X-men: Mutant Awakening (Ch. 10)

Author's Note: Thanks for Kindar for his help in proofing! :)

Chapter 10

Tad was in his room looking out his window at the forested scenery, when he heard a soft knock, snapping him out of his preoccupation with the latest revelation about his powers.  He called out to whoever was behind the door. "It's open."

Brenda swung the door open, walked in and smiled. "Hey."

Tad turned around, and blinked as he took in what Brenda was wearing: a purple t-shirt, and grey sweatpants. His voice held a trace of amusement at her attire, as he raised his eyebrow. "Going to P.E.?"
Brenda grinned. "Nah. It's defense training class with Logan."

Tad felt his throat go slightly drier at the mention of Logan's name. He was deeply glad he had passed the voice-cracking stage a long time ago. His voice climbed half an octave, then dropped to it's usual deep baritone. "Oh? Really." 

Brenda winked slyly. "Wanna come watch the class? I'm sure Logan'd be fine as long as you stay out of the way."

Tad blushed, and shook his head. "I dunno..."

Brenda looked at her nails nonchalantly. "It's up to you - I just thought you'd like to learn some self-defense tricks."

He shrugged. "What's the point if I can just simply teleport somewhere else?"

Brenda paused, then nodded. "That's true, but you can't teleport all the time. What if you're too tired and find yourself in a fight somehow? Trust me, it'll help to know a couple ways to disarm people without getting yourself hurt."

He nodded. She had a point. He just hoped he'd not get too distracted by Logan while he was there. "What the hell. I'll go with you."

Brenda grinned. "Great." She looked him over for a second, then spoke again. "Do you have a t-shirt and shorts? What you're wearing won't work -- it'll get a bit too warm in the gym."

Tad looked down at himself wearing a long sleeved shirt and denim jeans. He frowned. "Uh, okay. I have a pair."

Brenda nodded. "I'll wait outside the door and let you change." She turned around and closed the door behind her.

Tad sighed as he threw his duffel bag onto the bed, and rummaged through it. "What have I gotten myself into?"

* * *

Ten minutes later, they walked into the gym and Tad was left to stand by the students, while she talked with Logan for a minute. She walked back with a smile. 

Tad stood with ten other students, all younger, and feeling slightly uncomfortable. He didn't recognize anyone here aside from Logan and Brenda. It was a mixed blessing that Brenda was there, and so was Logan. He had no idea of what to expect. He just hoped he'd not come across as an incompetent washout.

Brenda jerked her thumb back at Logan, as she spoke with a grin on her face. "He's fine about you being here since he did invite you."

Logan raised his voice, and it rang with authority, pulling everyone's attention on him. "Listen up, kids. I'm gonna take it easy on you -- but only for today. We're going to refresh ourselves with the first three basic blocking moves."

There was a quiet sigh of collective relief all around, as they'd been glancing at Tad every so often but not greeting him. They were curious about the newcomer, but they didn't want to irritate Logan by talking to him during the class.

Logan called out for one of the guys to come up to him. "Alright, Thompson, you try attacking me with the first one. I'll show how the blocking's done... Tad? Pay close attention, alright?"

Tad watched them perform the moves at least a half dozen times, and was surprised at how simple it seemed. The first time they went through it, Logan didn't say a word, but on the second repetition, he would explain things step by step. After seeing Logan and Thompson show the last move for the sixth time, he hoped he could remember everything.

Brenda whispered near him, "No worries - I'm sure whoever he pairs you up with will help guide you through each one."

Tad didn't speak, but nodded slightly, watching Logan dismiss Thompson. So far, he was impressed with Logan's professional style of teaching.

Logan contemplated how to pair them off, then decided to assign them by training experience. Those who had less of it would be paired with those who had more experience. He was down to Rogue, Tad, Brenda, and Peter. Originally he'd been tempted to pair off Brenda with Tad, but they were already friends, and he believed that it was better to train with someone unknown. It also prevented the possibility that Brenda might hold back just because they were friends.

He walked toward the last four people standing aside. Having made his decision, he glanced at Brenda and Peter, then Tad and Rogue, then spoke. "Brenda and Peter. Rogue, I want you to pair up with Tad."

A pale girl with brown hair with a strange white streak nodded at Logan, then glanced at Tad with a friendly smile. "Hi, I'm Rogue."

Tad nodded once, with a polite smile, but he didn't really know what to say. He was hoping he'd be paired off with Brenda but this girl seemed nice enough. He extended his hand in automatic greeting, and she hesitated but took his hand with a warm smile. "Tad. Nice to meet you."

Logan exhaled and shouted out. "Okay. Begin!"

* * *

Forty-five minutes later, Tad was panting lightly, feeling sticky with a light sheen of sweat. He had thought it was easy, but it hadn't been easy to wriggle out of Rogue's grasp when she assumed the role of an attacker. She had suggested different ways to escape her grip when Tad couldn't seem to shrug her off.

Tad looked at her, and was privately slightly put off that her hair didn't look out of place, nor did she appear sweaty.

Logan clapped his hands and dismissed the class. He'd been watching Tad covertly, along with keeping an eye on his students to make sure they were performing things correctly.

Roughly half of the people trailed out of the gym. The rest hung around, chatting freely with each other. 

She stuck her hand out and smiled. "You did pretty good for not knowing any of this."

Tad nodded in thanks, and began to shake her hand.

As their hands touched, a current of energy surged from Tad to Rogue.

Tad froze, uncertain what the hell was going on -- his mind started going fuzzy, and he felt like he was being bled dry. He wanted to fight back but he simply couldn't.

Rogue, shocked at her power's sudden flare up, was rooted to the spot as flashes of memories and feelings washed through her like a rising tide. Oh God, not again! She began to panic.

