Grizzly Science - Ch. 9

Chapter 9

Grant suddenly broke his grip, facing away from Brent, and feeling dread well up inside him. "Oh. Umm... what colors?"

Brent cocked his head slightly to his right, with a curious expression.

"Um...a very nice golden rim around the outside edge of your iris of both eyes, and when they change -- your irises change to a sort of blueish gold."

He stepped closer, reaching out with his hand. "Why? What's wrong?"
Grant grunted without speaking, and walked quickly to the bathroom without another word, flipping the light switch on.

Brent called after him, "Grant?" Did he say or do something wrong? He internally debated on whether he should go home, or wait to see if Grant would explain.

He decided to sit at the couch, and found himself tapping his fingers on his lap, feeling worried.
He hoped he hadn't said or did something to insult Grant.

Grant swore under his breath in shock as he saw it for himself. Not feeling lustful at all at the moment, he was able to see his eyes in their usual color. They had changed -- a light golden haze ringed his iris on the outsides. His fists clenched on the counter, as he growled at his reflection.
Frustration was exploding out of him at not being able to figure out what his dreams had meant so far.

Were they a sign of something? Did it mean he was changing more?

His impulse to smash the mirror was starting to grow stronger, and only the reflection of his eyes becoming golden-blue halted his urge like a splash of cold water.

He hung his head downwards, then sighed quietly. He really ought to explain his odd actions to his date. It was the decent thing to do.

Perhaps the hunky red-head would have an idea on his dreams. As his thoughts dwelt on Brent again, his libido welled up quickly, giving him a massive erection that became immediately painful stuck inside his now-tight pants.

He groaned, shutting his eyes tightly, and trying to focus on unpleasant thoughts. His mind was unable to focus but after a few moments of randomly scouring his memories for something, he found himself more relaxed.

Breathing a sigh of irritated relief, he frowned at his reflection, then composed himself with several slow and deep breaths.

He was starting to wonder if whoever programmed the nanites had a dirty mind or something... He shook his head on his way out of the bathroom, half-hoping that Brent was still here.

He started walking toward the living room, feeling nervous as hell. Grant didn't know how Brent would react at all. He only hoped this wouldn't make things strained between the two when it had barely started. He really wanted to give it a shot with this person he really liked.

He blinked as he suddenly realized that he didn't have to be so alone anymore. Even if Brent and he didn't work out sometime later, he felt like he could possibly find someone else ... eventually, perhaps.

As Grant walked in, looking decidedly skittish, and slightly flustered, Brent stood up quickly. His voice held only concern and worry.

"Are you okay? Did I...?"

Grant shook his head emphatically in protest. "No! It wasn't you. Um... I ... it may be a weird story..."

Brent nodded, pausing for a moment, and smiling slightly. "I'm all ears... I have to admit I am curious. I do think they're very attractive."

Despite worrying about relating the story about his dreams, he blushed, and smiled. "... Thanks."
He then made himself comfortable on the couch, sitting at one end of the couch with his back leaning on the arm, and beckoning Brent to sit with him. His legs were in a half cross, one under his other, and one foot on the carpet. He had a crooked grin plastered on his face, that hovered near friendliness and invitation.

"Have a seat. It's probably not a very long story, but I doubt you want to listen standing up." His smile broadened as he winked, before patting his legs, "'Course there's always right here."

Brent sputtered in surprise, and blushed hotly. He was sorely tempted to just sit there, but he needed to restrain himself for now. He chuckled awkwardly, and patted Grant's leg. "Grant! You were saying?"

Grant laughed and leaned forward, squeezing Brent's hand, before letting go. His eyes twinkled, as his smile broadened. "You know I'm teasing you..." He sobered then, thinking on how to start.
"Well. Um, let's see."

He went on to describe how his dreams had always started, and what usually happened before he woke abruptly, then explained that the last few dreams had been freakier than usual.

