X-men: Mutant Awakening (Ch. 5)

Author's Note: Thanks to Kindar for his ever continuing help!

Chapter 5

Ororo and Tad were in the kitchen, conversing in quiet voices. They had a frozen pizza baking in the oven, as Brenda wandered into the kitchen, led by her nose. Her tone was a mocking scorn, even though her eyes were twinkling with amusement. "Pizza? After the work I went to making your lunch!"

Ororo chuckled, teasing Brenda by rolling her eyes. "Oh, just sit down. I just thought I'd take pity on him and make something simple -- my cooking is passable enough, but I don't feel like doing any tonight."

Tad shrugged. They were feeding him -- at least it wasn't gourmet food, then he might feel a smidgen of guilt.

Brenda glanced at him, but said nothing.
Fifteen minutes later, the supreme pizza steamed on the pan, as Ororo cut it into eight pieces. She knew that she probably would only need one piece but Brenda and Tad probably would polish the rest of it off. Pizza wasn't one of her favorite meals, but she did like eating it now and then. It made her feel like she was eating decadently sometimes. At least she'd be able to work it off during a good bout in the Danger Room.

Brenda left her seat, and brought plates back for each of them, and eagerly dug into the pizza.

Tad was a little slower, then selected a piece at random, and started eating. He had seen the abundant loads of food stocked in the fridge, but it didn't mean he had to inhale all his portion. Besides, he wasn't starving at the moment, just slightly preoccupied.

This place was fantastic -- it seemed to combine the best of technology and history with the top portion like a gigantic mansion with rooms for classes, and the underground area... Now that was impressive -- what he could see and was told about a little was amazing enough. And he hadn't had the full tour yet. All that ran through his head as he polished off his first piece of pizza.

Ororo studied him as she pecked at her toppings, before eating the slice with cheese remaining on it.

On first impressions, Tad was quiet, but reasonably attractive. Add to that, Brenda's unwavering support since the two of them met, made for someone who was worthy of becoming one of their members -- eventually. Goddess knew they could use another teleporter, but they had to put him through his paces, after all, and that would be done the next day.

Tad vaguely noticed that Ororo had been staring at him, and felt slightly embarrassed so he just focused on eating without saying anything.

Brenda was vastly amused by the whole thing while inhaling her second large piece.

Tad wasn't sure if he was hungry anymore. Oh, he liked eating it, but thinking about meeting those other mutants had diminished his appetite slightly out of nervousness. "I'm, um, done."

Brenda glanced at Tad. "We can always put it in some foil and put it in your mini-fridge for later, if you get hungry again."

Tad cocked his head in surprise. "There's a fridge in my room?"

Ororo nodded as she answered the question. "Each student has one in their room for snacks and some beverages. They're not big, but it helps if you're hungry or thirsty and don't want to bother other people while they're sleeping."

He nodded. "I guess that makes sense."

Brenda took the rest of the pizza without a word and wrapped up the remaining slices with foil. "I'll take it up to your room. I'll meet you back in the lounge later."

Tad nodded once. "Okay."

* * *

Once all the dishes were washed, dried then put away, and the pizza box thrown out, Ororo showed him the lounge. She stepped toward the sliding doors, then turned around to look at Tad with a reassuring smile. "Tad? It's okay. They won't hurt you." 

Tad had hesitated behind her, feeling a bit out of place as he saw all the younger people chatting on a couch, and some playing pool. He wasn't sure if he wanted to meet them... he had nothing in common with any of them... Tad finished that thought with a rueful one, other than being a mutant... He shook his head. "Yeah." Tad took the next step toward her, and both of them went inside.

Two people looked up from the pool as they noticed Ororo and an uncertain looking man in his late twenties.

Ororo stopped at the pool table, studying the formation of the pool balls and smiled. "Hey Kevin, Bess."

Kevin had bright red hair, and was cropped short. He was also wearing a baggy shirt that looked several sizes too big for him, along with cargo pants.

Kevin nodded his head once, "Yo. What's up?"

Bess smiled shyly and nodded when her name was mentioned. She had long dark auburn hair, with sparkling green eyes. Her figure was slightly plump.

Ororo turned to gesture to Tad. "I want you guys to meet Tad -- he's a new arrival."

Bess waved her hand with a small grin. "Nice to meet you."

Kevin grinned and stuck his hand out, which Tad took tentatively, and felt his hand being shook with a rather strong grip. "Welcome to Mutant High."

