X-men: Mutant Awakening (Ch. 6)

Author's Note: Major Kudos to deathklat again for suggestions, and tips and help on the dream sequence. :) Big thanks to Kindar for being so kind to critique this before I submitted it to another site. :)

Chapter 6

Logan walked hurriedly to his room - five doors down. He was trying to relax, but tension had coiled into his muscles after talking to Tad. He gritted his teeth as he threw the door open and nearly slammed it shut after him.

He rubbed his face vigorously and snarled, smelling Tad on his hands. He abruptly wiped his hands on his pants in a futile effort to get them free of his scent. "Dammit. What has he done to me?"
He refused to pleasure himself even though his dick wanted it. In no way would he jerk himself off while wanting Tad. He had to find some other way to relax, but his libido wouldn't leave him alone. After several exhales, he managed to will his erection into softness, and grunted in relief.
He still felt his nerves restless, and decided to try the Danger Room again. Maybe it'd help distract me...

* * *

After two grueling hours in the Danger Room, he panted quietly. He was exhausted, but he knew it was worth it -- even after dialing up the difficulty higher than this afternoon.

Dripping with sweat, he stepped in the locker room and wiped himself off with a towel. Logan walked to a different elevator on the far right corridor, one that would take him up to the hallway right near his room. He didn't really want to face or smell Tad anymore tonight.

Riding the elevator was quick as always -- and the doors swished open silently. Logan stepped out into the gloom of the darkened hallway, and went into his room.

Logan slowly pulled all of his clothes off, and crawled into bed under the blankets. His eyes stared at the ceiling as he started breathing slowly. He could still smell Tad's fading scent nearby on his clothes.


He closed his eyes as he slowly drifted off to slumber.

* * *

Logan was in another place and time.

He crouched behind a tall rock, watching two men -- one of which he knew, but couldn't place. Confused as to why they were talking quietly, and it frustrated him to not be able to overhear them, Logan knew he had to get closer.

Logan saw a closer rock outcropping behind them, then moved as silently as he could for his young age to it. Once there, his ears finally caught some words from the man whose face he couldn't see.
"We can't do this anymore. 'Tis not proper."

The taller man smiled crookedly. Logan frowned as the man was naggingly familiar to him. "Oh it feels good. Admit it."

Logan's eyebrows pressed together in confusion as the speaker leaned forward and kissed the other man gently, then hungrily. He was frozen to that spot, and watched the other man moan and shudder, then returning the kisses with equal fervor. Logan felt warmth in his secret area, and realized he had become stiff. And it felt good. He was entranced by the two men, but didn't know why.

* * *

Logan's eyes snapped open into the darkness. Wha-?! He became acutely aware that he was throbbing like mad, and saturating his stomach with cooling precum. Still sleepy, he growled softly and resisted touching himself. As his mind revisited the dream, he bolted up in bed and widened his eyes.

One of these men looked like Tad -- but it wasn't him. It couldn't be him. An inner voice whispered to him that it couldn't possibly be the same person. A question flitted through his mind; did he just remember something of his past?

He fell back on the bed with a loud sigh. Logan stared at the ceiling in confusion. His dreams usually meant something, but he wasn't so sure about this one. Did this dream mean he had liked guys at one point in time? And forgotten it? Did it matter?  He'd always fancied himself the ladies' man, but now...why now?

Now the big question was -- what was he supposed to do about Tad?

The answer came to him suddenly. Nothing. If he didn't get involved, then he'd not risk getting his heart hurt again. He didn't want to risk the same thing happening to Tad just because of what happened with Jean.

He stared at the ceiling, and scratched his chest hair for a second, feeling relieved that his erection had subsided into softness. His eyes slowly blinked until they finally closed again, as he breathed slowly, dropping into a deep, dreamless sleep.

* * *

Tad suddenly woke from a restless sleep. His eyes couldn't see a thing in the room, and he was panting heavily. His dreams had been strangely erotic but for the life of him, he couldn't remember what they were about.

His dick was throbbing against his belly, even though he had jerked off once or twice earlier this evening. He let his breathing slow down to regular, deep breaths. He wasn't quite sure why he was still horny, but he had a fair guess as to why.

Tad rubbed his nose and his eyes with his arm wearily. He glanced at the alarm clock on the nightstand, and groaned. Figures! It'd have to be one in the morning! He retreated under his blanket again, and with a sigh, stared at the ceiling. He was exhausted, and was not really in the mood to jerk off. His mind kept running in circles thinking about Logan and the test until he finally fell asleep. 

* * *

Bright sunlight peeked through half-opened curtains directly into Tad's eyes, making him wince in protest. He tried to cover his head with the pillow, but the alarm rang making him murmur a soft curse.

Forcing his eyes open, he turned toward the clock and tapped the snooze button. He laid there staring at the clock, and realized it was half past eight o'clock. Tad closed his eyes and mentally willed himself awake reluctantly. Ugh...mornings suck. He pulled the covers off, and grunted, sitting up. His head still felt groggy even though he was more or less awake. Tad yawned widely, and slid off the bed onto his feet, then padded into the bathroom to get ready.

