X-men: Mutant Awakening (Ch. 15)

Author's Note: Many thanks to Kindar! :) Btw, this is the last chapter (for now) until I do manage to finish off another chapter chronicling Tad and Logan's story.

Chapter 15

Tad's eyes opened the next morning to see drab light peeking through a slightly pulled aside curtain. He blinked slowly, and focused on the window, then realized it was cloudy. Covering his eyes with his arm, he laid there a few minutes longer, before sitting up wearily. His thoughts were muddled as he tried to recall the date. What day is it? Oh...yeah. Sunday. I guess I go home today.

That thought didn't fill him with as much appeal as it did two days ago. He slowly pushed the blanket aside, and trudged into the bathroom to take a shower.

Tad sat at the edge of the bed, pulling on his pants, when he heard a rap on the door. He sighed, and called out, "Hold on a minute!", then yanked them all the way up, buttoning them.
Walking barefoot, he walked to the door and unlocked it. "Come on in."

Brenda breezed into the room, and smiled. "Morning.." She frowned, taking in his body language, and sensed he was troubled. "Tad? What happened?"

Tad snorted, and crossed his arms. "I don't know. Logan ...well, attacked me, last night."

Brenda stared at him with wide eyes with a canary-eating grin. "You lucky man!"

Tad laughed weakly. "I don't know. We suddenly were making out... then ... I guess he got cold feet?"

Brenda's grin disappeared. "Damn."

Tad went to the window, and pulled aside the curtain, looking outside into the gloomy weather. He closed his eyes and sighed."Yeah. I'm not sure I want to deal with it. If he decides he wants to do more or to talk, rather than running off like last night, then I'll listen." He felt Brenda's hand squeeze his shoulder gently.

* * *

Tad wiped his face with a towel, as he walked to his room. Tonight's Danger Room session had left him exhausted just as it did everyday for the last three weeks. It had scarcely gave him time or energy to think at times. His days were busy with his job, and after dinner, he was off at the mansion practicing his teleportation. Even through the fatigue, he felt pride at the improvement he'd accomplished already. His power became less instinctual and more under his control as he trained with it.

It was good that he was constantly busy since his mind would inevitably wander back to Logan in those rare times when he wasn't. Where did you go, Logan? I hope you're safe wherever you are. Forcing his mind back to the training session to keep himself from falling into a funk again, he walked past the Grand Hall stairs.

It'd been another one with Brenda's friend, Marc, who she'd first introduced to him two weeks ago. Marc'd been there for several months. He was on the lanky side, with white hair, and piercing green eyes, and a charming personality. To Tad's surprise, belying his frail-looking appearance, Marc was capable of physically lugging a couple tons without much effort.

Even so, the three of them had their work cut out for them, as countless holographic monsters came out of the woodwork.

He yawned as he reached his door, and paused before walking into his room.

The door swung open and Tad flicked the light switch on, illuminating the room. His eyes clouded over as he remembered the last moment he'd seen Logan, then he shook his thoughts clear. Glancing at the clock on the nightstand, he blinked. Oh! I gotta hurry to meet up with Brenda in a bit, so we can grab something to eat. Ugh. I should take a quick shower first.

Fifteen minutes later, he'd wriggled into another change of clothes that he'd left here,heard a knock. Tad called out to the door."Hold on, I'm almost done." He tugged his pants on, and then his shirt. Making sure he was decent, he went to the door, and pulled it open, then blinked in surprise. "Oh, I wasn't expecting you. Come in, Professor. I just have to finish changing."

Xavier walked into the room, and smiled. "Thank you." He went straight for the chair in the corner, and made himself comfortable. Taking his cane, and holding it on his lap, he glanced around the room. "It appears that you have made yourself at home here."

Tad shrugged. "If you say so. I don't spend a lot of time here..."

Charles smiled softly. "You have. You have a few steadfast friends, particularly Brenda."

Tad sat on the bed, and smiled at the Professor in return. "Yeah. She's great."

