I don't want to force you."

Matt sat there for a minute, looking at Shawn, feeling flattered. "I know. You aren't forcing me." He started to reach for Shawn's hand. Was he overthinking things? As far as he knew, Weres had sex frequently -- maybe this weird situation would resolve everything if he'd just go ahead...

Matt sighed and left his hand on top of Shawn's. "I'm nervous."

Shawn was uncharacteristically gentle in his voice. "I know." He laid his other hand on top of Matt's own, and squeezed it softly. He had an inquiring expression on his face.

Matt hesitated, then nodded.

Without another word, the older Were led Matt into the bedroom.

* * *

Matt lay on the bed like the previous time, but feeling slight trepidation instead of pure bewilderment and confusion.

There were a multitude of candles on top of every available surface in the bedroom, all unlit.

Shawn stood at the edge of the bed with an odd smile on his face. He could scarcely believe that it was about to happen tonight, and hoped that he could go slow enough to make it enjoyable for Matt.

He could feel his inner Were struggling to break free in ecstasy but he kept it under tight control. He kept a smile on his face, trying to be reassuring. He could tell Matt was interested, and unsure what to expect. Shawn fully intended to somewhat explain the process... at least parts of it.

The older Were smiled at Matt's eyes glazing over as he was clad in a tank top again. The lust was rolling off Matt's scent making it hard for him to control himself, but he managed somehow.

Matt panted without realizing it, feeling his dick swell into ramrod stiffness. Somehow, Shawn was radiating pure sexual appeal as he undressed.

Matt's brain had stopped working for the moment.

Shawn closed his eyes, focusing his energy into his talent, after acquiring the locations of all the candle wicks in the room inside his mind.

Each and every unlit candle's wick exploded into a small candle flame, illuminating the bedroom in a soft glow. With a sexy grin, He flipped the light switch off in the bedroom.

Matt snapped out of his sexual fog, and gasped in amazement at all the candles.

"You did that?"

Shawn laughed richly. "Yes. That's my talent -- I can light small fires. About all I'm good for... talent-wise."

Matt couldn't speak as he stared at the Were in awe. "That's more than I can do..."

Shawn nodded, as his voice sounded like it had dropped an octave and grew huskier. "Now, I'll explain some things as we go along..."  To Matt, it looked like he had shifted his body a little larger.

Matt's words got caught in his throat as Shawn dropped to his knees and sinuously stalked onto the bed. He didn't move as Shawn slowly crawled on top and between his legs.

Both of them stared at each other, unsure what to do next.

Shawn let free some of his rein on his Were self, feeling his canines grow, and his eyes shift. It felt good to relieve some of the pressure he'd been putting on himself.

He spoke in a husky whisper. "I may shift more, so don't be alarmed. Are you still willing?"

Matt couldn't speak but managed a weak nod. He could feel molten steel pressed against his crotch aching to explode.

Shawn seemed expectant, glancing at Matt.

It was then that Matt realized that Shawn was extending a courtesy -- to make the first move, even if it sorely tested Shawn's self control.

Matt stared at Shawn in the face, and despite him being partially shifted -- Shawn was strangely alluring. He suddenly realized he had been foolish to wait so long. He put his hand on Shawn's neck and lowered him to his face to kiss him.

The kiss was gentle, sweet, and passionate at the same time.

Matt moaned and clutched Shawn closer to him, kissing him. He hadn't realized how much he'd been craving Shawn until that kiss. He unconsciously lifted a leg and wrapped it around Shawn's waist, then panted as Shawn nibbled at his neck.

Shawn couldn't take it anymore as Matt suddenly tried to mold into him. His self control was shattered as he hungrily began to shred Matt's clothes. He broke free for a moment, to yank Matt's shirt off, and then his own.

The heat continued to rise in the room as their bodies grinded together.

[To be continued]

Next: Chapter 7


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