Grizzly Science - Ch. 8

Chapter 8

Brent noted the readings on the display screen of the scanner, feeling relieved.

Grant was whimpering with his arms crossed over his chest, and rocking from the side to side, not really paying attention to anything around him.

Brent shook his head and sighed, hoping the pain would pass soon. He touched and shook Grant's forearm slightly, trying to get Grant's focus on him.

"Grant? Look at me."
Brent's voice penetrated Grant's haze of pain, as he shifted his head to look at him.
The red-head bear smiled reassuringly. "It'll pass, you just have to hold on a bit longer. This is supposed to be normal, I believe. The readings don't indicate otherwise."

Grant grunted, rolling his head upwards. His voice and breath were ragged, but he forced the words out. "H-how long?"

Brent's hand lingered on Grant's forearm, and he glanced at the scanner with a frown as he tried to interpret the readings into a scale measuring time.

"It's hard to estimate -- supposedly 10 more minutes. It shouldn't get any worse..."
I hope. Brent's thought echoed with unrealized and an underlying deeper concern.

Grant rolled over to his side, and curled up tightly, with barely audible whimpering.

Brent sat there, trying to decide what to do. He liked this fellow, but he thought he should play it safe, and keep to himself. No sense in possibly angering a muscular god like Grant.

But his dilemma was Grant was so damnably hot and muscular... Brent thought that Grant most likely was a straight guy -- perhaps a grandfather, but that didn't stop him from wanting him.

It was all Brent could do to keep from making a pass on Grant the other day. He rubbed his face with his free hand wearily, and stared at Grant's muscles -- back, legs, and arms, then sighed in quiet longing.

His pants started swelling, and he was thankful his pants were dark blue, therefore hiding his half-hard erection.

Brent kept gazing at his watch, and biting his lip hoping that his predictions were correct.

Grant was slowly getting used to the pain in his chest -- or at least it didn't seem as strong as it had a few moments ago. He twisted around, laying on his back, with a slight wince on his face. One arm was still cradled across his chest.

Brent smiled reassuringly at Grant, not daring to touch him. "It should be over soon."

Grant growled out in a low grunt. "Great." Several stressful moments later, he found his lungs suddenly easing, and the pain disappearing as if it had never been there.

His eyes widened in surprise, as he sat up immediately, looking at Brent with hopefulness. "It's gone? It's done?"

Brent smiled in satisfaction. "Yes, it's done. No more lung cancer." If he could just get his dick calmed down so he could stand up without attracting attention.

Grant took a deep breath and chuckled. "I gotta thank you... for coming out there..."

Brent stared at the impressive movement, and then stared up in Grant's eyes. He mentally did a double take -- did they just change?

Grant inhaled deeply, and acted on instinct, emanating a low growl of hunger in his throat.

Brent had no time to react as Grant grabbed his neck, yanking him closer to his face for a savage kiss.

Grant groaned as their lips met and his free hand started to drag Brent's body closer. Brent wasn't fighting it very hard, but something inside Grant held back, snapping him out of his lust.

Grant suddenly let go, with an expression of mortification.

Brent, on the other hand, looked dazed from the kiss. His eyes finally focused after a moment, then looked at Grant, unsure what to say.

The red-head finally pieced together a question. "Uh...why did you do that?"

Grant looked away in shame, for he never had forced himself on anyone in his life before today. But... something made him act on instinct.

He gazed at his hands, then spoke quietly. "I... I don't know."

Brent had his hands on the floor, obscuring his crotch, and fully aware that his dick was rock hard -- from the kiss alone. The red-head was embarrassed, but curiously reluctant to leave -- not primarily to save himself embarrassment, but for some other reason.

Grant glanced up at Brent's stare, not quite sure what was going through the red-head's mind.
He got up the courage to whisper softly, looking apologetic. "I'm sorry that happened. I don't normally do that..."

Brent blinked in quiet surprise. "Oh. I see..." He stood up without another word, not caring if his dick showed its protrusion under his pants, and left the house.

Grant's eyebrows contracted in sudden confusion.

Several minutes later, he thumped his head on the carpet several times for his own idiocy.

He had finally pieced together why Brent might've left like that. Brent must have thought that he wasn't attracted normally -- or something.


Brent's dick protested being stuck inside his pants, and he had a scowl on his face as he walked up the stairs to his apartment.

Of all the damned people he'd have to get stuck on -- and he wasn't interested. And the kiss hadn't helped at all. Far from it. He could still feel the lingering tingle on his lips from the kiss that Grant had planted on him.