Both shared and relived Tad's beating in horrifying detail.

Brenda whipped her head toward Tad and Rogue as a wave of panic almost swept her off her feet. Her eyes widened in sudden fear as she saw them paralyzed and holding hands, then she started after the two. "Tad!"

Logan was talking to someone who wanted to set up a training schedule for themselves, when he heard Brenda shout out Tad's name. His eyes flicked up, then without thinking he ran and shouldered Rogue away before anyone could react.

The broken contact caused Tad to roll his eyes back, and collapse unconscious to the ground with a tiny gasp. Brenda knelt by him and checked his pulse, and announced with relief. "He's fine."

Logan's hand hovered over Rogue, but didn't touch her. He was happy that Tad was still alive, but he was still worried. He'd better get both of them to Med-bay just in case. "Rogue? You alright?"

Rogue was shaking while holding her arms tightly around her legs, and whimpering. It was seconds later when she finally focused on Logan, and sobbed softly.

* * *

Tad awoke to find himself again in the Medical bay, and groaned as he tried to lift his head but couldn't. Why do I feel like I got hit by a semi? It all started with that girl ... What was her name? Ah, Rogue. He bit his tongue as he felt sore all over.

Logan got to his feet when he heard Tad groan. He stood there with a somber expression. He felt partially responsible for putting Tad here by pairing him with Rogue. He hadn't any idea that Rogue's powers would pick that time to come back, but then again, no one knew when the 'cure' would wear off.  "Hey. You feeling alright?"

Tad glanced to his left, and saw Logan, then felt confused and tongue tied at the same time. Why was Logan here? Words came slowly, as he replied, not quite looking at Logan. "Y-yeah. Just sore. What happened to me?" He rubbed his forehead with his palm, trying to ignore the pain in his muscles.

Logan sighed. "Rogue drained some of your life force. Don't blame her, she didn't know it was gonna happen. She thought her power was cured permanently."

That was small consolation for Tad as he laid there. It had felt like someone had slit his wrists and bled him to a coma. Tad shuddered internally and wondered how the hell she could live with her powers. The idea of never being able to touch anyone filled him with loneliness. He glanced up at Logan, then spoke quietly. "Oh. Is she okay?"

Logan nodded, while slightly plucking at the hem of his shirt unconsciously. "Sure, she'll bounce back. She's strong. They released her a couple hours ago." He had wanted to force Rogue to stay with him so she'd apologize, but he knew that she'd do it on her own in due time.

Tad closed his eyes. "So I've been out for...?"

Logan was silent for a second, then spoke. "About three hours. It's..." He glanced up at the clock at the far wall then back at Tad. "about seven p.m."

Tad didn't know what to say. "Oh. Um. Where's Brenda?"

Logan shrugged. "Eating dinner. Told her to eat, and that I'd stand in." He wanted to bury his nose into Tad's neck, but exercised remarkable restraint from doing so. Being in the same room with Tad made him itchy -- as if he were trying to burst through his skin, yet there was an odd calmness about it as well.  

Tad spoke quietly. "Ah. That's cool." He didn't want to meet Logan's eyes, because he wasn't certain he wanted to know if Logan did like him or not. Shifting his left knee upward, to at least preserve his own modesty, he rubbed his face tiredly. Tad didn't want Logan to see his erection that had risen in the last few minutes, even though a small corner of his mind already whispered that Logan had known already.

Logan took a deep breath and steeling himself for an answer he might not want to hear, then exhaled quietly. "So. What's on your mind?"

Tad abruptly glanced at him, feeling guilty. "Uh... I dunno. It's kinda personal."

Logan raised an eyebrow, then nodded once, deciding a change of subject might be prudent. 

"Alright. Um, you did pretty well today. I was keeping an eye on your practicing."

Tad pinked slightly at the compliment. "Thanks. Honestly, I've actually never went to a defense class before. It was different."

Logan chuckled, then sat down in the chair, and leaned backwards with nestled hands behind his head. "Oh really? Still, it wasn't that bad, was it?" His legs were splayed open carelessly, as he gazed at Tad.

Tad exhaled sharply, still feeling a little wrung out, as he started to sit up. He had a rueful grin on his face as he glanced at Logan. "I guess not." A moment later, he swallowed nervously when he noticed how sprawled out Logan was in his chair, and a nice sizeable bulge resided in those denim pants. He flushed deeply once he realized where his thoughts were going, then he quickly tore his gaze away.
Logan let himself inhale the sudden flare of sexual pheromones coming from Tad, and steeled himself into a stoic expression. He hadn't realized that his position could be considered provocative, but part of him was pleased that it took so little. Logan wondered what it was about himself that kept turning Tad on. It wasn't fair to lead Tad on though, so he sat up, and draped his arms across his knees while leaning forward. He stared at Tad before speaking bluntly. "What was the fight about? I saw your bruises when you fainted."

Tad withdrew within himself further. Logan was the last one he wanted to talk about this. "You don't need to hear about my problems."

Logan frowned, and got off the chair, then stood up stiffly. Why was Tad being so secretive, when it was obvious as day? He felt slightly hurt that Tad wouldn't just open up, but that was his choice. "Perhaps not. Well, I should get something to eat. She should be back any minute." He turned around and started to leave.

Tad blinked at the sudden edge of frostiness in Logan's voice, and realized that he'd offended him. He reached out and called out, "Wait! Um...I'm sorry. I'm just ...It's personal."

Logan slowed down, and turned around, with an expression transforming from deadpan to irritation. "I get that. We're all entitled to our secrets. Just get some rest and I'll see you around, maybe."  He turned around abruptly and left the Med-bay as Brenda walked in.


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