Brent nodded, focused on Grant's words. It was strange -- but he had some experience at translating dreams. Granted, dreams were subjective, but he could at least suggest some broad ideas on what differing symbols meant.

The last couple dreams that Grant recounted sounded vaguely familiar to him, but he didn't quite know why. The lion and seeing said lion in one's reflection sounded naggingly familiar.

When Grant spoke of his eyes glittering gold in the dream, Brent blinked, and quietly murmured.

"Ah. That explains the hint of gold. The nanites must have read his dream and translated it to here."

Grant leaned forward, his face close to Brent, brimming with barely hidden relief and curiosity. "The nanites might have changed my eye color a little? That's it?"

Brent smiled. "Uh huh. The nanites may have the capability to read your neurons and mesons, and your brain, and carry it over into physical being. Within limits, of course."

Grant blinked. "Um, so why was I having dreams of getting a drink of water, and a lion?"

Brent shrugged, rubbing the fur on one of Grant's arms idly. "Perhaps it was simply a journey to find yourself again?"

Grant laid his hand over Brent's and smiled in obvious relief. "Really? I'm a lion?"

Brent nearly choked at those choice of words. He blushed. "Err... Dreams aren't that literal... but umm, yes. Metaphorically speaking."

Grant laughed softly and leaned in further, holding Brent's chin then started kissing him gently. His kisses became more passionate and hungrier. He groaned deep in his throat, while his other hand groped his way around Brent's waist to draw him closer to his own body.

Brent almost melted into Grant's arms and was so turned on by this alone, his mind barely had enough wits to break off the kiss first. It had been difficult with Grant holding his chin, but at one point, he had let go.

The red-head panted heavily as heat flushed his cheeks. He couldn't speak above a gasping whisper. "Grant... why do you do that??"

Grant let out an embarrassed laugh. "Er.. heh. I wanted to?"

Brent snorted, and shifted his legs slightly, realizing he had been rock-hard since Grant had given him a heated kiss.

Grant shook his head in apology, his hands rubbing his legs in what Brent recognized as edginess. "I'm sorry. I know you said you wanted a few dates before..."

Brent sighed in mock resignation. "Yes, I did say that this afternoon..." He was starting to wonder if a couple more dates would even change how he was feeling about Grant now.

The red-headed bear knew that Grant was a bear he wanted to get to know... intimately, body and mind. He just wasn't sure if a thousand dates of talking with this warm personable bear would be best instead of a one night stand. He had to know.

Brent sighed. There was no way around it. He had to ask.

"Umm...I ...I wanted to ask something. Uh... I don't want to sound crass..."

He felt uncomfortable as he watched Grant shrug. "Go ahead."

Brent bit his lip, but forged ahead anyways, his speech starting to jumble his words into one lump in a torrent. "Umm... What do you want? Uh... a one night stand? A relationship? I mean... I'm hoping it's the latter."

His fingers had nervously laced and unlaced themselves several times without him realizing it.

Grant smiled in reassurance, and took Brent's shaking hands in his own strong hands, then let go a moment later. "Despite what other men may be like... I want a relationship. With you. Our date today confirmed it for me."

Brent let out a short and sharp exhale, not realizing he had been holding his breath.

Grant let out a short bark of gentle laughter. He got to his feet, with a sparkle in his eye, and held out his thick hand. "C'mere."

Brent was mystified, but took the burly bear's hand, and was led into the bedroom. The red-head was confused, since he didn't think they were going to do anything, and it appeared as if they might.

Grant started stripping his shirt off and tossing it in the corner near the closet. He caught Brent's 'caught in the headlights' expression, and spoke soothingly. "Oh, I thought since it was rather late... if you want to stay overnight... I will do my best to behave like a gentleman. Unless you have work tomorrow morning?"

Grant had spoken in earnest, but a small part of his mind screamed that he wanted to screw this nummy bear into the floor. Over and Over. He mentally slapped himself before that train of thought continued.

