Flipping Out - Ch 10 (End)

"Flipping Out" (A Society of Weres Story)
written by Gryphbear

Chapter 10

Shawn was nuzzling Matt's neck - gently at first, then licking and biting softly. The taste of his lover's sweat was increasing his passion, making him grind against Matt with more insistence. Stilling his grinding movements with a little effort, he then trailed his lips up Matt's cheek to recapture his lips. He knew he could last at least three or four more times, due to his Were stamina. He wanted it to be more romantic this time.

Matt shivered in pleasure, caressing Shawn's sides, and holding him closer. The smell and feel of the sexy beast on top of him was making him light-headed with euphoria. His hands crept further down to cup Shawn's rounded cheeks then squeezed. His tail felt a bit cramped under him.

The candles continued to hover without their knowledge, along with all of books that were on the top level of a bookshelf.
Shawn growled into Matt's neck, as his fat dick rubbed against Matt's erection. Their stomachs were slick with pre-cum and sweat, and the room had grown warmer. He had to take a small breather, as he pulled up off him with a smile. He took a glance to his right, and with widened eyes, spoke quietly. "Matt, look at what you're doing..."

Matt was admiring Shawn's sweaty pelt as it curved with his chest and belly. He was slightly confused at his remark, then he glanced to his left, and gasped loudly. The candles, suddenly freed of Matt's subconscious control, crashed and rolled off onto the floor. "I... I did that?"

Shawn looked down at his lover with a beaming smile. "Yep. You did. Must have happened while we were making out... I have no telekinetic ability, so..."

Matt's face transmuted to joy as he finally understood. "Oh my god. He was right..." He propped himself up with his elbows, and closed his eyes, remembering something.

It had been an ordeal for him in Basic Sorcery Class at the University. His class had winded down and the Professor had dismissed everyone else, but Matt wanted to stay longer. Matt had tried his best to invoke every single psychic talent to move a marble, to read someone's mind, to levitate an object, among others, but he failed miserably. As he stared at the small marble that had stubbornly refused to move an inch, the Professor came up to his table, and studied him for a moment.

His professor spoke quietly, with a trace of pity on his face. He hated delivering bad news. "I'm sorry, Matt. I could have sworn you would be able to succeed at at least one exercise, but I can't keep you enrolled in this class any longer if you can't manifest a single talent."

Matt looked up at him with hopeless disappointment. "But why can't I at least finish the course?"
The Professor hesitated, then shook his head. Hopefully the next bit of news would help console Matt in some degree. "I'm sorry. You do have some latent talent lurking deep within you. That much I can sense. Sometimes it just stays that way. Other times it may emerge at a later time through trauma or gradually."

Matt glanced down at the table, not meeting the Professor's eyes. "I see."

The Professor laid his hand on Matt's own. "I truly am sorry."

Matt pulled his hand back, albeit slightly reluctantly. "It's fine. It wasn't like I didn't try, right?"

The Professor nodded. "You can come back and enroll again if your talent manifests. I'll even be willing to teach you personally."

Matt shrugged, and gathered up his books into his bag. Slinging his bag over his shoulder, he glanced at the Professor. "Thanks anyways." He left the room, thinking he'd never come back again.

Shawn rubbed his meaty hand lightly on Matt's chest. "Who was right?"

Matt looked up into Shawn's face with a broad smile. "Oh! ... My Professor from Basic Sorcery back when I was in college. He told me I had a latent talent, and it could come out through trauma or gradually. And the last few days..."

Shawn shifted his weight onto his left side and draped his arm across Matt's waist. "I guess he was right. You have been through a lot -- the Turning always is a big shock to the system." He hesitatingly spoke. "You... You are still alright with this?"

Matt shifted his head, looking at Shawn with confusion. "Alright with what? The telekinesis?"
Shawn blushed, and twirled his fingers into Matt's stomach fur. "No, not just that. I meant this, us, this whole weekend."

Matt's cheeks reddened, then he chuckled lightly. "What do you think? God. You're so damn sexy. I... I, um, was half-way hoping YOU would ask me out instead of the others in the common room."

Shawn blinked in surprise, and a warm adoring smile grew on his face. "That's really sweet. I did hope you wouldn't find anyone else either."

Matt shifted to his side, facing Shawn, and stared at his face. "Really? I didn't know why I was so attracted to you at first -- at least that strongly... Was... was that because of you or ...?"

Shawn smiled reassuringly. "No. That was you." He stopped, trying to frame the words. "Um, You know how mates for life happens with wolves occasionally? It's a little similar to us, but um, I believe you somehow knew I was the one, but you didn't know why or what the feeling was."

Matt frowned. "So, we're destined?"

Shawn chuckled. "Nothing that fantastical. It just means we're practically compatiable, physically and emotionally. The rest we could probably argue until the end of time, if we disagree on anything in the future." He smiled crookedly, and continued. "Pretty much like any close couple, really."

Matt mulled over that in his mind. "I see. Is that why you smell so attractive, even now? Something like cinnamon and musk?"

Shawn laughed richly. "Ah, that. You have that scent all over you as well. Other Weres can smell my natural scent, but not this unique odor because that's how Weres identify their mates."

Matt laid there, with his gaze returning to the ceiling. "... I really didn't sign up for a long-term relationship, but..."

