Flipping Out - Ch 9

"Flipping Out" (A Society of Weres Story)
written by Gryphbear

Chapter 9

After several minutes of hot and sweaty groping, Shawn was nibbling on Matt's neck, driving him crazy with lust. He could smell Matt struggling to hold back his primal self. He licked Matt from his lower jawbone up to his earlobe, and whispered huskily. "Let go. Surrender to it."

Matt slowed his motions down, and whispered. "...How?"

Shawn simply grinned as his canines were prominently sharp. He kissed Matt full on the lips with passionate hunger, and trailed his lips over to Matt's neck. He growled loud enough for Matt to hear. "Like this."

He bit sharply into Matt's shoulder near the neck, and held on.

Pain! Red-hot primal emotion flared through Matt's body as he jerked in surprise. Matt's eyes flared into a fully golden-yellow as he snapped them open. With a sudden burst of new pain, He felt teeth tearing out of his top jaw with agonizing slowness.

Shawn licked the wound lightly, and growled hypnotically. "That's it... Don't think. Revel in it."

Matt struggled against the rising torrent of primal instincts, and lost the battle as Shawn's seductive voice cajoled him to release his control. Hair began sprouting thicker all over his body, and a sudden ache formed at his tailbone. He gritted his teeth, and immediately regretted it, as fresh pain emanated from his teeth grazing his now slightly bloodied lips.


Shawn crooned at Matt in a low rumbling bass. "Yes, that's it... "

Matt whined breathlessly. "It hurts!"

Shawn stroked Matt's chest gently. "I know, baby, it's almost over." He caressed Matt's stomach, then moved his leg up and over to the left side, forcing Matt to roll onto his side. He leaned down by Matt's ear and sensually licked the top edge around to the earlobe, then nibbled gently.

Matt shivered with glazed eyes and shallow panting. The pain was slowly lessening except for an insistent ache at his tailbone which reason was a mystery to him.

Shawn pushed Matt's top leg up further, saw the protuding tip at Matt's tailbone, then smiled. It wouldn't be much longer. He growled huskily, stepping back then ripping his underwear off.

Matt's mind whirled in a tumult of primal emotions and the pain was getting stronger at his lower back. He barely could form a coherent thought, let alone speak. It felt like something was ripping through his lower back, and he was struggling to cope with it.

Shawn crawled onto the bed, then straddled Matt's lower leg. He rubbed the thick head of his dick across the inside of Matt's crack; Shawn was satisfied to hear his sudden moan of desire.

The pain had lessened for him, enough for him to register dimly that Shawn was teasing his butt. Smells of sweat, sex, and musk all flooded his nose making him clench the bed with one hand. He couldn't help but moan in desperate need. For some inexplicable reason, he had to have this older man inside him.

Shawn wasted no time and grunted, pushing himself inside Matt with a loud hiss. The urge to rut began to fill every fiber of his being, as he started thrusting long and hard. His breathing was loud and raspy. His hands clenched Matt's butt to hold himself steady.

Matt began to whimper, and grabbed the sheets trying to escape Shawn's unrelenting pace. The force of it was beginning to hurt his butt, and now all he wanted to do was make it stop, but couldn't form the words.

Shawn growled sternly, and reached up, grabbing Matt's hair to hold him there. His words brooked no argument from Matt. "Stay."

Matt slowly relaxed his grip, willing to endure it and somehow trusting that Shawn knew what he was doing. Every hard thrust drew a gasp from him and he felt his dick throb under every brush of his prostate.

Pleased, Shawn slowly released his grip of Matt's hair. He glanced down at Matt's tail, which was  now fully grown and starting to show signs of fur growth. He had done everything to prolong his own orgasm but it was beginning to boil to the surface. He leaned forward and licked Matt's cheek. "Not much longer now." He panted heavily and shifted his hips slightly to the side, changing the angle of his thrust. He grunted as he humped with short quick jabs, hitting Matt's prostate directly.

Matt jerked his body involuntarily as explosions of light danced in his eyes, and his dick shot out several strands of precum. He suddenly dug his fingers into the sheets again and let out a low whining whimper as his own orgasm built to an even higher plateau.

Shawn growled as his dick was milked by Matt's hole, and eagerly thrusted faster. A low howl erupted from his throat as he buried himself to the hilt and lost himself in his orgasm.

Matt's eyes rolled back as he stiffened, squeezing Shawn's dick like a vice. Within a second, he sprayed the bedsheets with thick ropes of white sperm. He croaked out a strangled moan as he rode the cresting and falling wave of his orgasm. Matt's eyes closed as he panted heavily. As intense as the pain and pleasure had become, he realized that there was no pain anymore. Just a strange heaviness at what seemed to be just above his butt cheeks.

Shawn exhaled in exhaustion, feeling a bit dizzy and entirely satisfied. Slowly pulling himself out of Matt's abused hole, he gazed down at Matt's tail with pride and pleasure. The tail was dark brown, with a pale cream stripe underneath, and jutted out limply on the bed. He glanced upward at Matt's face, and laid a hand on his cheek. No wonder! He's asleep.

Shawn gently moved Matt's leg down and crawled over to the other side. He settled his bulky body, still fully were'd out and laid his clawed hand on Matt's hip. With a small smile, He shifted closer, and saw Matt respond instinctually by burying his face into Shawn's broad chest.

Emotions ran through him -- pride, protectiveness, and possessiveness. He rumbled a soft purr inside his chest, making Matt burrow into him even further than he thought was possible.

No matter what he would feel or do, he'd make damn sure Matt was happy.

He drifted off, feeling serenly comfortable with his cub.