Brent hesitated before speaking. "Um, no... I don't have work until tomorrow afternoon. I...was hoping for a... snuggle." His words faded away as he stared at Grant's chest, and zoning out on his magnificent pecs and nipples that stuck out, along with the lush fur that splayed out from the center.
"Ah, er...umm, right."

Brent smacked himself mentally. There was no need to become a drooling idiot...but God, Grant looked damn good... It made his resolution to wait even harder to keep. He wasn't sure if he wanted to take his clothes off... for that seemed the only barrier.

Grant had turned around and stripped down to his underwear. He turned with a small smile on his face at Brent's reactions. He knew he was attractive, but to reduce a man to a puddle of drool?

Unfortunately he did make a promise to behave. He'd try to honor it as best as he could. He walked over to Brent, and kissed him teasingly, snapping him out of his trance, with his hands holding the red-headed's waist.

The big bear smiled mischievously as Brent refocused, looking into the golden blue eyes. "I thought you wanted to stay tonight?"

Brent stammered, his throat tight with embarrassment, overwhelming lust, and nervousness. "Y-yes...I did. But..."

Grant circled his arm around Brent's neck, and brought him closer to his lips, with a curved smile. "I'm not sleeping fully dressed. I know I promised that we'd wait, and I'll do my best. Now, if you want to sleep with all your clothes on, I suppose we'll have to do that."

He let go and prepared the bed, pulling the blankets and sheets down halfway, and got comfortable. His hands clasped each other as he laid there, watching Brent stand there with amusement.

Brent spent a moment staring at Grant's supine form, then mentally threw away his caution, and started undressing.

He knew there was a chance that Grant might not be able to control himself, due to the nanites still adjusting his chemistry levels. He did have faith that Grant would most likely try something, even if he tried to hold back.

He considered all the signs of Grant's advances. All of them had been aggressively hungry, but no more so than a horny man who needed sex very very badly.

He put it all together, and mentally sighed -- Grant probably would want to play, but perhaps a little wouldn't hurt either one of them. They both had connected so well today -- their conversations, and Grant's kisses always stole his breath.

The prone bear avidly watched Brent wriggle out of his clothes slowly. It appeared that the red-headed bear was thinking things over, or perhaps hesitating on purpose. As Brent pulled his shirt off over his head, Grant's dick twitched as he spied a nicely shaped paunch, thickly furred with red.

He thought he was imagining it, but there seemed to be a bigger bulge in Brent's pants.

Brent's thumbs hooked the inside of his jeans, and hesitated out of nervousness. His hands hovered over the top button of his pants, finally undoing it after a moment later.

Grant smiled warmly with a glint of lust and mischief in his eyes. "Get them off -- I don't bite... too hard." He turned over on his side, but still watching Brent.

Brent paused a moment, then undid the second and third button, letting his pants drop. He pulled his socked feet out of them, then clambered on the bed, to the unoccupied side, and laid on his side facing Grant.

There was still at least half a foot's space between them.

Grant reached out to Brent's face, stroking his beard. "It's okay. What are you so nervous about?"

Brent screwed up enough courage to scoot closer, which Grant promptly encircled his arm around his waist.

His voice was a gravely purr as he spoke. "Now, this is nice... You work out a little, I see."

His free hand moved from his lower back and lightly brushed against Brent's chest muscles, then his shoulders, and down his arm.

The red-head demurred. "Ehh, at least once or twice a week... not very often."

Grant smiled, still feeling heady from being so close to Brent. "I can tell you used to work out more. Perhaps we both can... sometime?"

Brent felt his body slowly freeze as Grant's hand strayed down his thigh.
Grant's motions stilled, and he sighed. "What's wrong?"

Brent bit his lip, before deciding to speak. "Umm... I don't want you to take it the wrong way, but... I am not sure you would be able to hold back... because of the nanites enhancing your libido right now... I...I think that you're not quite used to it yet."

Grant sighed in obvious annoyance -- those nanites again.