Shawn snuggled closer. "As I promised earlier, we can take as long as you need to decide, and also decide the terms of our relationship, but I want to enjoy your company for the rest of the weekend, so no more thinking."

Matt nodded, then turned to kiss Shawn gently on the lips and felt his body react with a warm fuzzy feeling. Perhaps he was thinking too much. And the addition of finally feeling complete with his new found ability made him smile. He had always had the vague sense that his life wasn't quite complete.

Until today.

A gravely rumble with a hint of humor from Shawn caressed Matt's ears. "Move over, I'm about to fall off the bed."

* * *

Weak sunlight filtered through semi-transparent curtains into the bedroom as the two Weres lay meshed together in entangled legs and a tight embrace. Both were sleeping peacefully, with Matt's cheek pressed against Shawn's chest.

Matt stirred himself awake, and the first thing that hit his brain was Shawn's smell. He grunted huskily and started nuzzling Shawn's chest softly.

Shawn was gradually awakened as he felt Matt snuffling at his chest, then he smiled fondly. "Morning. How're you feeling?"

Matt yawned widely before mumbling, "Tired." His mind felt foggy, and wrung out.

Shawn chuckled warmly. "What do you expect, hon? We fucked each other's brains out till about three in the morning."

Matt laughed weakly as his brain caught up with him. "Oh...yeah."

Shawn grinned mischievously. "And you were hornier than hell last night. I almost couldn't keep up with you fucking me."

Matt blushed and hid his face in Shawn's chest. "Oh, jeez."

The older Were squeezed Matt tightly for a second, then kissed the top of Matt's head. "Time to shower. We both reek." At that, he got off the bed and dragged Matt into the bathroom.

* * *

Shawn had taught Matt how to revert to his human form right after their leisurely shower and breakfast. He had also given Matt a baggy sweatshirt and sweats to wear, in case of any uncontrolled transformations, and to minimize distractions. Not that wearing clothes helped that much, but both of them did manage to restrain themselves to actually engage in conversation.

The rest of Sunday was spent in lounging around, with the two Weres talking about their own varied interests. Surprisingly, they found a lot of common things they both liked -- like romantic songs, and science fiction movies, among others. A bond was forming between the two that had nothing to do with their Were instincts -- a bond of love.

Matt found himself increasingly morose when he thought about leaving even though the 'weekend' was over, and he had to get back to work on Monday morning. A couple times, he had wrestled with himself trying to get himself to leave but he simply couldn't gather up the will to go.

Shawn tried to keep a brave front because he was enjoying Matt's company quite a lot, and didn't want Matt to leave. His Were instincts were raging at him to physically restrain Matt to keep him from leaving ever again, and his human counterpart was demanding to let Matt decide for himself.

As it neared dinnertime, Matt gathered his willpower and stood up. He was apologetic, and felt regret at having to go. "I, I really should go. I have to work early in the morning."

Shawn nodded, maintaining an outward calm, but his hands clenched involuntarily responding to his inner unhappiness. "Yeah. I guess you do have to go." He walked to the front door and opened it, not meeting Matt's eyes.

Matt stopped at the threshold of the apartment, then looked at Shawn. "Uh. Thank you." The words didn't feel felt adequate enough to convey the entirety of his feelings. He wasn't sure how to put it into the proper words and stepped into the hallway. He turned around, feeling reluctant to go home. but he was simply a date. He wasn't sure what to do anymore.

Shawn nodded, feeling his heart sink, wondering if Matt would ever return. He pasted a short smile on his face. "You're welcome. Call me soon." That sounded transparent, even to him -- which he knew he could have said more, but there was an awkwardness in the air between them.

Matt nodded, then turned to leave, and was halfway downstairs when he heard the door finally close.

He suddenly sat down on the steps and closed his eyes against stinging tears. Was he really running away again this time? Or was he simply trying to distance himself away from this whole 'mate' situation? Today had been truly enlightening - for all they had done was talk. Sure, they had fondled each other occasionally, but their conversations had been truly fascinating for him.

He wiped his eyes dry. Even now, he was missing Shawn like an arm or leg. And he was only so many feet away. Matt had a vague hope that Shawn wouldn't be too angry at him for leaving as he did, when he did an about-face on the stairs and walked to Shawn's door. He raised his hand, then knocked at the door, and was surprised when Shawn opened it immediately.

Shawn smiled briefly, feeling half-way hopeful that Matt might stay. "Matt? Did you forget something?"

Matt felt his heart beat faster at the ruggedly older Were's smile. "N-no... Um... Do I have to go?"

Shawn's smile grew broader and happier. "No. You never have to leave if you don't want to."
Matt blushed, then buried his face into Shawn's chest, and hugged him.

Shawn squeezed him sweetly and pulled him into the apartment. "How about some dinner?"

Matt nodded with a broad grin. "Sounds good."

Shawn smiled, and headed toward the kitchen. "I'll go rummage in the kitchen and find something. Close the door, will you?"

Matt glanced at the open door, and idly wondered if he could close the door without touching it. He knit his eyebrows in concentration, staring at the doorknob, and visualizing the door closing. He suddenly felt a finger of mental energy fling out from his mind and pushed the door shut. He laughed happily, then went to the kitchen to help Shawn out.

[The End]

Previous: Chapter 9


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