Slamming his door behind him, he stalked in and peeled off his shoes, pants and underwear -- there was no sense in making his dick hurt if it wouldn't go down.

No one ever looked inside his apartment, and he tended to keep curtains mostly closed as well.

His breathing relaxed as his dick bounced free from his underwear.

He wasn't quite sure what exactly he was irritated at -- being attracted to Grant and supposedly finding out he was straight, or the kiss that made him want to surrender to him.

One possible theory occurred to him as his irritation faded -- that maybe his own attraction to Grant was obvious enough for him -- and he simply took a chance?

That made him smile, feeling hopeful again. He didn't know Grant very well yet, but what he saw of Grant's personality was that he did seem to be rather reserved with him, and perhaps around other people.

He suddenly realized ... he didn't have Grant's number. It was listed in his chart at work, but he was at home.

And the thought of Grant's chart triggered another thought -- he needed to get the scanner back from Grant.

His cheeks turned crimson. He wondered what Grant was thinking of him.

Brent bent over and tugged his underwear and pants back on, along with his shoes. He hoped Grant wouldn't be too pissed at him.

Turning around, he left the apartment in a hurry.


Grant growled, still angry at himself. How could he let a hunky guy leave without trying to stop him?
He knew that he couldn't have tried, really. He wasn't one to force anyone to do what they didn't want to do.

It hadn't helped that his dick had sprang to life and his balls ached to be unloaded.

The kiss had made his heart almost skip a beat when their lips met, and sparks exploded in his mind at that time.

He could have sworn his dick had exploded during the kiss but it hadn't, to his surprise.

Grant sat on his butt, looking at the coffee table, and scowled. The business card lay there as if it were accusing Grant of something.

He covered his face, and groaned. "Dammit. I should call him to explain, but I don't know if I want to."


Brent tapped at the steering wheel with his fingers, sitting in his car, right outside Grant's car. He wasn't sure if he should go up there, but he knew he had to see him again -- even if it was to just get the scanner that he was supposed to have gotten later today from him. Brent rubbed his face, and scrounged up the courage to get out of his car, and walk up to the front door.

His hand hesitated before knocking on the door.


Grant's head snapped up toward the front door with hope on his face. He quickly got to his feet, and whipped open the door. His smile hovered on happiness and trying to remain neutral.


Brent crossed his arms and felt awkward. "Er...Um... Can I come in?"

Grant nodded, and gestured to his house with a broad expansive movement.


Once Brent was inside, Grant closed the door firmly, and stayed there, his back against it.

Brent knelt at the floor, picking up the scanner. "Er, I came for this... remember? You were supposed to bring it to me this afternoon..." He stood up and turned around to leave.

Before Brent could do or say any more, Grant moved hastily toward him. "Oh. Right. That. Sorry."

Brent stood in front of Grant, then forced himself to look into the big bear's eyes, and blinked. They were light blue, with a golden haze around the edges of his pupils.

Grant's hands had clasped the red-headed bear's waist gently. He had an apologetic smile on his face. "Please... Don't go."

Brent saw the gentleness in Grant's eyes, and warred with his desire to melt into Grant's arms, and to leave.

Brent must have hesitated long enough for Grant moved in again with his face, and gave him a soft kiss on the lips.

The red-headed bear exhaled slowly, feeling dazed, slightly struggled out of Grant's grip.

Grant loosened his embrace with a quizzical expression on his face. His voice held a rich timbre, as he spoke. "What is it? Something wrong?" He felt nervous all of a sudden. Did Brent change his mind already? Everything felt exactly right.

Brent laid his free hand on Grant's strong and furry chest, and marveled at how drop dead sexy he was. "No, nothing's wrong. I... I didn't want to rush too fast..."

Grant gave the red-head a full deep kiss, and slowly let go. "I see. I'm sorry. I-I didn't want to let you go without at least showing you."

Brent blushed. "Ah... It's okay. I misunderstood you before. I apologize too."

Grant squeezed Brent closer in response, then let go completely.

Brent stayed where he was, with his hands in the same place. He stepped back with obvious reluctance.

Grant scratched the back of his head, looking at Brent, feeling a little shy and awkward. "Er, so... What did you want to do?"

The red-head grinned sweetly. "I was hoping for maybe a date first or two?"

Grant chuckled softly, touching then stroking Brent's beard. He nodded. "Sure. That sounds great to me."

Brent nodded shortly. "How about lunch? Today's my day off."

Grant beamed, darting into his bedroom, and calling out. "Okay! Let me get dressed. Five minutes, tops."