Tad nodded, trying not to blush. "Thanks." He felt slightly more at ease once Kevin let go of his hand. Perhaps Ororo was right -- that the people here were nice and friendly. If only he weren't so damned shy.

Kevin smiled again, and studied the pool table, considering his strategy to sink the next ball. He glanced at Tad curiously.

"So, what's your power, man? Here's mine."

A remarkable sight greeted Tad's eyes as he watched Kevin close his eyes in concentration.

Kevin's hair slowly grew to his shoulders, and his chest filled out into breasts. His face shifted from a rounded shape into a more feminine, triangular face. 

Tad stared open-mouthed as Kevin completed his changes, and opened his eyes.

He was at a loss for words and was saved by Ororo's next comment. This freak -- No, this mutant can flip genders! He mentally corrected himself -- they were still people like him.

Ororo smiled brightly. "We're not quite sure yet. He still needs to be tested -- and that's tomorrow. Tonight he's our guest and I'm showing him around."

Kevin glanced at Ororo and then at Tad; he shrugged lightly. It wasn't that important even though he knew Tad was nervous about something. Kevin didn't get the 'dangerous' vibe that he occasionally did when mutants from the Brotherhood attack the mansion. If Ororo thought it prudent to not mention it, it was probably a good idea to drop the matter.

Ororo murmured within Tad's earshot as she led him out, "That's Kitty and Jason on the couch. They've been dating for a few months now. You can meet them later if you want."

The two of them reached the grand stairs, and she turned to Tad. "I'll show you your room now. I know it's been a busy day, but...there's not a whole lot else to do until tomorrow."

Tad rubbed his forehead with slightly more weariness. "I see."

Ororo nodded, and led him into another hallway to the other side of the grand staircase to a door. "We don't ordinarily do this, but you get your own room."

She opened the unlocked door and gave him the key. "Only you have the key, other than Professor Xavier to be used for extreme emergencies."

Tad took the key, with a sense of guilt, thinking he was getting preferential treatment. "I-I see. Um... where are the student's rooms?"

Ororo pointed behind her. "On the other side of the wing. You're on the teacher's side -- there's no single rooms available over there. I hope that's fine?"

Tad nodded, seeing it now as simple practicality. "Yeah, that's fine."

Ororo inclined her head once. "Well, I'll leave you alone. Brenda might stop by later. I think she had something she wanted to give you."

Tad raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "Oh? Um, okay. I guess I won't lock the door until she stops by."

Ororo spoke once more before she left. "How's ten in the morning for your testing?"

He shrugged and tucked the key in his pocket. "I guess so."

Ororo smiled. "Alright. Be ready to go. The bathroom's behind the right side door."

Tad nodded as Ororo walked away into another section of the mansion. He turned around to look into his room, and blinked. It resembled a small one-room apartment -- with the bed in the main room, but also a desk and two doors one straight ahead, and one to the right side past the bed.

He spied the small fridge tucked away in the corner wall to the left of the bed. If he hadn't been told, he'd have sworn that it was a pretty piece of furniture - perhaps a cabinet.

Tad walked around, marveling at the details -- the place was neat, and had a nice motif -- remaining neutral allowing the guest or member to decorate as they wished. He finally noticed the bed -- it seemed to be a comfortable double-sized bed, and his duffel bag was lying on top of it with a note. Tad picked up the note, wondering what it said.

Hey Tad,
I tucked away your pizza in the minifridge, and I had to go somewhere, but I should be back soon.
Don't go anywhere until I get back, 'k?
-- Brenda

Tad chuckled. She was being vague, but he suspected she had run out and bought something for him, and he hoped she hadn't gone overboard. He dropped the note back on the duffel bag, and sat at the corner of the bed, undoing his shoes. Sighing in relief as his shoes tumbled off his feet. They weren't sore, but it was nice to wriggle his toes. He massaged his feet for a moment, and suddenly felt someone watching.

He glanced up and saw Brenda with her hands behind her back. She had a grin on her face. "I guess you like your room?"

Tad chuckled softly, gesturing to the room. "It's great. I wasn't expecting something like this."

Brenda grinned and came in. "Yeah, it's awesome. The students' rooms are shared rooms -- at least two or three students per room. I share mine with two others."

Tad nodded, looking at her shrewdly. "I see... Are you sure I'm not getting special treatment?"