Xavier nodded, then tapped his fingers on his cane. "Indeed. I came to ask... how do you think your training is progressing? Is the difficulty or schedule satisfactory for you?"

Tad chuckled ruefully. "Well, difficult enough -- although the schedule's perfect for me... I'm curious about one thing though..."

The Professor raised an eyebrow. "Yes, what is it?"

Tad took a deep breath. "Not that I have anything against it... it seems like all I've done is focus on teleporting...and that's not all I can do..."

Xavier nodded in understanding. "Ah, yes. That brings me to my next point - I wanted you to meet a colleague to help learn the limits of your healing ability."

Tad paused in his pulling his shoe halfway on, to look at the Professor. He wore a surprised smile. "Really? It's about time -- no offense, but I thought I'd be training both of them at once. So... Why haven't I been able to train my healing ability?"

Xavier chuckled and swung his cane to rest its' end on the floor. "That wasn't intended. My colleague wasn't able to break away from his duties until recently. He's intimately  knowledgeable in the subject of genetics, thus he would make an ideal tutor for you. He ought to be arriving tomorrow morning, which leads me to ask. Are you staying here overnight?"

Tad finished putting his shoes on, then nodded. "Yeah. Probably. I don't want to jump home really late tonight, so I thought I'd crash here until tomorrow sometime. If that's okay with you?" He still didn't quite feel like he was part of their family -- and was only there as a guest.

Charles wore an understanding smile. "Perfectly fine." He used the cane to get to his feet, and gestured to the room. "You know you are always welcome here. Oh, yes, come to my study about ten in the morning." He wore an expectant expression. "He should be here then."

When Charles didn't say anymore, a thought flitted through Tad's brain. He who? Tad spoke putting it out of his mind. "Sure. I'll be there."

Charles nodded, then smiled. "Have a pleasant evening." He then turned to the door and let himself out.

Tad watched the closed door, and frowned in speculation. His thoughts were interrupted by another knock, and Brenda's voice calling out, "Aren't you ready yet?" He shook his head, and finished tying up his shoes. "Yeah, gimme a second! The door's unlocked."

Brenda opened the door, wearing a cheerful smile. "Ready?"

Tad returned her smile with his own. "Yeah. Let's go."

* * *
They sat at their usual booth and chatted about inconsequential things. Popping an onion ring in his mouth, with his attention halfway on Brenda's voice, he darted a quick glance around the bar n' restaurant. When he didn't see a certain person, he returned his attention back to his plate trying not to feel disappointed.

Brenda paused, and shook her head. "Logan's not here. I'm sorry. I didn't see or feel him coming in."

Tad slumped backwards, not feeling all that hungry. He nudged his onion rings around with his finger, then stared at Brenda. "I miss him -- even if I haven't known him that long."

Brenda nodded. "I know. He shouldn't have taken off like that, but... I've heard that he does it now and then -- goes off to, well, think about things." She leaned forward, and gestured with her fry in her hand in the air. "You know, I don't think you should dwell on it too much -- if he's done this... perhaps he's gone off to think how to deal with his new feelings for you?" She popped the French fry in her mouth.

Tad exhaled gustily. "I hope so." His appetite was returning, so he picked up another onion ring, and nibbled at it. Time for an abrupt change of subject. His voice was teasing, as he spoke again. "So, what's the deal with Marc?"

Brenda suddenly choked, then swallowed hastily, and didn't meet his gaze. Her cheeks were reddened as she mumbled softly. "What about him?"

Tad chuckled. "So you do like him."

Before she could form a reply, the waiter came up to them, and set down a new glass of soda in front of Tad.

Tad frowned, pointing at the soda. "Hey - I didn't order a refill..."

The waiter, a tall lanky man, nodded with a smile. "A fella bought it for you."

Tad blinked with surprise. "Who?"

The waiter chuckled and pointed in the direction of a beefy man built like a brickhouse. "Him. I'll let you enjoy the rest of your meal."

Brenda followed the direction the waiter indicated then her eyes widened in amazement. When the waiter left them at the table, she leaned over the table. With a wink at him, she grinned. "Looks like you have an admirer. I haven't seen him before."