As he glanced at the mirror, he gasped at his reflection. To his surprise, he looked whole and healthy -- as if he never had gotten beaten up. Even though Ororo and Logan had noticed his rapid healing, it had still been a bit unreal for him. Until now.

He stared speculatively at himself in the mirror. Knowing he was a mutant was one thing, but accepting it? This healing power could possibly be useful, but he still wasn't sure what to do with his new 'powers'. Thankfully he still looked the same -- he'd seen other mutants on the news with physical differences because of their mutation. It might be easier for him to deal with it.

Tad shook his head to clear his thoughts, and started running water for the shower.

A half hour passed as he showered and got dressed. The shower woke him up fully, but he still wanted some soda to perk him up. He idly wondered if he ought to try to retrace his steps to get to the kitchen for something quick to eat as well. Tad felt his stomach rumble lightly, and knew he didn't want to do anything without eating.

He tucked his duffel bag out of the way into the corner. The idea of testing filled him with nervousness -- partly because he was wondering what exactly to expect, and the other part was the idea of actually using his 'powers'. He had no real idea of exactly how to use them. He hoped he'd be able to use his powers, whatever they were.

Tad walked out of his room, locking the door behind him. It took him a second to get his bearings and start off on the path that he remembered taking from the kitchen to his room.

Tad reached the entrance to the kitchen, then suddenly stopped, feeling uncomfortably shy. He felt lust begin to stir in his loins as he stared at Logan eating some breakfast. He suddenly felt like he shouldn't intrude, and was about to go somewhere else.

Logan's eyes darted toward Tad, then he stopped eating. He nodded at Tad, then jerked his head in the direction of the fridge. "Hey. Go ahead. I'm almost done."

Tad felt slightly foolish and stepped toward the kitchen's island. "Uh, sure." He wasn't sure he wanted to turn his back on Logan as he was wearing a tight white t-shirt that displayed a generous amount of muscle. And hair on his arms. He swallowed lightly, feeling his throat dry up. It was almost a scary reminder that Logan could easily pulverize him, but he was also ruggedly attractive.

He tore his gaze away and tried to clear his thoughts by peeking into the fridge.

Logan glanced at him, smelling Tad's attraction in spite of his attempt at hiding it. He had decided to do nothing, but deciding and wanting were vastly different things. Logan just polished off his meal, appearing not to pay attention to Tad.

Tad closed his eyes, and tried to breathe normally. After a minute of composing himself, he opened his eyes, and skimmed the shelves to see what they'd offer for breakfast. His eyes lit up on an opened package of frozen waffles, pulled it out of the freezer and put them by the toaster. He peeked inside the refrigerator side and found some maple syrup and was pleased to find a can of Diet Coke as well. Placing them on the counter, he realized he had no idea where the plates and forks were. Tad groaned inwardly, knowing he was going to have to ask.

Tad turned around, and was surprised. Logan was not at the table, and had moved to the sink. He felt awkward asking for help; he couldn't very well eat waffles off the counter. "Um... "

Logan glanced backwards over his shoulder. "Yeah?"

Tad had trouble getting his words out, but managed to form a coherent reply. "W-where are the plates and forks?"

Without looking, Logan gestured with his thumb. "Above the toaster and to your left in the top drawer."

Tad nodded. "T-thanks."

Logan's voice warmed slightly as he dried off the rest of his plate. "Enjoy your breakfast."
"Um, thanks again." Tad spoke quietly, then went searching for what he needed. He placed them on the counter next to the toaster.

Logan accidentally brushed up against Tad's side as he started to put the dishes away and felt Tad reflexively jerk away.

Tad flushed as Logan bumped against him, and was treated to a view of Logan's back. He stared as Logan stretched upward, putting the plate away.

Logan turned around to see Tad abruptly staring at the toaster with light pink on his face. He suddenly felt uncomfortable with the scent of desire clinging to Tad. He decided that now might be a good time to get out of there. He smiled politely. "I'll see you around."

Tad exhaled in relief after Logan left the kitchen. No matter that he was attracted, Logan simply reminded him of them. He sighed, wishing things could be simpler. The waffles recaptured his attention by popping up well toasted, teetering between perfect and burned.

He snagged the waffles from the toaster, and smothered them in syrup before digging in. After enjoying his breakfast and soda, he scrubbed his dishes and dried them, then put them away where he'd found them. Tad took care to clean the counter before leaving the kitchen. He tossed the empty can into a recycling bin that he found at the opposite wall.

Going back to his room, he went in and tidied up to kill a few more minutes. After straightening up the bed, he glanced at the clock, and grunted in annoyance. He needed a distraction. Tad's eye was caught by the book Brenda had given him the other night. He'd enjoyed what he had read before putting it away for the night. Tad took it from the night-stand and started reading again.

He was so caught up in the book, that he didn't hear the knock at first. Tad jerked his head up at the door at a firm knocking sound. That must be Ororo! He slipped the sleeve onto the page he was reading then closed the book, leaving it on the bed. Tad quickly reached the door, then opened it.
Ororo smiled at Tad. "Good! You're ready to go, then?"

Tad nodded, feeling nervousness grip his stomach. "I suppose so."

Both of them took the main elevator down to the Underground level.


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