* * *

Shawn awoke slowly, blinking his eyes. It'd gotten darker in the bedroom. Had they slept all day? He was also happy to find Matt still buried in his embrace. He preferred to wake up, wrapped around someone, but on the rare occasion that he dallied with men -- they usually slept apart. Shawn also reasoned that Matt was simply exhausted, but he hoped it was a sign.

The first physical transformation always left the newly Turned in this state, and usually starving when they awoke. He detested having to leave Matt alone, but he really ought to figure out dinner for both of them. Lightly disengaging his body from his lover's, Shawn gingerly crept off the bed as quietly as possible.

He glanced at his lover's tail and smiled in admiration, before slipping the sheets up to Matt's chest. Shawn headed into the kitchen to scrounge up food -- mainly sandwiches and fruit. It took him about twenty minutes to gather enough cold cut sandwiches for each of them and piling it all on a tray. He snagged several tall plastic bottles of water from the fridge and picked up the tray carrying it all to the bedroom.

* * *

Matt floated on a sea of warmth and comfort. Aching sensations soon cut into his pleasurable dream as he drifted toward awakeness. The first thought that occurred to him was he was alone in Shawn's bedroom. He felt tired, and his stomach felt like it was wrapping itself around his spine. He laid there, not wanting to move. His body felt slightly bruised and sore, especially back there.

He closed his eyes, and hoped the aches would stop soon. Matt also could feel a weight at his back, but he was growing more curious as to what it really was. He slowly moved his hand behind his back and slowly ran his hand down to the new 'weight'. His eyes widened in pleased surprise as his hand wrapped around a furry tail. He had a TAIL!

Throwing the sheet down, he craned his head backwards and gasped. His tail was glorious -- it curled up toward his back in a gentle arc, and was dark brown with what appeared to be a pale cream stripe underneath. Unexpectedly, his tail started thumping when his heart soared in happiness. He blinked, suddenly blushing, and tried to still it. To his pleasant surprise it responded to his thoughts.

A thought occurred to him, which made him pause. Would he always have this tail like this the rest of his life?

His preoccupation was interrupted by Shawn walking in with a loaded tray of food and water.

Shawn smiled. "Hello! Good morning, ah, well, it's more evening by now. I brought food!" He set the tray on the bed, then crawled onto the bed.

Matt began to protest, "That's too much food!" Even though he was starving, he didn't think he could consume that much.

Shawn shook his head in amusement. "Nah. I'm eating some too. I knew you'd be starving... you haven't eaten since last night."

Matt took a sandwich and took a bite. It took him all of two seconds to start chomping through the first sandwich with gusto.

Shawn smiled, and watched him eat, then took a sandwich for himself. He reached out to stroke Matt's hair, then trailed his hand down his lover's back, rubbing lightly.

Matt stopped chewing and looked at Shawn with a quizzical expression.

Shawn shrugged with a small smile. "You're very sexy, that's all."

Matt swallowed his food, and opened and drank some water from a bottle. He blushed and jerked his head backwards slightly. "Oh. Heh. Even with, umm, my tail?"

Shawn took a bite of his sandwich and nodded with sparkling eyes.

Matt surpressed the urge to giggle, overcome with slight shyness again, and took another sandwich. Pretty soon, he'd demolished at least six and was starting to slow down, feeling a bit full. He also noticed that Shawn wasn't far behind him in eating them either.

Matt was also happy to find he was feeling much more improved -- no aches at all. He glanced at Shawn, reminded about his tail. "You know, the tail's cool, but ...will it be this way all the time? I mean, I didn't notice whether you had one when we met."

Shawn shook his head, and caressed Matt's face with a free hand, then swallowed his food. "Nah, It'll revert to a small vestigal tail 'bout an inch or two long once you learn how to shift back. And I'll teach you."

Matt nodded, feeling reassured. He wouldn't have minded having a tail 24/7, but he didn't want undue attention that much. "Oh. 'kay." He scratched his chest idly, and felt luxurious fur where he had a light sprinkling before, then stopped in mild pleasure. "Oh. I have fur."

Shawn chuckled and shifted the tray with the now-empty plate onto the floor, then turned back to him. His voice caught in a low husky whisper as he moved onto his hands and knees, then crawled up to Matt. "Such a handsome beast you are."

Matt was struck by the sensuality of it all as Shawn leaned forward and stared into his eyes.

Shawn smiled slightly, then pressed his lips against Matt's in a slow kiss.

To Matt's surprise, he felt his world turn inside out and upside down as he froze slightly. Why was this so different now? This was not an initiation anymore -- his world had been confusing the hell out of him the last day or two but now things finally clicked into place. He returned the kiss with equal tenderness and encircled his arms around Shawn's neck, then broke away to catch his breath.

Shawn's arms tightened around Matt's waist, glancing at Matt with curiosity. "You okay, hon?"

Matt looked back into Shawn's eyes, and his cheeks reddened a little. "Just fine." Shawn's face was ruggedly beautiful with eyes that he could almost lose himself. He glanced downward, breaking his stare. Matt noticed that Shawn's scent even smelled right. Matt leaned forward, and  Shawn softly, then felt his heart soar in flight.

Shawn melted under Matt's sweet kiss; he held Matt's neck in his hands, gently massaging the shoulders. He felt a surge of love for the man before him, and squeezed him closer, pushing Matt back onto the bed with him on top.

Unknown to both of them, all the candles inside the bedroom which had been blown out earlier started to rise on their own -- an inch then slid up six inches higher. They hovered while the two of them continued, oblivious to anything around them.

[To Be Continued]

Next: Chapter 10 - End


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