Tad swallowed nervously, as he briefly nodded in the brickhouse's direction. He saw the other guy raise his glass in an impossibly thick hand, and smile at him in return. Damn, how do I deal with this? I mean, who is he? He looks like he could crush me with one hand. Oh my god. He forced a smile on his face, and hissed softly. "He's coming over here!"

Brenda covered her chuckle up by stuffing her mouth with fries.

Almost abruptly, a tank of a man loomed over the two, holding his drink. He smiled hesitantly, and waved shortly. He tapped his glass lightly before speaking. "Name's Pedro. What's yours?"

Tad studied his plate, then forced himself to look up at Pedro after a sharp nudge under the table from Brenda's foot. His eyes widened as he quickly glanced up at Pedro who was wearing a formfitting tanktop, and jeans. Whoa. He's built like a brickhouse...those arms are HUGE. He flushed, then smiled nervously and said. "Oh. Uh, Tad. Nice to meet you. Oh, um, this is Brenda, a friend of mine." He gestured to her.

Pedro barely flicked a glance at her, and spoke, then focused back on Tad. "Nice to meet you."

Brenda rolled her eyes, and shook her head. She mumbled under her breath. "Jeez. Men."

Tad felt faintly embarrassed to be so focused on, and fidgeted with his food. "So... uh, thanks for the drink?"

Pedro chuckled, then sipped his drink. He said with a smile. "You're welcome. I don't bite...at least not too hard. Listen, wanna go out sometime?"

Tad blinked. He wants to ask ME out? He glanced into Pedro's warm brown eyes, and flushed, then nodded. "Uh, sure... " He glanced at Brenda, whose eyes were sparkling with laughter.

Pedro smiled toothily, and idly scratched his inch long goatee. "Great! Dinner here -- tomorrow? about eight? Oh yeah." He reached around to his back pocket, withdrew his wallet, and dug into it for a card. He put the card between his lips temporarily before tucking his wallet back in his pocket, then took it and handed it to Tad. "Here. It's my phone number -- if you wanna get in touch with me before tomorrow."

Tad took the card after a slight pause. Maybe I should at least go on a date with him - might help me get my mind off of Logan... He studied the card for a second, then smiled at Pedro - "I'm afraid I don't have a card for myself...? I don't have a pen either."

Pedro's hand waved at Tad in reassurance. "No problem! Just call me. I'll add your number."

Tad smiled faintly, then shrugged. "Okay. Cool..."

Pedro's gaze lingered on Tad, then he stepped back, and cleared his throat. "Ah, sorry. I should let you two alone - Tomorrow then, Tad." His eyes twinkled with flirtation, as he turned to leave.

Tad held his breath slightly as Pedro left, then relaxed. He closed his eyes and shook his head. "...Damn. I don't know if I really want to go."

Brenda chuckled drily, making Tad look at her with an annoyed scowl. "You do like them brawny, don't you. Way to go, stud."

Tad grumbled. "Quiet you." He sighed, and studied the card up close, then looked at her. "Well. We'll see how it goes -- You didn't feel anything off about him, did you?"

Brenda stifled mirthful laughter with her mouth, and shook her head. When she was able to compose herself, she spoke. "He seems as he is. Genuinely hot for your ass. But there was a glimmer of interest in you - not just physical. I could have picked that up without reading him."

Tad leaned back, and took another onion ring, nibbling it thoughtfully. "Hmm. Okay, okay. I admit, he's a looker, but..."

Brenda popped another fry in her mouth, nodding all the while. "Yeah. I know. You can always pop out if you absolutely have to leave if he does anything you don't like."

Tad finished off the onion ring in his hand. He said with reluctant agreement. "That's true. I really should stop waiting for Logan -- I have no idea if he's ever going to come back. If he does -- great. Maybe he'll talk to me then. If not, his loss."

Brenda spoke quietly. "Yeah."

Silence filled the table as they started to polish off their food.


(Previous Chapter) (Next Chapter?? – Still working on it)


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