It took suspiciously longer than five minutes for Grant to change his clothes, but apparently he had done more than that.

Brent stared as Grant emerged from the hallway, in a nice blue long-sleeved shirt, and a well worn pair of jeans that almost left nothing to the imagination. He couldn't be quite sure, but he could have sworn that Grant had taken the time to comb himself and brush his beard out.

Brent's cheeks tinged at the thought of him going to those lengths for an impromptu lunch date.

Grant smiled widely, showing his teeth as he saw Brent stare with his mouth open. It felt damn nice to feel like he could turn someone's head. He withdrew a cigar from his case, clipped it, and asked,

"Do you mind if I smoke?"

Brent spent no time thinking about it, "Nah, go ahead. I like 'em... mostly on other guys."

He smiled, and lit his cigar, holding it, as he trailed past Brent. Opening the front door, he gestured for his date to go first.

Brent gathered his wits back together again, and walked out the door, feeling flattered and amused. Before he could leave the house, he suddenly felt Grant's meaty hand squeeze his butt cheek then let go immediately.

He jumped slightly, with an expression of surprise, then his head shook in amusement. He chuckled, as he waited outside for Grant to join him, and lock his door.

Grant locked the door, and stuck his cigar in his mouth, slowly exhaling smoke through his mouth as he led Brent to his car.

Brent followed closely behind, enjoying the smoke that wafted in his direction from the broad-shouldered bear. He observed Grant's back muscles flexing as the big bear walked, and he bit his lip.

He was vaguely reconsidering the several dates thing now.

Exhaling a quiet sigh, he trailed behind Grant, as he unlocked the passenger door. Grant pulled it open for him, which Brent smiled, and slid in.

Grant shut the door, and got into the driver's seat, closing his own. His mouth smiled around his cigar, then he took it out, and glanced at Brent. He twisted his body slightly, holding his cigar in the window. His smile didn't waver, bordering on a lewd suggestive manner. His arm now rested on the headrest of their shared seat, with his hand near Brent's neck.

"So, what're you hungry for?"

The red-head chuckled. "Er... I was going to have Italian."

Grant smiled, pleased that they shared at least one taste. "Cool. Sounds good. I know an Italian place nearby."

He fired up the ignition, and backed up out of his driveway, then headed to the restaurant downtown.

That day lasted quite a long time for the two of them, as they started to discover tidbits about each other. They ate slowly, while chatting animatedly for a long while. The restaurant had to shoo them out after several hours.

The rest of their day was filled with conversation, and coffee from a cafe after their leisurely lunch. At last they rolled up to Grant's place, and both walked up to his front door. As Brent was reluctantly about to leave, Grant pulled on the red-head's arm, dragging him into the house, and closed the door behind them.

Grant pushed Brent against the door gently and smiled crookedly, with a lingering kiss on the red-head's lips. His voice was roughened with suppressed desire. "I want you to stay. Please?"

Brent's cheeks reddened lightly. His breath caught in his throat, while his eyes were closed, feeling the kiss linger on his lips. "M-Me too."

Grant barely managed to squelch his savage libido, and succeeded at pushing it aside so he could think. He wanted Brent badly but he didn't want to force the issue.

It had been years of near self celibacy, then suddenly having a fully awakened and increased libido was wearing down his will. A logical thought threaded through his mind - What was one more night?
It did help take the edge off that he had came three times earlier that day, but he was still antsy. And all his fantasies centered around Brent, so it was doubly hard to try to ignore his needs, in order to get to know his date better.

He thought he probably could wait until Brent had gone in the morning, or whenever he decided to leave.

Grant stepped back with a sheepish expression, and gazed away. "Er... I've been wanting to do that all day."

Brent nodded with a vastly amused smile lurking around his mouth. "I could tell."

The big bear smiled, with an arched brow. "Oh? How?"

Brent strode up to Grant, and laid his hand on the broad shoulder, feeling the heartbeat - strong and regular. It comforted him on some level.

"Yeah. Your eyes sometimes change colors. Plus you looked a bit cagey several times at the restaurant."

He grinned impudently as his hand rubbed the Bear's broad chest.

Grant covered Brent's hand with his thick hand, caressing it softly. He gazed at the red-head, suddenly curious about this, and vaguely dreading the answer. "What do you mean?"

Brent opened his mouth, suddenly unsure what to say. Grant's hand had tightened around his in a near-painful hold, as his expression became nervous and guarded.


[Previous: Chapter 7] [Next: Chapter 9]


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