Brenda shook her head in a way that Tad had to believe her. "No. I'm positive. All the adult students have at least two or three roommates in their rooms. There's simply no room."

Tad shrugged slightly. "I had to be sure. It just felt like it a couple times today."

She smiled gently, and stepped closer to Tad. "I got you something -- I think you'll like it." Brenda thrust a brown-paper bag with something inside and once it was in Tad's hands, he knew it was a book of some sort.

Tad raised his eyebrows. "A book?"

Brenda's smile held a secret as she nodded for him to look.

Tad reached into the bag and drew out the book, and with growing surprise and delight, he read the cover.

The slick book cover read "Reflex", by Steven C Gould -- and with growing excitement, 'sequel to Jumper'

His eyes grew wider as he darted a glance at her. "No way. He wrote a sequel?"

Brenda chuckled heartily. "Yep. I had thought the book looked familiar, but Reflex was what I was thinking about, actually. I went to the nearest bookstore in town and found it."

Tad was quite speechless, and couldn't think of anything to say for several seconds. He glanced up at her, and blushed. "Thank you."

Brenda stepped backwards, smiling with pleasure. "You're welcome. I hope you like the book."

Tad glowed as he held the book. "I am sure I will."

Brenda ducked her head as she waved. "I gotta get going. Homework, you know."

Tad still had a smile on his face as she disappeared around the door.  He walked to the door and shut it firmly.

* * *

Logan was lost in his thoughts, and not really paying attention to where he was going. Fortunately everyone who even knew who Logan was tended to give him a wide berth whenever he seemed to not be paying attention.  His thoughts had been heavily focused on trying to figure out why he was so distracted -- as far as he knew, he hadn't met Tad before today.

Without really realizing it, he had been walking toward the room that he used to stay at the mansion. His step faltered as the familiar scent hit his nose again.  Darting his eyes left and right to check if anyone was watching, and making sure he was alone. The scent was tantalizing and muddied at the same time. He could also smell Ororo's unique spicy musk, and the younger girl's scent overlapping Tad's own.

He growled under his breath. They dared to give him her old room in this wing? Didn't they have enough room with the students? Irrationality made his fists clench involuntarily as this was Jean's old room. He stepped forward, and inhaled deeply, feeling conflicted. Jean's scent was slowly fading away, and Tad's own was strong and sharply defined. That irritated him so much that he couldn't think straight.

Logan didn't really want engage him in conversation -- but Tad was supposed to be in Med Bay overnight. Why was he in her room? Logan poised his hand over the door, then knocked several times, and stepped backward.

* * *

Tad glanced up at the door, wondering who that could be. He opened the door a crack, then stopped in surprise as the door swung open wider. He wasn't sure if he wanted to trust the big man, but Logan hadn't done anything to him yet.

Logan put a polite smile on his face, but he could see something was different about Tad. "I wanted to see if you were finding things alright?" He stepped up to Tad, feeling the attractive pheromones flood his nose then dimly realized it was almost purely Tad's own scent, but his own lust was also reacting and flickering into a slow rampage. That was enough to snap him out of it and mentally shift gears.

He covered up his discomfiture by snagging Tad's chin in his hand and looked at him from side to side slowly. He was instantly suspicious when Tad's face had no trace of his earlier injury, and he seemed healthy. He frowned at Tad. "Hmm... Didn't you come in with bruises and a head injury?"

Tad's breathing became shallow the moment Logan had held his chin, and felt slightly unnerved.
Logan found himself liking the soft texture of Tad's scruffy goatee and quickly released him. He saw that Tad was uncomfortable, and squirming under his glance.

"U-uh, yes. Ororo cleared me, put me in this room -- she thinks I have some sort of healing ability too..."

Logan shrugged, suddenly quiet for a minute. So they had given him her old room. Perhaps it was time for him to move on...  He pasted a smile on his face before he spoke. "I see. That's lucky then. I should leave you alone, then." He was reluctant to leave, as he stared at Tad without another word for a second or two.

Tad looked confused, wondering why Logan was acting weird.

Logan started feeling his loins swell into his pants, and panicked, then he turned around, leaving the room, wanting to make a quick exit before it showed.

Tad frowned, as he closed the door again. Was Brenda right? Was he smitten? If so, it probably was a good thing Logan didn't notice...

He shook his head and half-wished his bed didn't look so empty tonight.


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