"So you're nervous because you think I might rape you?" He continued without another beat. "You don't realize how freeing and wonderfully tormenting it is to be right next to you at the moment."

Without letting Brent speak, he kept on going.

"I want to screw you into next week every time I look at you. I can't help it. Maybe my libido levels are screwed up and are cranked too high, but frankly, I. don't. give. a. damn. You know the first fantasy since I had the treatment was? You. It was mind blowing. Almost literally. I never had any fantasies feel that way before."

He was starting to feel nervous, as Brent hadn't spoken yet. Taking a deep breath, he saw that Brent was looking stunned.

"I promised I'd try to hold back for you, because that's what you want."

He faltered into silence, and scratched his chest lightly, feeling a certain thing possibly slipping through his fingers.

Brent had been listening for the last few moments of Grant's 'speech', for lack of a better word that came to his mind. The revelations surprised him, and pleased him inordinately.

And poor Grant, he was looking vulnerable. A thought ran through his mind -- did it really matter if Grant's libido levels were 'screwed' as he said? Plus, Grant had done his best so far to hold it back, as he promised.

It was no fault of his that his libido was raging out of control. Well. Not *really*.

That tidbit of him being the center of Grant's fantasy made him feel warm and naughty all at once inside. An irrational impulse ran through him as he saw Grant's conflicted expression.

He scooted closer, and swung a leg over Grant's, then started kissing Grant's full lips hungrily. It didn't take long for Grant to respond in kind, and his body moved closer, pushing him down on his back.

Grant slid his arms under the red-head's own, and started humping lightly on one of Brent's legs, while exploring Brent's mouth, face, and neck, with low, lustful growling.

Brent was feeling slightly overwhelmed. On one hand, it was indescribably hot and arousing to have this behemoth nearly entirely on top of you, and on the other hand... He wanted to take it slower.
And the other thing was, he was starting to gasp... Grant had slowly pressed against him, and was also considerably bulkier than he.

Brent gasped out, while trying to push Grant off him, "I-I can't breathe."

Grant stopped nuzzling Brent, and pushed himself up, looking puzzled, then apologetic. "Oh! I'm sorry..."

The red-head shook his head, after regaining his breath. "No, It was wonderful, but I couldn't breathe after a while."

Grant shook his head, and shifted to his side, holding Brent as close to him as possible. He felt timid all of a sudden, hoping he hadn't crossed any boundaries. "Did I go too fast? I...I didn't know if that's what you wanted...exactly."

Brent stroked the broad chest, letting two fingers squeeze and gently tug Grant's nipple several times.

He grinned impishly. "No, not quite too fast... but I liked the contact..."

Grant's head jerked back and his eyes rolled back as jolts of pleasure shot from his nipple to his loins.

His hand tightened into a fist as his whole body shuddered. He gasped out a loud moan.

Brent's eyes widened, then he chuckled. "Well, now..." He stopped playing with it, giving Grant a small measure of relief.

Grant glanced with amused annoyance at the red-head's impudence.

"Hey! I thought you wanted to wait."

Brent felt halfway embarrassed. "Er... I did?"

Grant mock-scowled at him, and pulled him against his body, then savagely kissed him while slipping his hand under the red-headed's undies.

Brent suddenly froze, but moaned in blissful excitement a moment later as Grant fondled his ass cheeks with a vengeance.

Grant broke free of the kiss, but continued to grope his cheeks. His voice had grown low and roughened with lust. "You want it, don't you?"

Brent panted as Grant slipped a finger between his cheeks and rubbed.

The older bear grunted urgently, as he probed further at Brent's hole. "Tell me you want it, boy. Tell me!"

The younger, red-headed bear managed to whisper clearly, once he was able to think coherently, "I-I want it."

Grant smiled happily then gave Brent a lingering slow kiss, which was returned with equal fervor, then both began to lose themselves into their lust for each other.


[Previous: Chapter 8] [Next: Chapter 10]


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